Hillary sings the Song of the Larp
Today I heard the most wonderful thing. The precious guardian of the World Order, who dwells in Chappaqua has heard the song of Larp. Yes, from disbelief to acceptance of reality. Why would HER Awfulness mention a fictitious character, steeped in Conspiracy Lore? Yes, ordinary humans do not know of this devious villain, Q. My younger daughter does not know and she is a college graduate. Yet, in HER splendid isolation, The Giant Rat of Chappaqua gave voice (if you can call her whining sniveling a voice) to the delusions that she has the upper hand on this Q thing--you know, the thing.
As she is parachuting down from the heavens (?), to replace JoJo the misbegotten, she is blissfully confident that the Larp is no more threatening than the Blue Bird of happiness.
Quite an admission from the worst lady...er former first lady. Better organized? Better organized than the Clinton mob? Varied strategies. Sounds like the Clinton mafia. Why is she talking about Q if Q is a nothing burger as many here seem to believe? Maybe she knows something that we don't know.
Maybe. Just maybe.
Song of the Larp