Interviews Suck
So I had an interview yesterday afternoon. Wasn't but 20 minutes and I probably spent longer getting to and from via Lyft than at the actual interview. I didn't bother to tell my employment specialist until after the fact because HR looks down on ES types accompanying folks like me to interviews. Such a thing causes them to go "in a different direction."
The interview itself was casual. We're talking shorts and a t-shirt casual. I did at least wear a collared polo shirt and some khaki pants because that's what most people wear to the office nowadays (The guy said it would be casual and that a dress shirt and tie weren't necessary).
Still, that didn't stop my employment specialist from lecturing me like a moron and giving me the Reagan Revolution inspired 'Dress for Success' speech even after I told him the situation. Even when I did 'Dress for Success, I still couldn't get hired. And this isn't the first time I interviewed with a guy who was dressed as though he were going to the beach. Last time that happened I was in a full suit. Talk about uncomfortable.
I guess no matter what I do I'll never make any asshole happy. Is it like this all over the country, or is this unique to Flawer'Duh?

Well, in the 90's
I put on my jacket and tie for an interview at an alarm company, pretty much a pull cable job and got laughed out of the place. Went to pick up an application at the local Burger King and while waiting listened to a couple of girls snickering over how they had 2 Master Degree level applications that day. Said the application was for my son, and ditched it in the trash outside. Yeah, it sucks at times.
It was that bad even back then? By the Eight.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Oh this wasn't Reagan
Reagan set the stage with union busting.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
It's not about what you know... it's who you know
And sadly despite years of supposed reforms in hiring practices, it's truer than ever.
It is my firm belief that HR exists only to prevent people from working.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
HR are some real layoff/crime happy bastards.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Good song
Dress for Success during an interview originally ment
Appropriate dress ware for the position one is applying for at that moment. Or, if employed wearing the dress of the position one would like to move up into in the future.
When one only knows the sound bites of a strategy, instead of the how and why some strange behavior. When I was interviewing, if someone came wearing a suite and tie for a low level position they would not likely get the position. The job was most likely a holding spot until something else came along.
You were right, your Employment Specialist does not appear to fully understand the concept. The type of dress varies with position, company and location, generally in that order of importance. A little research on a company can usually provide some clues as to the appropriate dress and mannerisms for the better interview process.
Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.
Yeah they are never happy.
Yeah they are never happy.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Sorry for your struggle to find a job...
Not that this will help, but might be interesting.
Fortune's list of best companies to work for in FL.
There are a few cooperative business in FL
...and Publix Super Markets, Inc., commonly known as Publix, is an employee-owned, American supermarket chain headquartered in Lakeland, Florida. Founded in 1930 by George W. Jenkins, Publix is a private corporation that is wholly owned by present and past employees.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Ever go on Glassdoor?
You can go on there and get an idea of the interview process, culture, salary and so on for a company or specific job. I only ever tried to post something on there once after a joke of an interview--the hr guy or whoever scheduled me during a private party before the place opened for the afternoon, so the kitchen manager who was interviewing me didn't really have time, acted like I wouldn't be able to handle it before even asking me any questions, and wouldn't budge on starting pay. The post was rejected, unfortunately.
This shit is bananas.