The Aspie Corner's blog

Rethinking My Career

It's become quite obvious to me that the tech world will always be denied to me in terms of career or livelihood, and all because of things I deal with on a daily basis that are well beyond my ability to control. I started seeing this years ago, yet I chose to live in denial all that time. And I went through quite a bit only to find out the barrier to entry is impossible to break.

Hiring Managers and Head Hunters Can Kiss My Ass.

There are people out there who say that the job of the hiring manager is to get the most qualified person for the job. But anyone who has tried to get a job in a skilled field knows that's bullshit.

In fact, I've had a guy tell me point blank that one of the reasons his firm never hired black folks was because they didn't read the Wall Street Journal where the want ads for said firm were posted. And this was decades ago.

Ring of Fire Posts Clickbait.....After Whining About Clickbait.

Boy oh boy, the centrist right-wing enabler channel Ring of Fire posted a video saying Mueller is closing in on the Porky Dem Pied Piper....which is the same stupid shit they've been spewing for months.


And they posted this after whining about Clickbait here:

The Transparent Aluminum Floor and the Broken Glass

When it comes to getting a job here in Flawer-Duh, unless you have a driver's license or are able-bodied, the only thing you can ever hope for is sucking dick for packing peanuts and a slice of moldy, stale bread if you're lucky, all while looking up at the transparent aluminum floor you'll never break with no hope of escape. That is Flawer-Duh for the poorly connected, non-white, and disabled.

Mike Malloy Doesn't Understand Why People Dislike Hillary Clinton


Mike Malloy is a guy I once respected when it came to independent voices in the media. Then Billary 2016 happened and he joined the bandwagon of bashing Sanders supporters and third party voters. And he's still doing it now, as you can see here.

The 21st Century Gilded Age and Dust Bowl

Human Rights are at a lower point now than they ever were. What we're going through today would make the Roarin' 20s and Ancient Egypt look like post World War II America by comparison. Labor rights? Please. We're all just independent contractors. We don't even have the right to bathroom breaks because bathroom breaks make Jeff Bezos have a shit fit. Just ask the delivery drivers who have to piss in bottles or shit in bags just to make deliveries on time.

I'm Sick Of This Generational Warfare Crap


Disclaimer: This does not apply to anyone here, but is rather a general observation on how younger generations are viewed on and offline. If I offend anyone here I apologize in advance, but frankly this kind of generational bullshit needs to be called out for what it is.
