
Clinton dirty tricks

After reading Steven D.'s excellent post (My investigation (so far) into Claim that Bernie's NC campaign was sabotaged by HRC moles (Now w/ New Niko House video), I started thinking about all the dirty tricks of the Clintons just in this cycle. Please add to and elaborate on these items.

Twofer - Trade Pacts Actively Kill "Buy Local" Employment Efforts And Thwart Clean Energy Initiatives

Here's a good example of how messed up these "fair" trade treaties are. Recently the WTO ruled against India who was attempting to implement a plan to create a green economy by bringing jobs to the masses through the installation of domestically produced solar panels. The complaint was brought by the US who argued that the "buy local" component of the Indian plan discriminated against US solar panel producers

A Response to the Stages of Grief Garbage

This post was prompted by the latest meme doing the rounds - you know, the patronizing, condescending one about giving Sander's supporters their space to grieve - to get over their loss and all that other BS. Anyway, I am not grieving, am not at any stage of the process. To be honest I am ecstatic and here is why.

I am feeling a bit millitant today...

Though I am now "officially" a Crone, I am and always will be a Warrior at heart. No, I have never been to war and hope to never do so...but I would if it meant protecting the people I love. I am not aggressive in that I want to take over the world. But I will aggressively protect others AND myself if it ever came down to it.

Truant’s Day Open Thread: Monday, March 21, 2016

Happy International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Today's number is 21
21 is the product of 2 primes (3 x 7)
21 is the sum of the first 6 natural numbers. 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21
21 is a fibonnacci number 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21
21st Amendment ended prohibition
21 is Scandium

Street Prophets and pooties a.k.a.cats

One of the reasons I haven't totally abandoned the GOS is being an Admin. at Street Prophets. For those who don't know me from there I thought I'd cross post so you could met the head of the household. It is rather sad that the number of people who wanted to come to a safe diary. Consider this your introduction to Princess Pixie Doodles Wilson.
