
Dear DNC, (a taste of the shit sandwich they are trying to feed us!)

Email to DNC:

I have been voting mostly as a Democrat for more than 40 years and donated over $700 to Obama Campaign.

That all ends today. The NV Convention is the last straw.

The Democrats would rather lose the general with the liar and cheater-in-chief, Hillary Clinton, than win with an honest man-of-the-people, even if they have to steal the votes of a convention to get the Queen of Corruption nominated.

This lying cheating undemocratic political party no longer deserves my support. And neither does any candidate who would run on the ticket of such a corrupt party.

My vote for Bernie in the Texas primary will go down on record as my last EVER vote for anyone running on the ticket of the undemocratic "Democratic" Party.

I am now an Independent Voter and have joined a rapidly growing segment of the voting population in proclaiming myself as such.

My DK diary was censored?

I'm not actually sure. I got a message from admin that my comment "tip jar" was a violation.

Here's the link:

I'm going to paste the content here in case it disappears. I'd appreciate it if anyone can tell me if it's still visible to anyone but me.

OT for 5-12-16: I Guess I'm Angry

open thread.jpg

Who is worse? Hillary or Trump? And let's break it down. Who is worse for the country? Who is worse for people of color? As juancito has pointed out, Trump is a fascist who will bring misery to PoC and, I suppose, those of us who aren't PoC should suffer through a Hillary Presidency for the sake of our brethren and sistren.

Blackrock and Hillary Clinton

David Dayen reporting at the Intercept on March 2nd, 2016:

BlackRock is far from a household name, but it is the largest asset management firm in the world, controlling $4.6 trillion in investor funds — about a trillion dollars more than the annual federal budget, and five times the assets of Goldman Sachs. And Larry Fink, BlackRock’s CEO, has assembled a veritable shadow government full of former Treasury Department officials at his company.

How the DNC proved Trump and Orwell right, and vote blue wrong

So during a comment war pie fight I let myself get dragged into I ran across a hilariously ill informed gem. Someone comparing Bernie to Squealer from that classic banned Orwell book Animal Farm.

Squealer of course being the pig who declared everyone who dared question enemies of the revolution. Ones who had to be dealt with harshly. And I can see where he was going with it, PP leadership endorsing Hillary, so there go the "bros" Clyburn, Huerta, so on.

May Day--a return of Bernie's Momentum

Bernie's win in Indiana has added strength to my resolve to continue actively supporting him, not that I would have stopped anyway. Yet the thought that the Democratic establishment still continues to support the venal Clinton whose amoral, and often illegal policies, are a disgrace to the boy politic. Yes, Trump's public rhetoric is horrific--an out-and-out Fascist. But it is Hillary's not-so-hidden corporatism/militarism (i.e., Fascism) which is every bit as horrendous.
