Saturday Open Thread - 12/21/24: Odds and Ends

Good morning, good people! I am doing a countdown: in 30 days, Biden will be gone! Well, physically gone from office, that is. His brain has long since departed. Out with the old, in with the new, we got screwed in old ways, we'll get screwed in new ways!
We can handle it, friends! Keep an attitude!
My Christmas gift was sort of a fluke. My secretary looked on the State Comptroller's website to see if she had any unclaimed money. For fun, she checked my name out, discovered I had $500 based upon an insurance claim from 2019, Progressive Ins. Well, I didn't have insurance with them in 2019. I called Progressive, they tracked it down from an unclaimed deductible, Liberty Mutual. Ok, so the state Comptroller knows my current insurer is Progressive, and Progressive knew I once had Liberty Mutual Ins. , as well as my history of claims. (2 claims in 60 years.) Well, I should get the check soon, but will not shake that many eyes are on me and every damn thing I do. Creepy shit. I never have to feel all by myself again, right? TPTB are always with me.
A friend came by asking for work. He did a great job clearing out vines from my office fence. It took him just over 2 hours, and I gave him $35. He had nothing to eat, no transportation to go to the store. He walks where he has to go. His leg was broken in a fall from a horse at age 6, and his single Mom couldn't afford a dr. to help him. He has limped badly most of his 65 years of life. When he came to ask for work, he needed $5 to buy eggs, and he only had $2. I rounded up some boxed dinners, canned veggies, some breakfast cereal, and packages of cornbread mix, gave him that along with a $5 bill, which is what I had on hand at the office and in my pocket. After he came to work a day later, finished the job, I asked Dear One to give him a ride home, and stop by the grocery store. My friend limped around the store, picked up 2 small packages of potato chips. Dear One found a steak on sale, bought his food for him, gave him the steak. He asked to go to the Dollar General to shop there, and bought food. He showed Dear One a large package of wieners for $7.00, which cost $14 at the grocery store.
My friend is Paul. He has worked all his life. The locals that used to hire him have work offers that he is too old and handicapped to do now. He cannot read or write, has no idea how to get any government assistance, has never paid in to Soc. Security. I will get him an appointment with a county official who might get him enrolled in something. He needs Medicaid and a knee replacement, just to start. And a phone.
Oh, you probably guessed Paul is black. Wish I could arrange for Mr. Musk, a/k/a, The DOGE, to meet my friend. Mr. Musk has never had contact with the Paul's of the country. He might think Paul is an alien from space.
Well, it's your turn to tell us all what hap'nin' in your neck of the woods, and since this is an open thread, any topic of your interest could become our interest, too!

Happy Saturday mornin'!
Maybe today we are told what the drones are doing, who sent them, and why. And the information will be true and accurate.
Let 'er rip!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
What? I assume that the immediately above verbiage isn't the
alcohol talking, but , really, are you feeling ok?
be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hey, el!
Sometimes I revert to the 4 yr old me, when I asked too many questions for my parents, and was sent outside to go ride a horse. I would be a different thinker today if I had a horse.
A memory from 1978: I was at this concert, roared with the crowd at this tune:
Be well, and behave, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hey now
In honor of this being the first day of winter
we were blessed with an inch of snow
glad to have raked the leaves before this
thanks for your fun OT!
you are not alone
question everything
@QMS Good morning, Cap'n!
Not being used to snow, I had to ask Dear One about raking ahead of snow instead of just mulching. Ok. I get it now.
Meanwhile, I am happy to see longer days, giving me more time after work to enjoy the birds, bees, various critters. Pretty sure a red fox was fussing at something or other at the barn by the house. It was close enough that when I stood up from my patio chair to take a look, it went silent.
Enjoy the view of your lovely snow, dear friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good chilly morning...
Appropriate for winter, I guess. Trade day was cold and fairly thin. I found out one of our buddies has landed in the nursing home. For years he took notes on all the songs, tunes, and musicians that came to our weekly session. Guess I'll try to get by and see him sometime when I'm in town.
Yes, big brother is alive and well, watching what we do. I wonder if I bored TPTB yesterday with my mowing and weed eating?
The elite have no idea about those folks who struggle just to get by. So many are invisible to the masses. Sad really, especially in the "season of giving".
One thing about the first day of winter is the days will get longer over the next 6 months.
Take care and thanks for the OT!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Good afternoon, LO!
