Disability Caucus 6/25/17: Help (Not) Wanted
A couple of weeks ago I went to a 'DiverseAbility' job fair hosted by Voc Rehab and other county employment services. Of course the whole thing was a waste of time because they only had a few employers and the rest were just plugging services I already use. Services Flori-Duh's government seems all to happy to slash every fuckin' year.
This, coupled with the fact that employers refuse to hire anyone who can't drive are why I gave up. That's also why I don't post diaries like this anymore.
What good is it gonna do to look for jobs when the response is always the same 'you don't meet our qualifications' only to have the same assholes post the job again later? Hell, what good does it do to talk about it when most of the state or country doesn't give a fuck?
I seriously would love to walk into a room full of HR and hiring manager morons and tell them all to go fuck themselves. That they wouldn't last one day in my shoes. It's what they deserve for enabling the kind of horseshit that holds disabled workers back or excludes them entirely on purpose.
Oh, and Anthony Rendon, Corporate Dem, killed Single Payer in California. I'm sure his corporate donors are quite happy.
See ya around,

You know where I stand on this already.
You know where I stand on this already, Aspie, As a group, employers are spoiled brats. This comes from labor markets (all of them) being buyers' markets. Employers' money talks, all else walks on. And on.
I know there is a segment of American workers for whom a search for a new job isn't a prohibitive proposition. You can tell them by their good credit ratings, something that 90%+ of the rest of us don't have because a stable livelihood has evaded all our efforts.
Even when I was considered fully able, I was repeatedly turned down for positions I qualified to hold. And there was no corresponding "opportunity" anywhere near my life, either. Fact is, I needed a well-paid position which lasted at least 30 straight years without interruption; strings of 18-month gigs punctuated with 2-year periods searching for the next gig just didn't cut it. And my experience here is typical for an American my age and is becoming more so.
Again, that's a fully able worker who could and did drive!
Of course, now that I'm disabled (and 58 years of age!), things are much worse; like yourself, no one will hire me when the supply of young workers able in both body and mind is so glutted everywhere....
Solidarity, Aspie my friend!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
This country needs a massive investment in co-ops.
I'd like to see something like this, but for people like us. Elements know we could sure use the opportunities.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Dave's Killer Bread
In very deed.
Although that manager's story has a bit too much attitudinalism in it for me to buy it unquestioningly. The rags-to-riches stuff just throws up red flags real bad. But it just might be true in this case.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Disability system is fake too, surprise surprise.
Rant on. All of the "systems" I agitated for, paid into and helped produce, it turns out they are wholly inadequate when it came time to need them. So what's the point? Hamster wheel comes to mind again, keep going? Don't talk about nihilism unless prepared to fix shit for real, otherwise existential for the win.
I can describe in detail the collapse of Mental Health services in Sonoma County, have no idea at all where the money goes now, service contracts galore but no services. Consultants are certainly not building housing for people, or helping them stay stable to improve. Catholic Charities is the big contractor/consultant for disabled poor around here, they decide, not the people. Lobbyists and administrators eat the community and spit something gross back out. Right back on to the streets. You can't really say anything bad about them because, well they're Catholic, and they're a charity. Just be quiet and take the pittance. "That's the system." "We're capitalists". "We create the addictions that produce profit, deal with it."
Catholic Charities’ safe-parking program loses funding in Santa Rosa
Sorry, I got triggered by the photo of homeless pets. Fuck that shit, I just had to rant. Sure, it's my own personal fear and loathing, every day I get up the first thing I think about is where to go when the rent goes up again. Every single day. The answer is always nowhere, there is no way on earth I can live on the street, I'd lose what little is left of my mind for sure. So, you guys tell me, what are the choices? Call 211? Please make your own attempt before telling me that bullshit, there is no there there. The waiting list for shitty "affordable" housing is ten years long, yet another useless database, mined by who knows what or where. The cops here are in a major "move along transient" effort for the Chamber's eXperience Cloverdale PR crap, the Sheriffs departments in Mendocino County too. Where do they think people will go? It's insane, but I'm the one with the diagnosis? huh
Speaking of credit worthiness, I already forgot about employers using that as a weapon. My fear was always landlords, and it came true. I actually had one say to my face "nobody rents to disabled" when I was sitting in line to fill out the application. That was 2013 and it is worse now. Because Full Employment, to bring it back around. That is the Chamber of Commerce dream come true, Sonoma County is now considered to be at full employment. The excuse is "well of course we can't build fast enough to keep up with great economy." And citizens believe the lie, I guess. They keep voting for it anyway,
Even if I could work full time, I couldn't earn enough to survive. Key jobs that don't pay enough to live in Sonoma County, here's partial list edited for brevity:
Fight for $15? Try $25. What is the prescribed drug to cure that bit of information, I wonder. Somehow I keep getting sucked back in to the electoral politics vortex, it is like trying to find the Ikea exit. Always happy to find my way out again. Cheers.
Sonoma County, Hote-Hell California
Sounds like Eagle County, Colorado (seat Vail) and Summit County, Colorado (seat Breckenridge). These Counties actually have to provide public housing for the bottom two-thirds of their workforces because shelter has become so expensive in those Counties that no ordinary person can afford it.
And the "full employment" lie is based on thoroughly cooked books. You know that. The specific cookery Sonoma County resorted to is to essentially evict all their unemployed and under-employed into other Counties so that their stats looked good and the neighboring Counties not so much.
Fuck them!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
The accidental linker
Black Flag Roach Motel Commercial- 1983
June 22, 2017: California bans state travel to Texas, Alabama, Kentucky See? LOL! Just kidding, but not really.
I feel your pain
I too tried to get work, but no one would hire me after they saw me in person for the "Interview" and would tell me the lie that they "went with a more qualified candidate" despite my years of experience in the post, but I needed the bus and my health issues do have some apparent signs top people.(Weight is the most visible as well as my cane for stability in walking.) They pay lip service, but they find ways to discriminate against folks with health issues(they fear me dying on their production floor). I now accept that as long as I have my monthly pay and medicare, I can hang on in my forced retirement.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
health issues
Forced retirement! Cat, do I resemble that remark!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Voc Rehab isn't worth a damn.
Having managed an American Jobs Center for almost 40 years, I would definitely agree with you. I also agree that most employers are a bunch of lying prima donnas. They only "hire the best" to take out the trash. 4 year degree and five years experience required - oh recent grad preferred. I would try Goodwill Industries to see if the have a job placement program. I have no personal experience with these two links, but I would give these a try if I was looking for work from home or remote employment. Whatever you do, just don't pay anyone any money for helping you. If you have to pay, it is a scam.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon