My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
From:Little by little our eyes are being opened....but it is so slow and painful
polkageist Tue, 07/19/2016 - 02:39pm 1 Tue, 07/19/2016 - 05:33pm
Thanks. One of the best essays on this subject I have seen. n/t
From:I Feel So Free! Thank you, Hillary!
polkageist Tue, 07/19/2016 - 01:21pm 0
Words and Phrases Have Meaning.
From:Listen: Bernie isn't playing some game of "N-th dimensional" chess
polkageist Mon, 07/18/2016 - 06:27pm 1 Mon, 07/18/2016 - 07:13pm
Peter Kropotkin n/t
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Mon, 07/18/2016 - 12:19am 1 Mon, 07/18/2016 - 12:35am
IQ tests.
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 08:39pm 1 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 09:40pm
Thanks for the Einstein piece.
From:Why Socialism?
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 07:28pm 0
Can we vote on the skunking method?
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 06:38pm 2 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 08:04pm
Comment on stupid people in the electorate.
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 06:25pm 2 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 10:48pm
Did you read my essay?
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 04:06pm 1 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 06:55pm
Hi Lunachickie.
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 03:14pm 0
I haven't seen much delusional thinking here on C99.
From:OUTBREAK: Cognitive Dissonance No Longer Contained to Just Hillary Supporters
polkageist Sun, 07/17/2016 - 01:45pm 2 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 03:06pm
Amoral or Immoral?
From:Lynch-Clinton Meeting in Phoenix
polkageist Sat, 07/16/2016 - 07:48pm 0
Terrific cover.
From:Clinton's emails, servers, Comey, and the Senate.
polkageist Sat, 07/16/2016 - 01:35am 2 Sat, 07/16/2016 - 03:11pm
What makes you think we are passive?
From:Maybe we are overreacting to the endorsement.
polkageist Fri, 07/15/2016 - 11:50pm 1 Sat, 07/16/2016 - 09:04am
From:You folks are impressing the hell out of me!
polkageist Fri, 07/15/2016 - 09:51pm 1 Fri, 07/15/2016 - 09:57pm
You're welcome Haikukitty.
From:Maybe we are overreacting to the endorsement.
polkageist Thu, 07/14/2016 - 12:39pm 1 Thu, 07/14/2016 - 12:48pm
Magnificent interview!
From:I'll just leave this here... if people haven't seen it. C99 in MSM
polkageist Wed, 07/13/2016 - 04:05pm 0
Adding some information.
From:Really?! Giving up when the race has not yet been won? We're better than that!
polkageist Wed, 07/13/2016 - 03:46pm 2 Wed, 07/13/2016 - 05:44pm
I agree.
From:Should we move our #DemExit day forward? I'm leaning towards yes.
polkageist Wed, 07/13/2016 - 01:42am 0
I agree.
From:Should we move our #DemExit day forward? I'm leaning towards yes.
polkageist Tue, 07/12/2016 - 12:33pm 1 Tue, 07/12/2016 - 01:40pm
Nominated for best title. eom
From:Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 11:11pm 0
Thanks for a well-written, honest, subjective essay.
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 10:37pm 1 Tue, 07/12/2016 - 05:10am
We were helping Sukarno as much as possible.
From:The CURRENT latest BIG LIE
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 07:40pm 0
You wonder why they chose Hillary?
From:Amendment #134: Attempt to write in HRC's Name Into Platform Ahead of Philly
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 05:39pm 0
Thanks gjohnsit. EOM
From:The elephant in the room
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 04:28pm 0
You may need help.
From:The elephant in the room
polkageist Mon, 07/11/2016 - 04:26pm 0
Thanks gjohnsit.
From:Yes Virginia, it's a Bubble
polkageist Sat, 07/09/2016 - 12:13am 0
I told him I would vote Green if he wasn't the nominee.
From:Write to Bernie and Tell Him How You Feel
polkageist Fri, 07/08/2016 - 10:30pm 0
Me too.