At least you had a Trade's Day. Our annual Christmas on the Square was partially cancelled due to heavy rains. It only lasted a few morning hours, instead of the all day long event.
I had to retrieve some documents from my local ins. agent, and she confirmed, 'They know everything we have ever done'. I know we are a heavily surveilled population, but it isn't often put in our faces. This whole recovery of funds filing was a reminder. It just felt like I am on a Most Wanted List.
We have many Paul's in the community, very few in a position to help, or particularly willing. We were appalled at what he and his "old lady" eat. From total junk to downright poisonous food. You'd be surprised at the new food market addition to Dollar General stores has exploded. You can judge the financial condition of a community by seeing how full their parking lots are.
Trump will fix it, amirite?
Have a great weekend and enjoy your beautiful manicured yard, my friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Do they know it's...
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti!
The Day of the Birth of the Unconquered Sun!
Hellenic Faith suggests:
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
Great idea!
Think I will sacrifice a squirrel
and smoke it in incense for the occasion
(already got the fire blazing)
question everything
Good morning, Cass!
Remarkable how all winter solstice rituals from all religions just happen to coincide with a Christian celebration. Surely what I was taught in college about Christians deliberately moving Jesus' date of birth to coincide with the various heathen to more easily absorb them into the 'hood is bull shit, amirite?
Have a wonderful weekend, mister!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I thought lots of folks might enjoy this info.
I received an email from dkos, urgently requesting a $5 monthly contribution to keep them on the internet! It is dire! You see, the billionaire-owned media wants them to go dark to keep their progressive message off the tubes! They need the $5 to keep up the fight!
(This is the site that kicked off Bernie supporters, iirc...)
Oh, the irony! It Berns!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Good morning otc, et. al. Rainy today and farmers'
market was a bit on the sparse side. Nonetheless, we got what we need to get us through the week.Dunno what's up with the budget, but I suspect that I can survive without the Federal Government's shenanigans for a few weeks. It is those who get social security and/or medicare who will suffer, while Congress is, of course, fully insulated from any ill effects.
It appears that rather than taking the hint, ukiedom launched an attack on Kazan, deep into Russia, and seemingly targeting civilians. This does not bode well at all.
We have to run down to my sister-in-law's place for part of xmas day, but beyond that we're planning on just holing up at home. Be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Congress doesn't know
The only source I found reporting on the attack of civilian Russians was Sputnik. Ukies kill kids, IDF kills kids, the US doesn't give a shit and our CIA infiltrated media seems focused on Trump's budget defeat and the German Christmas Market tragedy. I do not expect Russia to go quietly into that dark night. They killed 300 Ukie soldiers in Kursk overnight.
Like you, I am staying home for Xmas, but likely foolishly planned to visit Gulfport, MS, for 4 days over New Year's. Traffic on I-10 will probably be very heavy, although Gulfport is not a popular Xmas time tourist destination. It was sort of an attempt to find some place at the beach that wasn't a long drive, with small crowds, maybe some blues performances. Galveston is close, but the water is trashy, the beach is full of garbage, and restaurant prices are just ridiculous. S. Padre is better, with blue water, fairly clean beach, but there is such a heavy traffic area for migrants and ICE, customs, a police presence everywhere. I would not be comfortable taking a walk down the beach or a sidewalk alone. That many cops gives a strong signal to me.
Many years ago, I floated down the Danube from Frankfurt to Vienna, visiting a dozen Christmas markets along the way. One of my best tours anywhere, and one I would never do again.
Enjoy your Xmas with wifey and SIL, dear friend.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
LOL All that Zelensky wants for Xmas is more weapons.
Will Biden, in the spirit of Christmas, give every last cent in our government's coffers to Zelenskye? Wouldn't that be like a bag of coal under Trump's tree?
Whatta crazy country, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
a Saturday song...
HI all, Hi OtC,
Heartwarming to hear how you helped poor Paul. Thanks!
Happy solstice people! Where I am just below 30 deg. N, it shows today as being ONE second shorter of daylength than yesterday, and tomorrow will be one second longer than today. (Weather Underground). Something to celebrate seemingly by all peoples in all times and places. Though I suspect largely of those originating in the northern hemisphere..
Here is a Saturday song, with some great steel guitar...
I think it was that dk at dkos that actually instigated this wonderful place we have here?
