Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! video analysis and medical literature review

I won't disguise my animosity toward Hillary Clinton. But I am presenting here, for lay person's understanding, the neurologic disorders exhibited on video from multiple sources at multiple times. Extensive literature research has gone into the production of this essay, which will no doubt be labelled as fantasy by Clintonites. However the sources are independent, international and appearing in medically peer-revised journals.

Judicial Watch: why Hillary needs to be deposed

For those of you who patiently waded through the 7 emailgate deposition summaries posted here by me, you may recall that in at least one of them I predicted that Medusa would have to testify under oath. That truth may be aborning. According to another JW release, Hillary will likely be deposed and fairly soon.

Guess tonight is the Apocalypse?

There is this:

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – City officials are urging residents and Democratic National Convention demonstrators to take caution because of potential strong storms and the possibility of flash floods throughout the region today.

The flash flood watch begins at 2 p.m. and continues through Friday at 7 p.m.

Officials warn some of the storms may contain torrential rainfall and result in a localized flash flood threat.

The "Change-Maker"

Well that was a full-throated acclimation from the Big Dog.

Did you notice he really didn't site any policy accomplishments, legislation passed, Frequent Flyer miles attained or any other specifics to back up the claim?

Here, let me help.

Voted for the Iraq War.

Was against Marriage Equality until it was inconveniwent.

Oh, 1997 through 2003 just disappeared. Ooo "that girl"...blech

Assume Putin DID weaponize Wikileaks to damage the election

So as I am sure you are all aware, the HRCDNC is propagating the idea "murmor/rumor' that Putin weaponized wikileaks sabotage the US Election in favor of Trump.

Obviously, this is a smoke and mirror tactic by the HRCDNC to obfuscate the real issues, their own bullshit stupidity and corruption.

We know that the leaks came from Guccifer 2.0 who is not Russian. But the theory is that Putin put him up to it and had him send the info to wikileaks.

Trump's acceptance speech

Donald Trump is not by any stretch of imagination a great orator, but grammatically, at least tonight he kept things together--and I don't give a damn whether he used a teleprompter or not. His speech clocked in at about 75 minutes, which one reporter said was the longest such speech in 40 years. It was not a dull speech, even if it was overlong.

Counterpunch's Sanders statement which is difficult to rebut. An invitation to do so

Bernie Sanders has been preoccupied with convincing his followers that the Democratic Party platform is relevant, by performing his new role in the Kabuki theatre of the corporate Democrats. He is too busy acting out a supposedly important public debate over the irrelevant platform to get involved in this real and personal “servergate” example of impunity for plutocrats.

Collusion? Obfuscation? No shame?

Well, seems our presumptive has some issues with the truth. It happens.

There is no recourse. The Clintons are in charge, no matter what. Oh, Bill just happened to be on the Tarmac. Loretta just happened to almost recuse herself unless Comey said... And he did. Who would've thunk...

As sometimes when one is paranoid it might make sense when someone is out to get you. So to, when it walks, talks and acts like a Duck, maybe its a Duck.
