The Aspie Corner's blog

While Everyone Was Crying Over Alex Jones

I posted a couple of videos on this morning's open thread, but I think they bear posting in their own essay as well.

People seem to conveniently forget that capitalist corporations are the ones de-platforming Alex Jones, not the government. You wanna see actual government censorship? Well, there's Pravda Media:


Remind Me Never to Use Craigslist Again

All I wanted to do was sell an item I wasn't using anymore. I got some jackass who tried to defraud me with a clearly phony cashier's check "threatening legal action" because I refused to go along with the Western Union fraud they were trying to set up. I already verified that the check was fraudulent at a local bank before I even did anything (meaning I didn't even cash it), so I don't see how such a thing is possible.

My Name is Mike, and I Have an Anger Problem.

I've been hearing that from everyone, both here and in real life. And....maybe people are right. It's not the first time I've heard it, either, but this time I had to hear it from my wife, who's been too scared to say anything (her mom almost called my mom to come and get me). You know you've hit bottom when something like that happens.

Exhaustion Sucks

Emotional, mental and physical exhaustion are all I seem to have been acquainted with over the last six years. I put in a lot of work to overcome my disabilities in terms of employment and long-term unemployment and abject boredom/lack of any stability and routine with no hope of escape or relief are the thanks I get for my trouble. If you don't think this shit can exhaust someone, I've got a bridge to sell you.

Business Degrees Are Bullshit

I communicate with my grandmother via email from time to time. In the last email exchange we had we talked about my long-term joblessness situation and returning to college. She actually suggested I go into something more 'marketable' like 'business'. I told her database work and programming are some of the few things I'm actually decent at.

Interviews Suck

So I had an interview yesterday afternoon. Wasn't but 20 minutes and I probably spent longer getting to and from via Lyft than at the actual interview. I didn't bother to tell my employment specialist until after the fact because HR looks down on ES types accompanying folks like me to interviews. Such a thing causes them to go "in a different direction."

The Whining of a Dying Economic and Military Empire

Why do I call it whining? Simple. Because on one side you have a bunch of angry white guys bitching about how we'll be a minority by 2040, along with the usual 'JEWJEWJEW' crap they attach to it while ignoring the fact that our imperialist actions led to mass migrations to start with. And besides, Israel is our client state, not the other way around. They serve our interests in the region and they get aid. That's how vassals work.

Unemployment Hell

That's basically what my life is. Sure, I live in a nice enough place and I can get to most places I need to with a golf cart or motorized quad cycle, I'm married and have a cat, but all that is pointless in the eyes of a 'real world' that views people like me as nothing more than a useless eater all because through no fault of my own getting any job I'm actually trained to do is all but impossible.