Thanks for the OT OtC!
happy trails all!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
That cool song is one my parents would have
I felt bad about Paul walking to and from the office once I found out he no longer lived 1/2 mile away, but had moved into a shack almost 2 miles away. Walking 4 miles to working a couple of hours for $35, is not much better than what folks did in The Depression.
Paul and I have been friends for 40 years. He never begs. He offers labor. He is honest, so used to being close to starvation, he can't imagine much else, and blames nobody for this. I didn't know he no longer had his truck. I have some more work for him that he is physically capable of doing.
dkos...poor millionaire...He might have to sell his Tesla to fund his site. Like you say, where would we all be without him?
I saw a Northern Oriole, at least the markings were the same, except this one was tan, not orange. Maybe because he wasn't in bright sunlight? Anyway, I do not remember every seeing one, so this was a first. He got a snack at the feeder, flew to a nearby tree for a while, so I had several minutes to memorize his color patterns. Very exciting!
Have a great weekend and enjoy your Christmas. Libations are called for, friend!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Northern Oriole
The Northern Oriole was invented in 1983 I think it was.
AOU, the American Ornithoogists Union 'Lumped' they call it, two species the Bullock's Oriole of the western U.S.and the Baltimore Oriole of the east became one species. The Northern Oriole, with Bullock's and Baltimore Orioles then becoming subspecies of Northern Oriole.
The lump turned out to be based on something betwee weak tea and bad science, and maybe even worse. Twenty some years later they were re-split back into the two species as they had been most of their existence.
The females and immatures are fairly similar but the males are quite different. If you can get a pic I can ID them. It is a good bird in winter actually, they are pretty rare to absent Nov. through March. It is a GREAT bird outside of the normal spring to fall period of occurrence. What the books call them depends on when the book was published. Everything about 83-03 has Northern Oriole in it, before or after books show Bullock's Oriole and Baltimore Oriole. AOU and Taxonomists really mucked this one up.
Thanks again for sharing!
happy feathers!
edit to fix typos
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I compared the bird I saw
Bird naming = new math!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
If you think bird names are bad, wait until you get to molts!
In winter they often look like dull versions of summer plumage. Which is actually a new set of feathers which has pale edges. These edges wear off over winter and spring migration making the bright birds we see in spring and summer.
Baltimore is the more likely one in east Texas, Bullock's in west Texas. For a long time the area of the 100th meridian has been considered the biological dividing line between eastern and western species and subspecies as the in many other cases. I am right on the line in the twilight zone and get small numbers of both.
I bet the local area Christmas Bird Count people would LOVE to know about it. They will come to a hummingbird feeder, grape jelly, raisins and any berry.
happy trails!
edit to fix typos
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
I happen to have 2 hummingbird feeders and
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yeah, it was some gal posting on dkos
about this site as an alternative
that brought me here originally
she was from near the MI UP, think dk is right
used to post and host here, but long
time gone .. last seen switched to twitter
at almost 10 years, we've some history here
many characters come and gone
thanks for the memories ..
question everything
same here
Same story here. I was a lurker and saw the Ides of the Idiots post, and shortly after a post mentioning c99. And took my lurking ball somewhere else. Eventually coming out of the closet with no small amount of feat and trepidation.
Yeah we have lost many great posters over the years, likely much to do with age.
be well brother!
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
It was someone called Rusty who brought me here.
Who was Rusty?
The following article sheds some light on the events in Syria.
The first few paragraphs from the article.
That article makes it sound as if
Strange. Up until now, I have read where Britain supported the US efforts, such efforts mostly for Israel with their assistance, as well.
Who is getting the rotation wrong? Interesting stuff, to say the least.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
There are SO MANY competing interests in Syria that it
difficult to figure out what is happening.
IT is likely that things will not end well!
At least for now both Israel and US support the Kurds.
Russia is moving it's base. To Lybia, I think.
It is like watching a reality TV show.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Kill Brits,
I get it now.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Hey ya, snoops!
Jawani cleans up nicely, I will give him that, but after all, he had CIA education for his 5 years in prison here. That's long enough to attain a BS degree in Bull Shit Science.
He is well groomed, in more ways than one.
I hope Sam, my fave client, is getting great Christmas gifts, including snow roll time.
We have a camper trailer here, to sale for a friend, or to buy for ourselves. We are leaning towards buying it. It is fairly old, meaning, better made than new ones. We are leaning strongly towards buying it.
We shall see if everything on it works before writing that check!
