Really?! Giving up when the race has not yet been won? We're better than that!
Look, yesterday was a tough, TOUGH day, but the world ain't over.
I've had my share of tough days - on a small handful of separate days, I've been physically down for the count and the physicians were explaining they had done all that could be done. I've been beaten and bruised pretty hard all in the interest of reviving me. Frankly, I'm not at all convinced I WANT to be here, but here I am for the time being.
While I'm not an expert at very much of anything, what I can do is tell the difference between dead and not dead, and I'm here to tell you that BERNIE'S CAMPAIGN IS NOT DEAD!
We KNOW what corruption Bernie (and we!) are up against - it IS formidable! Yes, in order for him to have a speaking slot at the table and to keep the gains in the platform from being erased, they extorted this endorsement out of him.
We know how they play. