"Floods, I'll get around to it"--Obama, "but I got 18 more holes"

Yup, our sensitive, caring, concerned president is really being proactive regarding the worst natural disaster to hit Louisiana since Katrina. Pardon my bluntness (so when am I not?) but playing golf in Martha's Vineyard with the upper crustics while the Hoi Polloi in LA are manning bucket brigades, commuting to what businesses are still open by kayak and going hungry is the most hypocritical, disgusting thing yet done by this hypocritical, disgusting President.

Hillary in the corner: the three pincers closing in on her.

The three pincers:
1. Nascent Congressional perjury investigation--she won't be able to easily squirm out of this one because her Benghazi was made under oath. For all his verbal tap-dancing, Comey specially responded to Rep. Gowdy about each of her lies during the FBI interview.

Dural sinus thrombosis--Hillary had it--and the damage it may have done

This is the fifth essay in my series of why Hillary Clinton has brain damage. I was still trying how to figure this out--the best way to present often highly technical information to a lay audience (although I know that there are other physicians here). In some essays I presented in the text relatively little cut-and-paste from journal articles, although I did link to them. In other essays I presented text extensively from cited journal articles.

Does Hillary Clinton have post-concussion syndrome? What this is and why it matters

This is my fourth essay on Hillary Clinton's neuropathology. Once again, I have not received any factually-based rebuttal. And once again, I fervently request that independent evaluators (by which I mean, no connection to Clintons, CGI, or DNC) review this work. As far as speculation is concerned, I freely admit to that charge. The only thing which will validly contravene my speculation are facts.

The Perfect Republican Candidate MD@NYT

So, I am not, nor never have been, a fan of Maureen Dowd. I think she's pretty close the to the definition of what's wrong with the main stream media.

She's also notorious for what we formerly called HDS (Hillary Derangement Syndrome) but which we now know as HRS (Hillary Reality Syndrome).

But when she is right, she is right, and she does an excellent job of laying out points that most of us here agree on in her new NYT editorial.

Hillary Clinton's not-so-mild brain trauma

This is the third in a series of essays devoted to Hillary Clinton's neuropathology. As I have stated in the prior two essays, much of this should be considered speculative, if only for the absence of verifiable medical records. In this essay, I will provide much more documentation than in the first two essays. The links will be to full text articles published in peer-reviewed medical journal.

This can only get more interesting.

Seems the father of the Orlando killer showed up at the Kissimmee Rally sitting behind herself, waving a sign and yelling encouragement.

KISSIMMEE, Fla. - Hillary Clinton spoke to a crowd in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando. She was supposed to be talking jobs, but started the speech off paying tribute to those affected by the Pulse Nightclub shooting.
