The Aspie Corner's blog

(mis)Adventures in Computer Purchasing

The first PC I ever owned was one I built back in 2006. It was decent at the time, even for what the pros called an entry level set up. Eventually I upgraded it as far as it could go to a 3.4 Ghz Pentium D dual-core processor (Luckily the D101ggc motherboard supported it), a couple of gigs of ram and a decent video card for the time.

Recruiter Calls Me to Tell Me About Yet ANOTHER Job I Will Never Get

The reason why should be obvious to anyone who has read my postings long enough. The asshole recruiter from New Fuckin' York said these sons of bitches want someone who can be on-site. In Palm Bay. Since I can't drive, this is yet another job I could never fucking get.

Is There Any Way to Make This Stop?

I keep getting calls from various numbers claiming to be the Social Security Administration saying that legal action will be taken against me, including threatening possible arrest, if I don't call them back.

It's pretty clear this is a scam because the numbers lead nowhere and the messages sound like automated bots.

Has anyone else encountered this?

Forcing The Unemployed to 'Work' for Benefits and the Failures of "Social Democracy"


I thought about posting this in this morning's Open Thread, but I thought it better to post a blog instead, having experienced many things described in this video myself.

Bitcoin Miners VS DIY PC Enthusiasts

Recently the temperature sensors on my current graphics card have died. A good way to tell this is to look at the readings on your device's software (i.e. AMD Catalyst). If the temperature in the overclock section reads something like, say, -128 Celsius, that usually means the sensors are screwed. As a result, the fan now runs full-blast regardless of activity, meaning the fan will likely burn out sooner or later.

Tom Steyer Takes a Few Minutes out of His Bribery Schedule to Talk About Five Rights

Or more likely, I simply got a robomail from a group supporting the Blue Pig Faction calling itself "Next Gen America". Here's a little snippet:


Injustice has existed in the United States since long before Donald Trump came around, with a Constitution containing as many flaws as noble aspirations.

(Updated x 2) Another Friend May Cross The Rainbow Bridge

Midnight's Big Belly

I have no way to know just yet. Midnight here has hyperthyroidism, a common diagnosis for cats at or close to 12 years of age. He's lost a good deal of body weight over the past few weeks and has had diarrhea as well. He's been eating quite a bit more as a result.
