Pneumonia, heat and the "hot wobble"

As Dirty Harry was fond of saying: "Make my day".

This may seem ghoulish, Right Wing, conspiratorial (or whatever adverse terms you wish to apply) but I think HRC's ship is sinking so fast, it is going to disappear before November 8. With my defunct crystal ball, I predicted this would happen six weeks ago. Things appear to be going according to schedule.

Clinton campaign "warns" media to tread carefully

Hat tip to MsGrin

The Clinton campaign is slowly looking outside its bubble to see that more and more natives are getting restless. Thus comes the inevitable health push-back.

A more correct title for this article would be "Clinton's campaign threatens media". To quote from it:

Breaking News! It is now officially ok to question Hillary's Health

Hurray Hillary health fans. It is now permissible and even highly recommended that Hilarious be subjected to a thorough neurological examination. This recommendation was not issued by a right wing nut job nor a crazed Alligator. Instead it comes Obama's prior personal physician.

Drip, drip, drip, drip: Hillary's incontinence--make that a double!

Like emails, Medusa's physical woes are a gift (/s) that keeps on giving--in this case involuntarily. What is double incontinence you ask? Okay maybe you didn't ask, but I will enlighten you anyway. Double incontinence, when applied to bodily functions, means the lack of control of urine and bowel--it's a twofer.

First, some pictorial evidence suggesting the existence of this malady--which I admit is speculative.

Gee. All the "Smart Ones" with HRC

Let's see.

The Drumph goes to LA to the flood.

HRC and BHO, first no, second a week later post golf and daughter smoking weed.

The Drumph accepts the invitation of the Mexican President to come talk. He does. HRC? Nope.

Umm, I thought all the brains and $$$ were with HRC? Derp, polls shifting. Erp negatives between the tweeners now equal.

What the heck is going on?
