Hillary sings the Song of the Larp

Today I heard the most wonderful thing. The precious guardian of the World Order, who dwells in Chappaqua has heard the song of Larp. Yes, from disbelief to acceptance of reality. Why would HER Awfulness mention a fictitious character, steeped in Conspiracy Lore? Yes, ordinary humans do not know of this devious villain, Q. My younger daughter does not know and she is a college graduate.

Tulsi's possible destruction of the Democrat Party with Catalytic Aid from HRC

Based upon recent happenings in the Dem's Klown Kavalcade, a plausible construct can be achieved during this 2020 Primary that the party is busy sawing off the stem of the tree branch which supports them all. Dems have been notoriously incompetent in their Trump coup, though it isn't for lack of trying. I remember a video of a wren, trapped inside a house, trying to fly through the closed picture window door.

Medusa returns

Lest we forget. Fellow Swampers and those remaining dry, it was just a few cycles around the sun, that your faithful alligator, along with many others, were faced with a nightmare scenario: Medusa, aka Hildebeast, aka Her, aka Sociopath par excellance, competing for control of Amerikan Corporacy with Herr Drumpf. Lesser of two evils. Oy veh! What a choice: will you take hemlock or arsenic, Socrates?

October Surprise: Battle of the Giants--Godzilla vs. Mothra

My aunt Alithea, a very wise gator with long-standing swamp knowledge of slimy snakes and other venomous reptiles, has predicted, with the aid of sophisticated alligatorithms, fearlessly about the Presidential Primary. The presidential primary is famous for 11th hour or October Surprises, in which a new candidate suddenly appears as if from nowhere. This candidate will arise from the smoke and ashes of candidate immolation.

The case of HRC's successor server

Not getting much play in the Mostly Shit Media is the tale of the server that nobody ever knew about except the Clintons, David Kendall, Jim the Weasel Comey, Andy McCabe and Peter the Insurance Policy Strzok et al.

Surprisingly, this issue has not ruffled the feathers of c99ers. (Do we have feathers at all?) Now, should we be surprised? Only if "woke" yesterday--or oblivious to Clintonian caca de vaca.
