The Aspie Corner's blog

Note to Farron Cousins of Ring of Fire: Kiss My Floridian Ass.


Well done, Farron. Well done. With this idiotic video, you checked off every item on the list for Centrist Democrat whining as to why Gillum and Nelson lost.

Blame voters? Check.

Blame commentators like Jimmy Dore and Kyle Kilinski because they called out Gillum's right-wing swerve to appease Dem leadership and capitalist pig donors? Check.

We Need A Cultural Revolution

That's right. I said it. Why do we need a cultural revolution in the United States? Despite being (supposedly) the most advanced, richest country on the planet, we still hold on to ham-fisted puritanical and capitalist attitudes with regards to human relationships (Especially romantic/sexual relationships, as clearly demonstrated by the recent circus put on by our reality TV government with the help of corporate media outlets).

Star Terk and Class Struggle, a New Open Thread Series: The Romulans and Remans

I'd like to try Star Trek is something I grew up with. It wasn't like many shows on TV in that it explored what was possible. And given my recent forays into subjects such as class struggle and revolution, I thought it would be interesting to delve into the class struggles of the various peoples and factions introduced throughout each TV series and in other media, including tabletop and video games.

College Isn't as Left-Wing as It Seems....

I'm in a class called Operational Decision Making (It should actually be called "Towing the Corporate Line"), and I damn near threw my textbook against the wall today. Why? Because if the professor isn't making some wisecrack about Venezuela or Communism, some fresh-faced kid is doing it for him.

Identity Politics as a Business Model and the Class Struggle it Blatantly Ignores


At this point, the IdPol crowd may as well support feckless cunts (Yeah, I said it) like Ivanka Trump.


Why the Tech Field was Gentrified (in Flawer'Duh)

This one comes straight from the horse's mouth. I heard this straight from an IT worker and from my Voc Rehab counselor. Since both the 2008 crash and the end of the Space Shuttle program, people with Bachelor's degrees flooded the field en masse. So, because of that, I've literally no place to go.
