The Aspie Corner's blog

Getting Back In The Pool

I'm taking the summer off and needed something to do along with the driving lessons I'll be taking, so last Wednesday I decided to try a free workout at the kickboxing inspired 9-Round Gym just down the block from me. By the end of the 9 'rounds' I was hurting quite a bit and was ready to vomit. Reminded me of wrestling season my sophomore year in high school, actually.

Guerrilla Liberalism Has Never Liberated Anyone. And It Never Will.


Since Dipshit's installation by the Clintons into the presidency in 2016, liberals haven't learned a damn thing. Their reactionary attitudes toward the world have only intensified. This call for a sex strike by Boardroom Feminist Alyssa Milano is just one example.

On Practice in the American Empire and America's Denial of Class and Class Struggle

To understand practice in this context, some recommended reading: Mao's Essay On Practice

What is practice? If you play a sport, program computers, play video games, practice usually entails working on a particular skill or concept in order to become better at that game, sport or programming language.

A Response to Aron Ra and Movement Atheism


Feel free to watch the video. I didn't go into it beyond five minutes because right away these two refuse outright to address the root cause of our 'disunion': Capitalism. No amount of pontificating on social issues will mitigate the fact that capitalism has hollowed the country from the inside out. The current crop of movement atheism utterly ignores this.

Dr. Phil Pisses Me Off.

Now granted, I don't watch that carnival barker son of a bitch and you couldn't pay me any amount of money to do so, but my wife does from time to time. And on a particular episode she was watching tonight, he had this guy who was 45 years old and had moved back home some time ago. "Oh look how messy and crazy this guy is. My god, this guy's a total loser."

Capitalism's Century on Life Support

Ninety years ago, capitalism was near death, or at least, it'll be 90 years in October. Black Tuesday happened in October in 1929. A few years later, FDR was elected as president and decided it would be best to put capitalism on life support with a jobs program and Social Security.

The Primary and Secondary Contradictions of the American Empire

To understand what I mean by contradictions, let me offer some recommended reading:

Mao's Essay On Contradiction

What exactly are the contradictions in our rotting empire? To begin with, our economy can't survive without the very things we claim to abhor such as imperialism, various means of exploitation, exceptions that maintain the rule, and that's just three.

It Seems My Inability to Handle Stress May Be Catching Up With Me

For the last few days I've felt like my chest is contracting as I breathe in and out. It subsides after a while but never really goes away.

It doesn't help that school started this week and one of my classes intimidates me. During these times I wear my frustration on my sleeve, though I suppose I always have.
