
Hey, C99ers. I hate to ask, but I need your help.

I hope this does not violate the terms of use here, but I face a serious dilemma.

Yesterday, I received an email that shocked me to my core. Honestly, I cannot recall another episode in my 58 revolutions of the flat earth that has affected me so greatly. Being a rather smug, sarcastic, even arrogant person, it was and is my habit to recognize a challenge or serious issue, to rise up, to face it, and to confront it and to deal with it head on, but always on my own.

Democratic State Party Arse holes

At first, I could see human error coming into play. The second time, er, I still was not convinced. I just distrust CT after being burned by one some years ago. But after then 3d, 4th, 5th, etc., example, you have to set aside any uncertainty and realize just how rigged the game has become.

Libya - I am so pissed off.


First, there was no reason to invade yet another PNAC, neocon target. Khadafi's rule was, if anything, more benign than how it was portrayed to us poor saps on our side of the pond. He was not invading his neighbors, he posed no threat to us or to our allies, and he had some pretty diverse groups under control.

And then, the evil cabal of Sidney blumenthal and Hillary Clinton took over.

And Obama blew it big time because of them.

This sword of Damocles now swings in two arcs: HRC and BHO

We all know Hillary is in deep doo-doo, and apparently wading deeper into the fecal stream she created for herself. So many essays, blogs, diaries, rants have been written about this, that citations to the numerous posts will not be given here. But if you like streaming news, check out the Young Turks for lots of information on Hillary's woes.

Bernie Sanders on Hillary's Votes and Positions: "I don't think you are qualified to be President if..."

The Very Best Candidate to Preserve the Status Quo!

Of course, the Ruling Elite has their hair on fire after hearing this statement of Bernie's because, in their eyes, each and every item on this list makes Hillary Clinton eminently qualified to be the next President of the United States.

Bernie Sanders speaking last night at rally at Philadelphia:

Hillary on Bernie Voters: "It's Exciting to Be, In Effect, Protesting"

I have to go to work so this will be short.

If Hillary Clinton wants to be a better candidate that can actually rally the party in November, she really, really, really needs to do a better job of understanding why so many young people are voting for Bernie. And she really needs a better answer than this.

When asked yet again this morning on Morning Joe why she thinks so many young people are voting for Sanders, including young women, Hillary had this to say:

There is a Bronx based news/opinion site that you should see

It really does a great job of covering Billery Clintons.

The Yang part of the equation is reportedly having billy goat tantrums because the Yin boss (Huma) is limiting his access to his worse half, especially when he calls to bitch about poor decisions by Hill's top aides. Like Huma.

I'm Imperfect, but at least I Don't Hate Anybody

I haven't read the diary with the headline, "I'm Perfect, and Everyone I Hate is Wrong," but the headline got me thinking.

It's OK to not be perfect. It's perfectly normal -- healthy, in fact. What is life if not a constant striving for perfection? If I were perfect, that would be gone, and I'd be good as dead.
