I Had to Warn My Brother to Keep Quiet About Being Gay

Last night the North Carolina Legislature and the Governor blindsided the people of North Carolina with a heinous anti LGBT bill. We, the people, knew nothing about it. Kudos to the Democrat Senators who walked out refusing to be a part of this farce. I know fellow progressives here are heart sick about this and will work hard to get it over turned in court.

I know the first reaction is to boycott the state. That would not help the progressives that are fighting here for equality. Our voting has been so curtailed and gerrymandered that these people were elected by voter suppression. They do not represent the real people of North Carolina.

The real North Carolina is people like Reverend Doctor William Barber and the Moral Mondays. The real North Carolina is Bob Page of Replacements Ltd. one of the largest gay owned businesses in the United States. The real North Carolina is the thousands of people who have protested over the years against discrimination.

Instead of trying to punish the entire state for a secret session handling a bill we knew nothing about contribute to the funds that will be needed to take this law to court and get in overturned. I would suggest keeping an eye on The Human Rights Campaign's website (http://www.hrc.org/blog/nc-legislature-puts-billions-in-federal-funding-...) as I'm sure they will be listing soon where to donate.

I had to warn my brother this morning to keep quiet about being gay until we can get rights restored. I can't risk him getting ill and medical people saying "we don't serve gays."

I know people are angry. The people of North Carolina woke up to this fiasco and we too are angry. Help us fight against this. Don't condemn all of us for the evil done by the Legislature and Governor who are there because too many of our voices were denied the right to vote.

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Zeitgeistus's picture

Relocated out of Virginia to New Hampshire in 2007 shortly after the state adopted a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage. At that time, we were both employees of the state and felt we could not remain under those circumstances. I commend you for the courage to stay and fight and for your wise advice to your brother which, shamefully in this day and age, should not have to be given anywhere in this country.

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Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice. -H. L. Mencken
A country without a memory is a country of madmen.-George Santayana
An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics. --Plutarch

jiordan's picture

and I'm sick about this. Every time I think these fuckers can't possibly get worse, they lower the bar again. Hell, at this point the bar is so far below ground you probably couldn't frack to the damn thing--although I have no doubt they'd like to try.

It's an outrage, an embarrassment and...well, it just sucks.

I'm not a fan of the Human Rights Campaign, but I'm watching to see who files suit first so I can find a way to donate.

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It had to be horrible to have to warn your brother. My heart is with you both.

Will donate as soon as we know how.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

Trans man exposes the absurdity of North Carolina Republicans with a simple message to Gov. Pat McCrory

One trans man illustrated the pit falls of the law by tweeting a picture of himself and saying the law now forces him to use a women’s restroom.

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First Nations News

sojourns's picture

Happening any where in the world.

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"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage

detroitmechworks's picture

as a society, along comes a bunch of morons to prove you wrong.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Blasphemy101's picture

When my husband and I moved to NC from TX, I thought we were getting away from this bullshit. Boy were we wrong. Us Carolinians will fight this. Fight as long as we have to. I love how the state Republicans keep screaming local control and less state government, then they pull this kind of shit when a local government does something they don't like. The bill yesterday and how it was not even released, passed in the dead of night, and signed around midnight is complete bullshit. I can not wait to vote against this governor.

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War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series

alexa100's picture

This is why we need a political revolution. The democratic party has failed to get dems (not even progressives) elected.

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Go Bernie !!
Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile

snoopydawg's picture

But I agree with you that if he gets sick he might not get treatment or service because he was gay.
My brother had AIDS and he wanted to look for a new camera so my mom dropped him off and waited a half hour for him to come out. He didn't so she went in to find him sitting on the floor because he was so tired. He had stood at the counter for 25 minutes but no one would wait on him because he had the 'AIDS' look.
When mom told me that it broke my heart.
Damn those assholes that keep finding ways to hurt the LBTG community. Hopefully there will be a special place in hell waiting for them and they can reunite with their buddies Reagan and Falwell.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.