
Attention- potential New York voters!

If you are democrat, independent or heck republican, please note the New York democratic is a closed primary. Therefore, if you want to vote in this primary you need to register by Friday, March 25.

I know the primary is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, but if you want to vote please make sure you are registered.

My understanding during the past few closed or semi-closed primaries some people were not registered; therefore, they were unable to vote.

Things Veterans tend to agree on.

Some folks never served. In fact, a LOT of folks never served. So as a result they don't understand why veterans think the way they do. They see the issues and can't understand why a veteran might think the solution different. In some cases, it can lead to outright disrespect and failure to try to understand the other side.

Trump Supporters

Trump supporters feel disrespected, talked down to, left out. They feel betrayed. Betrayed by the forty years of bait and switch perpetrated upon them by their political "leadership", betrayed by an economy that is moving past their abilities and skills, betrayed by the business "leaders" that deliberately left them out of their plans for the next American economy.

More Emails from Aisha Dew blaming Rev. Barber, and My Plea for Help From You

Found the following email exchanges from Aisha Dew to Linda Watson on DFQ2 blog. They are consistent with the mass email sent out on February 11th by Aisha Dew to 12 staffers and volunteers. Here is the screenshot of them (sorry of the quality is poor):
