Fish Hook Politics: Why We Will Never Have A Say In 'Murican Politics
As I have said before and will say until I'm blue in the face, anyone who thinks that 'Murica has even a tiny hint of a left-wing hasn't been paying attention. That hasn't stopped centrists and right-wingers from whining about it, though at this point, it's difficult to tell who's doing more whining between the two groups who enable and give cover to one another at the end of the day.
Case in point? The term 'alt-left', which the centrists gladly gifted to the fucksticks who call themselves the 'alt'-right.
Centrists love to talk about how the far-left and far-right love to enable each other because they have a 'common enemy'. This bullshit rhetoric was dubbed 'horseshoe politics'. Of course, anyone who has paid close attention to our bread and circuses even only recently will see why that horseshoe actually looks more like a god damned fish hook under closer inspection.
Centrists talk a good game, or at least they used to, about supposedly giving a shit about the issues us 'Murican plebs face day in and day out as the porkies continue to rape 'Murica and the world of anything of value, but when it's all said and done and they get elected, we all continue to be dragged ever rightward with no end in sight because real left-wing opposition is either punched the fuck down or absorbed by the centrist cowards.
This is not a new phenomenon. The Democratic Party have been right-wing enablers forever. Hell, even FDR gave them cover when he refused to execute those who tried to have them assassinated just for passing a watered-down New Deal. Truman sent the US into needless war in Korea all in the name of a bullshit proxy war with the Soviets, and even today, the Korean peninsula is still worse off for it. Freedom my ass.
The feminist movement? The Civil Rights movement? Pfft. They've been completely absorbed by the porkies too. These days both are used to give angry white nerds and general boob toob watchers things to bitch about because according to them, both Star Wars and Star Trek are ruined by 'radical feminazis' and 'non whites' even though said nerds probably don't know jack shit about the feminist movement, let alone feminist theory other than the meme involving that woman with colored hair screaming 'Patriarchy!'. Their understanding of the Civil Rights movement is even worse with the whitewashing of MLK, Rosa Parks and countless others who would doubtless be GITMO'd if he were alive now.
And since we have absolutely no platform and no voice, we will never, ever, have an opportunity to fight back.
Lefties have tried time and time again, all with the same business as usual results. There will be no revolution, and even if there is, it will be by the white ethnostatists who call themselves the alt-right and the centrists who enable them by 'letting them speak because Freeze Peach'.
Call me pessimistic, call me cynical, but let's face it, the writing was on the wall well before we were born and will be long after we're dead.
One easy way to
counter the Texas text book horse$h!t is more of us Libruls and progressives running for and winning School Board (Board of Education) positions. The Right continues to beat our brains in becuz they run for - and win - School Board positions, and other "low level" political positions - mostly unopposed - that Libs don't bother to challenge. The Right continues to kick our lame asses at Every level becuz Libs won't bother getting off the couch to run for, or even vote for elected offices. We reap what we sow.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
The Uniparty will never allow for this.
The Uniparty loves its constituents tired and stupid.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
the way Der Partei does it
The way the Uniparty -- Der Partei, as they called it in East Germany during the post-WWII life of the USSR -- does this is to make it impossible for those of little or no "net worth" to do that running.
The simplest mistake in running even the smallest of elections gets smacked with fines of thousands of dollars. Chump change to a 1%er, but enough to break a typical WalMart employee. So the likes of the WalMart employee -- where much of the potential real Socialist Left are to be found -- ends up with a situation that is the very definition of Tyranny: taxation without representation.
It isn't laziness. It's the fact that for most of us there's nothing left after busting our asses for an insufficient "living".
As you said, just the way "Der Partei" and its kajillionaire donors want it.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Never vote for an incumbent
Always vote for the candidate with the LEAST amount of money.
Make them buy off everyone we elect, every election.
If we can't beat 'em, cost them as much as possible.
It's the least we can do.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Easier rule of thumb
So I'll settle for sending donations to upstarts like Tim Canova, because it triggers the Boomersplainers (regardless of actual age) over at Daily Kos. ("You don't support Diane Feinstein? You must hate women!") What a waste of space.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Ah well, okay, but here’s some news you may have missed.
HT to Lookout
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Caught one!
okie dokie
--- speaking of liberal push back in the education department
Santa Rosa event brings families together to discuss LGBTQ-inclusive classrooms
Those are the D-Value priorities here, too bad I can't eat my marriage certificate, it has no nutritional value at all. A living wage and affordable housing are way down the list of ballot priorities. MfA? RU Kidding? War economy can't even provide the basics, now we're to assume MfA is gonna be a fix for something? Via broken voting machines and software? NOPE
good luck
Thanks, great essay/videos!
Although my personal feeling is that they want us to surrender in despair - because we outnumber them 99 to 1% and have little/nothing left to lose. And are finally beginning to realize this.
Haven't yet watched the longer video, but regarding the other two, for your posting of which I'm grateful:
What was done to the video/example you first posted is so far beyond Orwellian, I have no words... looking at the context makes the intent plain; 'inappropriate or offensive' facts which need to be understood and dealt with must be censored under the mantle of 'PC' by those serving, or forced to serve, the destructive Psychopaths That Be... and those interested must be denied standard and easy access to related information - as an incremental start to steal the voices of those objecting to propaganda and PTB-imposed fascism. I wonder if this is done to neo-Nazi sites and videos, or if the fascists doing this are unsurprisingly OK with that? (Not 'going there' to check, though, lol.)
Video said it couldn't be played 'here' but could on Youtube - to track those watching it? Hardly seems unlikely under the circumstances...
Gee, I wonder what fascist audiences that might be offensive to... and who they're trying to prevent from discussing this sort of propagandist false labeling to imply guilt-by-mental-association...
And if a manufacturer of freaking school books 'can't' produce both more accurate school texts for the whole freaking rest of an entire freaking country,just because one large state wants grossly inaccurate ones for its fictional courses in order to brainwash, restrict and manipulate their vulnerable children into idiocy and make Texas into an international hissing and byword, as well as a laughing-stock, (and that isn't blatant child abuse?) what is wrong with this picture? This is an EXCUSE to spread propaganda across an entire nation, to brainwash children, based on a set of loons elected in one area of the country, and one that doesn't hold water - it pees all over reality.
US corporate/billionaire politicians must be No.1 globally in manufacturing outrage, as well as propaganda, poverty and premature deaths among the general population...
Never forget, never forgive - and never give in or up.
Edited because I misplaced a statement regarding the video which said it couldn't be played here, a phrasing I've never seen before...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Yup, and as someone who's spent years watching this...
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.