Emailgate: round 3 --Deposition of Stephen Mull

Hello, deposition fans! Here is the third released Journal Watch (JW) deposition related to multiple FOIA-associated lawsuits. The batter in third place is (was) a power hitter in the Hillary line-up, Stephen Mull (SM). He was in charge of cybersecurity in the State Department (DOS) during most of the Queen's reign of terror at Foggy Bottom.

Just saw HRC on Bret Faux news

Guess our President is now under the Bus.

Economy sucks? Who did that? Check.

No comment on FBI investigations. Check.

EMAILS, everyone else did it. Check.

"Nothing was marked "classified'. Proven false even by the OIG. Check.

ACA Healthcare, those that should benefit can't cause its f'd up. Who dun it? Obama. have to improve. Check.

I so f'g love "on message" talking points.

This is what we got?

Minions...Is it just me?

I could not bring myself to watch/read any BS election coverage tonight, so I hand cranked up my Netflix to watch Minions...the little round yellow lozenges who live to serve the biggest baddest evil they can find.

I had not seen it in theaters so it was new to me.

So let me ask, is it just me or is there more then a passing similarity to today's events (Tuesday 6/7/16)?

I compare and contrast Scarlet Overdrive (whom the minions hope to serve) and HRC.

Emailgate: round 2--Deposition of Cheryl Mills

The second of planned Judicial Watch depositions, carried out under the order of Judge Sullivan, involving Clinton chief-of-staff Cheryl Mills was taken on May 27, 2016--under oath (penalty of perjury). Ms. Mills, herself a lawyer had an assemblage of her own attorneys. This stuff ain't cheap; I wonder who is footing the bill here for respondent's legal fees--it is probably us, we the people, because the named defendant in this proceeding is the U.S. Department of State.

Sanders: DNC Stacked Platform Committee with Lobbyists While Rejecting Labor Leaders

US Uncut, is reporting that Bernie today stated that the DNC had rejected his proposed platform committee appointment of Rose Ann DeMoro, executive director of National Nurses United.

DeMoro's response was:

Judicial Watch releases first emailgate deposition transcript

Judicial Watch, a private, non-profit, extremely conservative organization may be well to right of many Progressives, but one thing is for sure: they are bipartisan in their exposure of corruption. As many may know, Judicial Watch which has filed dozens of Freedom of Information Acts (FOIA) against the state department and Hillary Clinton, has been granted the ability to conduct civil depositions under oath by top Clinton aides as well as Clinton herself.