From:Hillary's Victory Fund Panhandling At My Mailbox...
polkageist Fri, 07/08/2016 - 08:32pm 1 Sat, 07/09/2016 - 09:52am
July 29 n/t
From:Sanders booed by House Democrats
polkageist Wed, 07/06/2016 - 04:00pm 0
From:Bernie Sanders: "Now we wait to hear from the Justice Department"
polkageist Wed, 07/06/2016 - 03:20pm 1 Wed, 07/06/2016 - 04:32pm
We are now officially a banana republic. n/t
From:Breaking - FBI Director Comey not recomending indictment
polkageist Tue, 07/05/2016 - 10:29am 2 Tue, 07/05/2016 - 10:56am
Some others of us are out of that loop too.
From:Election Fraud Story Gets Worse: Irregularities Tied to E-Voting Machine Companies that Donated to Clinton Fund
polkageist Mon, 07/04/2016 - 08:48pm 0
Excellent update of the Declaration
From:The Declaration of Political Independence 2016
polkageist Mon, 07/04/2016 - 11:39am 1 Tue, 07/05/2016 - 05:06pm
Deja Vu
From:Guccifer 2.0 Round-Up
polkageist Mon, 07/04/2016 - 11:24am 0
Off this subject.
From:Dear good guy with a gun
polkageist Fri, 06/17/2016 - 06:41pm 1 Fri, 06/17/2016 - 07:17pm
Touché. n/t
From:How Hillary turned the Democratic Party into the New Republicans
polkageist Fri, 06/17/2016 - 03:30pm 0
Good Idea.
From:10.7 Billion for California State Prison System
polkageist Fri, 06/17/2016 - 03:18pm 0
You have made a point that needs to be repeated.
From:Dear good guy with a gun
polkageist Fri, 06/17/2016 - 02:43pm 1 Fri, 06/17/2016 - 06:26pm
Do you feel like it's hopeless to talk to Hillary supporters?
From:How Hillary turned the Democratic Party into the New Republicans
polkageist Fri, 06/17/2016 - 02:03pm 2 Fri, 06/17/2016 - 05:22pm
I Can't Find Any Such Statement. Be Suspicious.
From:Tim Canova jumps the shark.
polkageist Tue, 06/14/2016 - 05:45pm 5 Wed, 06/15/2016 - 09:49am
I don't want to participate, but feel I must.
From:Two simple questions about slaughtering tools
polkageist Mon, 06/13/2016 - 05:51pm 0
This election has made me take another look at sources.
From:Emailgate, round 4--Deposition of Karin Lang, DOS spokesperson
polkageist Sun, 06/12/2016 - 03:11pm 0
I think we have something in common.
From:Emailgate, round 4--Deposition of Karin Lang, DOS spokesperson
polkageist Sun, 06/12/2016 - 02:54pm 0
Please reconsider "chasing the shadows".
From:Open Planning Conference Tomorrow
polkageist Wed, 06/08/2016 - 07:32pm 2 Wed, 06/08/2016 - 09:25pm
I've often wondered why someone hasn't done so.
From:Just saw HRC on Bret Faux news
polkageist Wed, 06/08/2016 - 06:40pm 1 Thu, 06/09/2016 - 03:41am
Calvinball is even better than dementors. n/t
From:In order to declare a Hillary victory today, the DNC generates a Puerto Rico fraud to top them all
polkageist Tue, 06/07/2016 - 02:32pm 0
Be careful. You're using logic again. n/t
From:OF COURSE, Bill got Trump to run! “A Grim Fairytale…” reveals all…
polkageist Mon, 06/06/2016 - 10:57pm 0
I think you're right.
From:and the system grinds on
polkageist Mon, 06/06/2016 - 10:42pm 2 Tue, 06/07/2016 - 08:07am
This comment is exactly what you need to continue.
From:The Birth of a Movement, the End of Democracy
polkageist Mon, 06/06/2016 - 09:14pm 0
It's Fine.
From:The Birth of a Movement, the End of Democracy
polkageist Mon, 06/06/2016 - 08:02pm 0
From:News Dump Monday: Scaremongerry Edition
polkageist Mon, 06/06/2016 - 05:37pm 0
Not really.
