The Aspie Corner's blog

Farron Cousins is a Jackass. Again.


So this son of a bitch whines about typical bourgeoisie behavior, and then goes and tells us we have to participate in bourgeoisie controlled elections in order to 'vote the fuckers out' as it were. We did that in 2006 and in 2008 and we got crumbs anyway.

A Community of Misfits...I l Like It.

Over the last day or so we've been arguing over which generation sucks more. But reading this particular comment from Pluto's Republic got me to thinking....

You will never pass for a Boomer, no matter how hard you try.


You're nothing like them. You would never fit in. So why try to identify as one?

We don't have any Boomers at c99. Not a single one. You can find plenty of them in DC.

Dipshit's (And Capitalist Party USA) Budget is Codified Class Warfare


If this doesn't show that the mask is off for this fuckin' porky capitalist empire, nothing will.

Don't expect the Porky Dems to offer anything other than empty token resistance to this shit because the entire Capitalist Party USA is for it.

Why Does This Sound Like A Pyramid Scheme?

This morning one of my in-laws sent me this via email:

Ever Considered Working From Home?

Melissa Johnson from New Jersey never thought that she would work online, until curiosity got the best of her and she filled out a simple online form. Before she knew it, she discovered her secret to beating the recession, and being able to provide for her family while at home with her three children.

In Capitalist 'Murica, We Are Defined by Our Jobs

So this morning I had to go see the psychologist in order to see the psychiatrist because I haven't been able to refill my meds. And so for the last month I've been irritable and have had to deal with symptoms of Vertigo (Dizziness and ringing in the ears). This happens any time I go off my meds cold turkey because of the way scripts work when you aren't insured.

Fish Hook Politics: Why We Will Never Have A Say In 'Murican Politics

As I have said before and will say until I'm blue in the face, anyone who thinks that 'Murica has even a tiny hint of a left-wing hasn't been paying attention. That hasn't stopped centrists and right-wingers from whining about it, though at this point, it's difficult to tell who's doing more whining between the two groups who enable and give cover to one another at the end of the day.
