Signal Wave
Submitted by Cant Stop the M... on Mon, 10/04/2021 - 5:22pm
Having been called an asshole by one of our communitarians provides the impetus to comment. Sob, sob (I feel better now, thank you). Sticks and stones, et cetera.
now open for biz! Well, mostly.
Steven D posted a message to some of us here to gauge the interest in any c99 individuals interested in posting a podcast once or twice a week, or just once a month, even, as the mood strikes. For those interested pods need to be limited to 10-15 mins. max., but they can be as short as 3 or 4 minutes. Totally up to you, the c99 podcaster.
Medicare for All is not single payer, so media or politicos using the term single-payer are wrong.
The insurance companies should be jumping at the bit for Medicare for all, a windfall bonanza of new Medigap plans that are profitable; in fact, competition in the Medigap market is fierce and healthy. Imagine 300 million paying the monthly premiums in such a program.
Hey folks, DMW here, announcing the third PDX meetup for C99.
Last two were a blast, and hope that we can continue the fun run here.
Time: 3PM, Sunday, September 10th
Place: The Lucky Labrador,
915 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
Portland, OR 97214
A while back I wrote this articleCaucus 99% is a University. Since then events have proven me correct. Case in point, my recent essay raising questions about Islam.
Yesterday, the following essay was posted, which raised a number of vexing questions. The article's main body were 6 issues or questions which has not only perplexes the author but many others. An extensive comment thread was generated. That's good. Good debates spawn either critical reasoning or emotion.
Just finished watching the PBS film "The Last Laugh," and was piqued to watch the Chaplin film in its entirety for the first time tonight. The reason I'm aware of the speech is because it went viral during Occupy and it moved me deeply. I see it again as being pretty much a perfect video for these times, and for the C99 family to relish and take inspiration from.
After multiple requests by others in California, our first reported California meeting occurred it the beautiful college town of San Luis Obispo (California Polytechnic University--aka Cal Poly). Located almost halfway between San Diego and Eureka, 10 miles inland from the coast, this is an ideal location for meetings. Lots of fine restaurants. Only 1/4th mile off the 101.
Locale information: San Luis Obispo.
After days, weeks, even months of surfing the intertubes (well, actually alligators don't surf) I have come across many websites on YouTube. Some are absolutely looney, and I am not talking about Alex Jones (although he is definitely "out there"). If you like conspiracy theories, you will have your heart's delight. Now, I do frequent the "Amen Corner" such as TYT, Jimmy Dore, Humanist, Secular Talk, and the Sane Progressive.