From:Hillary's Email - So How Did That Work Exactly?
polkageist Sat, 06/04/2016 - 05:04pm 0
Oooooh! Jim Jones & Kool-Aid. Good metaphor. n/t
From:Hillary's Email - So How Did That Work Exactly?
polkageist Sat, 06/04/2016 - 03:17pm 0
Impeachment would be nearly automatic.
From:Hillary's Email - So How Did That Work Exactly?
polkageist Sat, 06/04/2016 - 03:11pm 1 Sat, 06/04/2016 - 04:11pm
Thanks JtC.n/t
From:From Jill Stein: An Open Letter to CA Voters
polkageist Fri, 06/03/2016 - 07:27pm 0
Another way in Safari
From:'There is now more than a theoretical chance' of no Clinton Nomination (WSJ opinion piece)
polkageist Wed, 06/01/2016 - 11:22pm 0
Constructive Comments Katie and Roy Blakeley
From:Campaigning Like It's 1999
polkageist Wed, 06/01/2016 - 12:10pm 1 Wed, 06/01/2016 - 03:04pm
Yes it is. A hero of mine. n/t
From:Campaigning Like It's 1999
polkageist Tue, 05/31/2016 - 11:10pm 1 Wed, 06/01/2016 - 01:14am
Stay Here
From:Campaigning Like It's 1999
polkageist Tue, 05/31/2016 - 08:44pm 2 Wed, 06/01/2016 - 08:46am
"Corporate propaganda" works for me. n/t
From:David Brooks has a good weep and fails to notice that he answered himself
polkageist Tue, 05/24/2016 - 12:28pm 0
From:Preparing for the New Refugees.
polkageist Thu, 05/19/2016 - 02:27pm 0
You Are Not Wrong
From:Open Thread - Wed. May 18, 2016 - Neo-Liberalism - Obama and the Clintons
polkageist Wed, 05/18/2016 - 02:50pm 0
Me Too
From:Time for the UN Monitors?
polkageist Tue, 05/17/2016 - 06:36pm 0
Young and Dumb
From:My comment for Kos’s hate-filled screed against Bernie supporters.
polkageist Tue, 05/17/2016 - 05:00pm 0
Fools Rush In
From:Too Big Illustrations and Too Many Acronyms
polkageist Mon, 05/16/2016 - 02:59pm 1 Tue, 05/17/2016 - 08:12am
There is a larger story on the BBC about the mastodon bone.
From:Open Sesame 05/14/16
polkageist Sat, 05/14/2016 - 10:19pm 1 Sat, 05/14/2016 - 10:57pm
Amazon & Bezos
From:Open Sesame 05/14/16
polkageist Sat, 05/14/2016 - 10:04pm 0
Green Party as a refuge.
From:More watermelon for the picnic?
polkageist Fri, 05/13/2016 - 12:27am 0
There is always reason for hope.
From:Is there any reason to hope?
polkageist Thu, 05/12/2016 - 04:12pm 0
From:About Hillary's 'support', part II: The race as it really stands
polkageist Wed, 05/11/2016 - 08:34pm 0
Me Too. n/t
From:Bernie Postcard Blitz
polkageist Mon, 05/09/2016 - 02:59pm 0
Wealth hasn't been created for quite awhile in our society.
From:Does this make any sense?
polkageist Mon, 05/09/2016 - 01:23am 3 Mon, 05/09/2016 - 09:47am
You're Right.
From:Bernie's Endgame - And Ours
polkageist Mon, 05/09/2016 - 12:45am 0
From:We Will Not Be Brought to Heel
polkageist Sun, 05/08/2016 - 11:59pm 0
Here is a link to an article that explains it.