Have a great weekend and XMas, chica!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Yesterday we dropped the bounty on our favorite head chopper
Shitlibs are once again cheering this act cuz he seems to have reformed himself. Isn’t that special? Seems I remember that Bin Laden stopped killing Americans and attacking them, but we went ahead and killed him anyway.
Julani has been cleaned and dressed like Zelensky. It’s all performance, but Americans get suckered by the little things.
We have no snow. We had a nice storm last week but it’s all gone now. Sam did find a patch from where they cleared the roads at the cemetery and made sure that she rolled in it.
She stays happy with her toilet paper rolls.. keep putting them somewhere different and wait for her to find them. And she doesn’t need any new toys because she still has the ones I bought her when she was a puppy. It’s interesting to see which one is her favorite for the day.
Good luck with the trailer. I hope you get it. If so send pictures.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
It is a Jayco from
As they say, 3rd time's a charm.
I will send you some pics and details!
Man, my client is a cheap XMas gift kinda of kid!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Mines a 2008 Jayco
and it’s almost perfect. I saw one like mine with the same layout except it had a queen bed behind the sofa. That would have been swell, but I’m happy with mine. Good quality wood and enough windows. Would like one in the bathroom but beggars and all.
I don’t think I would like a pop out. Just can’t see the need. Just another thing that can break. Gawd knows they are expensive enough.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
How very sad….
How many countries has Putin visited after he got the arrest warrant? Hmm?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Cowardly bastard.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I am dropping in a 1 hour
video..Scott Ritter Show, interview with Prof. Al-Arian, before I have had a chance to view it. The Prof. will be discussing Syria from the viewpoint of a staunch supporter of the Palestinians. Should be interesting.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A fascinating discussion of tensions
in the Middle East
winding down to the threat of
Zionism in the US. Good clip.
thanks for sharing it.
question everything
Oh, thank goodness, Cap'n!
Glad you found it interesting. I might get to watch it before the night is over, and if not, tomorrow, fer shure.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
That is it for me
"This video has been removed for violating YouTube's Terms of Service"
It was removed
Ritter is heavily surveilled by the FBI and CIA. I am surprised he is visible anywhere in the media.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I guess now that the Pope will be considered anti-semitic.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Hope it is not genetic
popes and peeps are at odds
question everything
No shit!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
A fine example of a presstitute doing her job.
Like Stahl went along with
Blowing out eyeballs is a good marketing look for those with eyeballs and $.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Looks as if someone is helping the Houthis.
Friendly fire?
Bottom line: I feel badly for the pilots and their families. Find another career besides the military, Americans!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So no IFF?
No positive air control, no communications? Maybe it was AI. I'm just kidding.
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LATE NITE VIEW: Economic Writing is on the Wall...
...for the United States — a nation with inefficient infrastructure, scant affordable public transportation, and general roadside blight. The nation's automobile sales and the necessary vehicle ownership required by the US population is often seen as a leading economic indicator. It can be used predict the future health and well-being of the general economy.
Late night viewers may enjoy this video overview of the real economy and real costs challenging US automobile dealers and automobile shoppers alike in 2025. It's not a comfortable picture. One prevailing problem is the 100 percent tariff that has been imposed on Chinese car imports (and high tariffs imposed on many other US consumer necessities). For example if the MSRP of an imported Chinese EV is $20,000 when it arrives in the US, the US customs officer at the arrival Port will charge a $20,000 fee (tariff) in order to clear the car through Customs. This tariff fee is usually paid by the US importer, who then adds it to the wholesale cost of the car — effectively doubling the car's sticker price to $40,000. In this way, the tariff is instantly passed down to US consumers, who will have paid the tariff that is included in the purchase price of the vehicle. This is true of all tariffs on consumer goods, which is the source of inflation in the United States.
This US tariff policy effectively blocks the American middle class from acquiring a technologically advanced, very-high-quality Chinese EV for an affordable $20,000 dollars. At that lower price, the car would be a significant economic boost for both US consumers and for the general health of the US economy. Unfortunately, US consumers are missing out on this unprecedented one-time economic boost to their current life style budget. The super-affordable EV with its futuristic battery technology, its unheard of driving distance on one gallon of gas, and its game-changing fuel savings for commuters and businesses. The automotive industry and supply chain businesses are also missing out on an automotive sales sensation — and an economic boost for car parts businesses and automotive dealers who sell the EVs.
