Clinton's emails: the gift that keeps on giving
Seems like the muck gets deeper and stickier for Hillbots daily. So, for the immediate future, there will be plenty of muck for me (and others) to rake. So, let's dig right in: Pagliano's JW deposition
This will be short--apparently, the FBI agents in charge of Brian Pagliano, aka HRC's IT guru, have advised him to take the Fifth during his upcoming Judicial Watch deposition. Ostensibly, this is to avoid tipping the FBI's hand when they "interview" Hillary. So, if Hillary talks AND lies to the FBI, then she is guilty of at least one more crime. If she takes the Fifth or declines to be interviewed, then she OPENLY ADMITS TO BEING A LIAR (there's that pesky "L" word that the press and Pundrity have been so loathe to use). Remember that back in 2015, before the shit-ton of evidence was clearly about to drop on her head, when she said something like: "I will be glad to talk to the FBI about my emails"?
Even a greased snake couldn't wriggle out of this mess. So, here's to ya, Hillary--do your "best" to squirm out of this mess.
Flying high in her hubris
She believed she could soar to the heavens. Then came the inevitable plunge--and what a fall it will be.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Hubris it is!
Without her wings of steel (and a steel heart) she will surely...[video:]
Oh the humanity...
Let us hope she crashes and burns.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
IF this is as iminent and threatening as we think it is,
then why isn't the party abandoning her for Biden or anyone else? Is there a time frame or series of events they are waiting for?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Sheep follow a bellweather
I guess the head sheep hasn't bolted yet.
We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg
Timing is everything.
It's only 5 months until the election. Ideally, the indictment is held at bay until the day after the election and then Obama issues an immediate full pardon and she takes office in January.
And impeachment hearings begin...
the day after she takes office. And those will continue, non-stop, for at least 4 years or until the republicans get her removed from office. I really don't want to relive those days again.
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Living through 8 scandal filled years of Clinton White House drama was enough to last me a lifetime.
DK, many people think this is why
They are trying to get Bernie to quit before the convention. That leaves the door open for Biden or Kerry to take her place.
I don't know what the penalty for lying to the FBI is, but both Clapper and one other agency head lied to congress and nothing happened to them. Even after it was proven that they lied.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
No way is Berning quitting!
Bernie Sanders is our next president!
He said he'll go all the way to the convention in Philly, and we don't know what else will happen to HRC's sinking campaign between now and then.
Hillary has only won 7 of the last 18 states, and that was BEFORE the OIG report came out.
Ask Martha Stewart what happens...
when you lie to the FBI. Lying to Congress is apparently different. You can lie, refuse subpoenas (see Karl Rove) and nothing is ever done about it. But then again, Martha Stewart is no Hillary Clinton. May be that power has something to do with what you get away with. Time will tell...
“Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we.”
George W. Bush
Bill and Hillary have the same problem:
Trouble with a personal server.![Wink](
"All Life is Problem Solving" - Karl Popper
Well I
just wish the "vast right wing conspiracy" would get their shit together soon and indict the Queen of Lies so Bernie can get on his general election footing.
Hillary's personal "server"
Hillary's personal "server" will end up serving her own downfall on a silver platter.
She has set up her own failure and she deserves every byte it takes out of her crown.
Her glittering crown, taken apart one pixel at a time. Down to dull jewels
for the Queen, only the echo of her own voice crying "Off with her head!"
When she signs the final deposition, under oath, the pen will be iron, and the ink her own blood.
No deleting or erasing that record. The stain is permanent, and she and Bill earned it all, one bloody drop at a time. Yes...serves her right, her personal server. - Nemoshell