From:Hillary Victory Fund and Superdelegates Flipping to Bernie
polkageist Sat, 05/07/2016 - 01:03am 0
Eldridge Cleaver
From:Bernie at the Democratic Convention: Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now
polkageist Sat, 05/07/2016 - 12:13am 1 Sat, 05/07/2016 - 07:13am
Noted. Thank You. N/T
From:Trump Running to Get Revenge on the Kenyan
polkageist Fri, 05/06/2016 - 03:26pm 0
Off The Subject But Only Slightly
From:Trump Running to Get Revenge on the Kenyan
polkageist Fri, 05/06/2016 - 03:19pm 1 Fri, 05/06/2016 - 03:22pm
I Couldn't Agree More
From:Neoliberalism: A Greater Threat to Humanity Than Communism Ever Was
polkageist Fri, 04/29/2016 - 01:26pm 1 Fri, 04/29/2016 - 02:08pm
Absolutely. N/t
From:How I plan to vote, and why I'm here.
polkageist Fri, 04/29/2016 - 12:20pm 1 Fri, 04/29/2016 - 11:05pm
Welcome Martianexpatrite
From:How I plan to vote, and why I'm here.
polkageist Fri, 04/29/2016 - 12:15pm 0
That is so 20th century thinking. n/t
From:The Hillary Corruption Has Already Taken Hold
polkageist Thu, 04/28/2016 - 09:36pm 1 Fri, 04/29/2016 - 02:52am
What's in a Name?
From:My Millennial Daughter's Message on Voting for Hillary
polkageist Wed, 04/27/2016 - 05:05pm 0
Comment of the Day
From:Bernie Has Exceeded My Every Expectation
polkageist Wed, 04/27/2016 - 01:27pm 0
Good Essay
From:The Democratic Party's Forty Percent Dilemma
polkageist Mon, 04/25/2016 - 08:52pm 0
I Certainly Enjoy Your Comments
From:On DKos, the Dem Party and Bernie
polkageist Sun, 04/24/2016 - 02:08pm 1 Sun, 04/24/2016 - 03:43pm
Greed, Arrogance, and Religion
From:Buddhists, Bernie, and Climate Change
polkageist Sat, 04/23/2016 - 10:50pm 0
Learned Something New
From:The Democrats' reactionary mythology
polkageist Sat, 04/23/2016 - 01:35pm 0
Hillary's Con
From:Bernie's List
polkageist Sat, 04/23/2016 - 12:38pm 3 Sun, 04/24/2016 - 10:56am
From:"Clinton supporters want us to fear Donald Trump, the fascist. ... But this is all a smokescreen. In America, what’s really happening is they come for our vote in the dead of night"
polkageist Wed, 04/20/2016 - 08:05pm 1 Fri, 04/22/2016 - 01:12pm
From:Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary Clinton may be crux of FBI investigation
polkageist Wed, 04/20/2016 - 05:01pm 0
I agree n/t
From:Sidney Blumenthal email to Hillary Clinton may be crux of FBI investigation
polkageist Wed, 04/20/2016 - 03:57pm 0
Look Again
From:Hellraisers Journal: Darrow and Richardson Meet in Chicago to Plan Defense of Haywood and Moyer
polkageist Sun, 04/17/2016 - 09:05pm 0
They are Old and Crooked
From:Bill Blasts Bernie Backers As Unrealistic, Offers Tone-Deaf Fairy Tale Answer for Inequality
polkageist Sun, 04/17/2016 - 01:00pm 0
Laudato si
From:Towards a Moral Economy
polkageist Sat, 04/16/2016 - 10:50pm 0
Interesting Times
From:News Dump Friday: Fear of a Peasant Uprising Edition
polkageist Sat, 04/16/2016 - 03:07pm 1 Sat, 04/16/2016 - 12:42am
Yeah. I Noticed the Smarts.
From:News Dump Friday: Fear of a Peasant Uprising Edition
polkageist Sat, 04/16/2016 - 01:42am 0
I Didn't Know This
From:It's crazy --
polkageist Sat, 04/16/2016 - 12:45am 0
If the Clinton Machine ousts
From:It's crazy --
polkageist Fri, 04/15/2016 - 11:08pm 2 Sat, 04/16/2016 - 12:20am