Instead, the trade war with China, aggressively imposed by the US, is already leading the automobile industry into an early economic catastrophe. Restricting the affordable EVs is not "saving American jobs." In fact, American jobs are being lost right now. The bad for business policies of the politically-deranged US has carmakers, both foreign and domestic, making announcements that they are cutting jobs and cutting the size of their US businesses in 2025 and 2026 by one-quarter to one-third. Some carmakers are simply throwing in the towel. They are all admitting that they cannot build a new-technology, family vehicle that would be affordable for 60 percent of working class, middle class, and subsidized or retired Americans.
The Car Market Crash of 2025 appears to be underway, The writing is on the wall. The video presents the full impact of the actual economic numbers caused by the dogmatic, know-nothing career politicians and the corporate stooges who are elected to the House and Senate in Washington DC. These political operatives are famous for ignoring the pressing needs and living catastrophes of ordinary American workers and hard-pressed US consumers. Their bad legislation has already caused the car market crash of 2025 that will negatively impact the entire US economy. All to look tough and to start a war with a country that they cannot legitimately compete with.
Details discussed in this video:
Nissan is dying… emergency mode 9K people are losing jobs
25K Ram pickups sitting over 220 days
An oversupply of new 2024 and 23 models still sitting in lots
Vicious cycle: Consumer doesn’t buy, dealer inventory goes through the roof, dealers turn away allocations, manufacturers cut production, job layoffs begin… extended impact on already struggling economy.
Insurance premiums have more than doubled in most states in the last 2-3 years.
Crazy high interest rates, and spikes in the MSRPs.
According to Edmonds: $760 is the average new vehicle monthly payment.
1/6 car buyers will agree to a car loan over 1K per month.
1/5 auto loans were declined in the last quarter.
Repossessions are spiking — up 23 percent compared to one year ago. People just stop paying for their vehicles.
Today’s average interest rates are 7.2% on new 11.4% in used vehicles.
Between the cost of vehicles now and higher interest rates and much higher insurance rates — people aren’t buying.
Although the price of new cars will be coming down due to over supply, cost of living increases across the board — mortgage payments, rent payments, insurance, health insurance costs, continuing grocery inflation — are suppressing new car sales.
For example, Tundras are sitting in dealerships nationwide for 200 to 300 days. Which is why Toyota dealers are getting desperate. But knocking $12K off the price is not enough to make a sale.
The Average Negative equity in cars owned is $7200 per vehicle in the US. 1 out 5 consumers with negative equity owe $10K more on their auto loan than what the vehicle is currently worth.
Auto loan debt is at a record high right now.
Outside of Tesla, EV sales have totally crapped the bed. Even Tesla prices have taken a dive.
Dealers can’t justify their profit markups because lenders won’t approve inflated loans for cash-strapped Americans. It is much easier to inflate the profits when “money is cheap” at 1 or 2 percent interest rates.
Buyers will soon have more control due to terrible economic conditions for Dealers caused by tariffs that don't benefit the middle class. Numerous dealerships will soon have steeply discounted new cars and trucks to choose from, but consumers that need basic transportation may be buying unsustainable old technology with long-term higher interest rates and higher fuel costs. Non-Chinese EVs will be priced starting at $45,000, without the cutting edge technology.
What a Cluster-you-know-what!
Bring on the affordable and convenient infrastructure, and people will buy evs, unless the economy crashes and none of of us can afford anything, which is predicted for Happy New Year 2025.
My position is our US lack of infrastructure for EVS, not a comment on China and tariffs.
Always good to "see you", chica, and Happy Holidays!
edit: US lenders are always out for blood. Banksters are gansters.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Tom Petty got super full of himself once he started making it
with the Heartbreakers in Gainesville. I know cos I got a BA in Stetson in DeLand, and had plenty of opportunities to see him in Gainesville on acid. Once he started making coin, he split. He got full of himself cos he was from here. So was Duane Allman and the Allman Bros. band. I Am OVER the horseshit that everyone who lives here is a dumbass. I sure as hell am not!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
You sure as hell
Years ago, I read his book, likely co-authored, but if true, he worked hard. I mean, practice, practice, over and over, daily. One reason why any of his songs sounds one, and only one way. The details of each musical "turn", vocal seeming ad was rehearsed, perfected.
Anyway, glad you are so familiar with Petty and the Allman Bros.
I know little of their personal lives, but appreciate that their music has enriched my existence here on this mostly crappy earth.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981