The Aspie Corner's blog

Things That Would Have Happened No Matter Who Won in 2016

There are some out there who say we'd be better off with a Billary presidency. I would like to compile a list of things that would have gone to shit regardless of who was president:

1. Net Neutrality Repeal

Some people don't think this would have happened under Billary, but considering Comcast and Verizon were among her largest bribe bundlers, they would have expected a huge return on investment had her pied-piper strategy played out as intended.

The 1%


There is 1% of the population in the United States who have never had to do anything for themselves at any point in their lives. They have never worked real jobs. They have never struggled. They have never had to choose between food or medicine. They have never had to worry about whether their kids go without.

The Internet Sucks. There, I Said It.

Why does the internet suck? Because it's made conversation about any subject literally impossible. For all the hope and wonder our parents and grandparents had about technology, it's all gone to shit. The positive future envisioned by Star Trek was instead replaced with the dystopian one envisioned by The Terminator, Blade Runner, The Purge, The Hunger Games and so on.

What Health Insurance?

I keep getting emails from that read something like this:

The one and only deadline to apply for 2018 coverage is next week, and you have not yet submitted your application. Come back to and apply for coverage starting January 1.

Remember: All Marketplace plans offer essential benefits, such as emergency room visits and prescription drug coverage, as well as preventive care including important shots and screenings.

My Indignant Response to People Who Use Autism as an Insult

This is something I've noticed over the years, especially in comment sections (Youtube is by far the worst), online gaming, and other cyber spaces where people gather. I'd like to know just what the hell compels keybord warriors on various sites to use autism, autistic, or autist as an insult. It's no different than calling someone a retard or retarded.

Farron Cousins is an Idiot (Drumpf Wants Gov Shutdown)


To make a long story short, Farron Cousins says that if the government were to shut down because Drumpf and ConservaDems can't find a way to screw the rest of us, it would cost him and the Repigs politically. My ass.
