
The Lapdogs of Mars (DMW TOP Salvage)

Dear Media,

Shall we start a war? How easily you ask that question.

Do you realize what you are asking? Do you have any idea? No, you do not, because it will not personally affect you. You might get some more ratings out of it. You might get an award for talking about it. You might get paid for your memories of the event that you watched through heavy glass.

Allow me, to explain to you, what you are asking.

When Leaders Reach the Right Conclusions For the Wrong Reasons

I have noticed recently that a fundamental economic principle, ROI (Return on Investment) is fast becoming the underpinning of our national political and legislative debate. Simply put: Anything that provides a good return on investment is a thing worth doing, anything that doesn't provide a good return is not.

That leads us to our first question - Good return for who?

New York is critical (Democratic primary race)

If you are still watching the primary election races than you realize both Trump and Clinton are in the lead with both states and delegates.

I do not care about the Republican race because I think Trump will be the winner. However, I would love to see a brokered convention, being a history and political junkie it would be historic and not sure if I will ever see another one in my lifetime.

I Had to Warn My Brother to Keep Quiet About Being Gay

Last night the North Carolina Legislature and the Governor blindsided the people of North Carolina with a heinous anti LGBT bill. We, the people, knew nothing about it. Kudos to the Democrat Senators who walked out refusing to be a part of this farce. I know fellow progressives here are heart sick about this and will work hard to get it over turned in court.

Open Thread - The Mischief's of Faction

As a former Democrat who grew up under the political tutelage of my grand mother and my mother who were both FDR Democrat''s I no longer give a shit about the party. They were flaming liberals. My grandmothers dinning room had framed pictures of FDR's four freedoms and a portrait of Paul Robeson hanging on the wall. My grandmother was a self proclaimed socialist.

awesome diary on dkos

It got the user who posted it banned, so you know it must be good. If you still have your dkos account check it out and give it the recs it deserves.


As I said in the comments of that diary: I don't even care about Clinton anymore; it's her supporters that are a plague.

Delegate deficit down to 298. Bernie leads Hillary 46-41 in Reuters national poll of Dem/Ind.

Reuters national tracking poll of Democrats and Independents has Bernie leading Hillary by 5 points today. This is big poll, with a five day tracking average. Most respondents complete the survey online, but it is not an “online poll”.
