
Canned Music: Street Prophets Thursday Coffee Hour

Welcome to Street Prophets Thursday Coffee Hour. This is an open topic thread so help yourself to the goodies and sit a spell and let us know what is new with you. First off thanks to Ojibwa for getting coverage for my Coffee Hours while I was struggling to get well. Not 100% but doing better.

Open Raw - Late 70's-80's Art, Street, Punk, Pop, Wavey, Music and a bit of present day politics

In my intermittent ongoing OT series on visual populist? art I have now arrived at the beginning point that triggered both this series and my graphic art so called career. The Russians are coming! Not now but then. So I was sick of being a waitress and went to art school as I was a half ass good artist who wanted to make a buck or two.

Open Thread 9-1-16: The History of Western Music

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As we all know, the history of music began in 1956. However there was music before then. We've been able to figure out what it sounded like, thanks to rock carvings.

Today we'll talk about some of this pre-historic music... the Western Civ kind.

A lute, a flute and ...
