It's not the Messenger--It's the Message: two Bernie rallies compared

This campaign has more twists than, well, a python (maybe Monty Python). As depressed and despairing as I have been about Bernie's being cheated out of the nomination and his lukewarm campaigning for her, I still love the man. Thus while getting some REAL news, I was YouTubing. It's always fun if you're in the mood for Morphing Reptilian Clones set to destroy the world type things.

Preview to Saturday Night Blues: The singing Hyena blues

Not to be outdone by her performance, cackling at the death of Gaddafi, Killary brought the audience an acapella rendition of her famous song "Who cares with whom I was when Benghazi burned":


Do you see Smilin' Cheryl Mills laughing appreciatively to Hillary's right? Clearly she like the performance.

And now, from a band that brought us American woman,

Clinton campaign uses 6-yo neighbour as 'prop'

Remember the little girl 'spontaneously' running up to Her Hillaryness as she came out of Chelsea's apartment building?

Wasn't that just too cute?

Well, yes it was.

6 year old was Chelsea's neighbour

Six-year-old Irene Reismann lives next door to Chelsea Clinton and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, in Manhattan.

Clinton brain rot advancing faster

Yes, indeedy, Miz Clinton aims to lose this election even faster than before--ah, well, that's what dementia does for you. Take this latest genius touch onto her already flailing campaign. Does anybody think that Hillary's calling one-half of Trump's supporters "deplorable" a smart move? I'm looking around the room and not seeing any arms raised.

Cage Match: Hiding Hillary versus Deplorable Donny

Forget the issues, ladies and gentlemen (and children of all ages). The undisputed cage match of the year will not be brought to you by the UFC. No, it will be purveyed to us by the Presidential Debate Commission, the outfit which represents the duopoly, ignoring aspiring challengers for appearance in the arena.
