Hillary's health--slip, sliding away

Here are articles I wrote about Hillary's brain deterioration. A non-medical way would be to call it brain rot--the meaning's the same. I am not going to cite from these articles for today's essay but there is plenty of material for both novice and expert to learn.

Hillary's neuropathology--Hillary is losing her mind literally

Hillary Clinton's not so mild brain trauma

Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! Video analysis and medical literature review

Hillary Clinton has post-concussion syndrome; and this is why it matters

Dural sinus thrombosis--Hillary had it--and the damage it may have done

Drip, drip, drip, drip: Hillary's incontinence--make that a double

Sexism, misogyny and Hillary's neuropathology

Just when it seemed like no more of HRC's neurological issues (specifically excluding personality disorders) were evident, comes an inescapable video evidence of yet more Clinton disabilities. Actually, falling as depicted in this article cannot be blamed on externals, such as a slippery stair case.

Missing from the picture is Hillary's medical boot, so she can't blame her falling on that. Numerous pictures have been previously posted in the press about Hillary's need for assistance climbing up a flight of stairs and even two steps. Also note Huma's lack of reaction to the fall--she's seen this many times before.

During her India sojourn, she has succeeded in defaming all of middle America, i.e. those that didn't vote for her as low intelligence, racist, misogynistic, yada yada yada. She still cannot admit that she was the worst presidential candidate of all time. But that would be delving into her personality disorder.

In a way, this makes me unhappy, not that I have any compassion for the Mad Bomber, but that she may not live long enough to go to Gitmo.

"I cudda, shudda, wudda been President"
The nearer your destination, you're just slip sliding away


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snoopydawg's picture

The first time she slipped did look like it was because the stair was slick and had a dip in it. Not sure about the second one. I don't remember hearing about the boot she was wearing before.


Here's the prism glasses she wore during the Benghazi hearings and a picture of her left eye after her stroke. The glasses help her eye orient back to the center.

She was introduced as "the woman who should have won." Bleh! Too many "ifs she had ...."
Then she blamed white women for her loss because they had to do what the men in their lives told them to do. Plus she blamed people in the states that Trump won for not liking blacks, Muslims and other minorities. Good grief, why can't she go back to walking in the woods? Oops. Must not tell women what they can and can not do. (guess where I read this)

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If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.

Amanda Matthews's picture

a bad day. I’ve kissed the pavement many times. Fell trying to get on a bus. Have no railing on the front stairs and when the old right leg was being difficult, went right over the side. And stairs? They’re ALWAYS a challenge, and have been known to be a source of extreme embarrassment.

I have had 10 strikes. 8 minis and 2 doozies. And trust me, very few people know it because I had them in ‘good’ places. Or so the doctor said. There are no signs until I need help getting back on my feet.

She walks just like I do. With the same results. She just might have had a serious neurological event. Speaking from experience this makes sense.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

She looked so awful in the video, I thought it was "fake".

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


The one I saw was truncated. It didn't show the second slip or her kicking off her shoes.

She wanted to be President so bad, there was no lie she wasn't willing to tell. A previous stroke makes perfect sense and explains a lot.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon


Why would she wear shoes that are slippery? I own a pair of those. I never wear them. I should really scuff up the soles.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Bob In Portland's picture

I have suspected that Hillary Clinton has been CIA since she was in college, long before she looked across the Yale cafeteria and locked eyes with Bill.

An article in the New York Times, in 2007 prior to her first run for president, tries to explain her curious history in 1968 as her reason for molting her Goldwater Girl feathers for her Democratic future. Here: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/05/us/politics/05clinton.html?_r=0

In 1967-68 the FBI was cranking up COINTELPRO while the CIA was creating a similar domestic spy program. There were youth-driven movements that were demanding change. Networks of assets were developed to target the anti-war movement, the nascent women's movement and the black power movement. This was the time when Hillary Rodham decided that peace was a good thing. Our newly Democratic coed first volunteered for Eugene McCarthy's campaign, which when examined was incredibly infiltrated by the CIA. By late spring she decided to go to the Republican National Convention where Nixon was to be nominated. She stayed at a ritzy hotel when she was there. Nice digs for a college student who had recently worked for McCarthy's campaign.

She spent the summer of 1968 working as an intern for the Republicans in the House in Washington, DC, and wrote a speech about Vietnam for Congressman Melvin Laird. Laird would be named Nixon's Secretary of Defense after the election. It's at best curious that an anti-war Democrat would be writing speeches about Vietnam for Nixon's future Secretary of Defense. She finished up her summer going to the Democratic convention in Chicago.

In law school she took an interest in the Black Panther Party, first observing a Panther trial in New Haven, convenient for a Yale law school student. Supposedly, she was watching to make sure everything was on the up and up. Then she spent a summer in Berkeley, interning for the law firm that represented the Panthers and their many legal battles on the West Coast. The main target for the FBI back then was the Black Panther Party. The FBI was forever looking for spies within the Panthers. They would have wanted someone inside the law firm defending them.

I point this out not merely to denigrate Hillary, but to point out how long her marriage with the US intelligence community has existed. As I pointed out in an article published here a year ago, the whole "Russia hacked the DNC" story was propaganda designed to push us into a war with Russia. For President Clinton. ( https://caucus99percent.com/content/okeydoke-americans-were-supposed-get )

We all tend to live in the present, while large entities with wealth and power play the long game. This last few years of false news stories aimed against Russia is not merely leftover propaganda. The Deep State and its intelligence community has been aiming to control Russian natural resources since WWI. Understanding this, I've wondered why the Deep State has so much loyalty for Clinton beyond the normal washed-up politician. I believe it's been because she has played an integral part in bringing the Democratic Party to heel that they have so strongly backed her.

Trump seems to weakening to the forces around him and will oblige them with their war, as I suggested a year ago. Sometimes it takes a little longer. But they're getting there.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Bob In Portland I praised your previous essay last April and believe time has well-supported your contention about Russiagate as being preconceived to further war, rather than the more recent allegation that Russiagate is merely an excuse for losing, losing embarrassingly by immense proportions. I believe in the absence of her electoral defeat, HER would still have developed her anti-Russian diatribe to deflect from the enormity of her loss.

As far as the NYT article you cited, it appears H has always been an intelligent, hard-driving individual. I am not sure when her psychopathy became evident. Her early alternation between political parties may have been partly ideological, but judged by her subsequent career, it seems that her political switching was opportunistic.

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