Democratic Party

A Quick Set of Questions for Alan Grayson

I haven't been around lately. As some of you know, I have been embroiled in house-hunting (which has not been a pleasant process so far). I also lost my internet connection because 1)my desktop won't turn on, and 2)my laptop has some unspecified problem with its network adapter. So basically all of my Net activities are done through my best friend's desktop, when she's not using it.

This is a Thing now -- "Democratic" Free Speech Zones

“The best way to take control over a people and control them utterly is to take a little of their freedom at a time, to erode rights by a thousand tiny and almost imperceptible reductions. In this way, the people will not see those rights and freedoms being removed until past the point at which these changes cannot be reversed.”

Pat Miller, Willfully Ignorant --

Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"

Robert Reich Bites the Dust, Finally Goes There

He apparently could not help himself. Sure, he was a Former Clinton Admin official.

In the last couple of years when he became involved with grassroots political activism over FB and at TOP, decided to give him another chance, then was happy to see that he endorsed Bernie, explained many issues in a way that a broader public could understand them. Critic of the status quo Dem Party and surely a thorn in the side of the DLC.

A letter to Bernie...should you write your own?

The proposed endorsement led me to write Senator Sanders. I know I can no longer support the Democratic Party, and I don't understand how a person with Bernie's values can. I wrote him the note below, and I encourage you to do the same. I used his senate contact form - or this address

Prelude. Short Video, the Revolution in Bolivia 2003.

This is what a Non-Violent Revolution Looks Like. Non-Violent on our part anyway, not the neoliberal state's. I would like everyone to note the bravery of Bolivianos in the face of fire and what can be accomplished through unity of the pueblo (the people).
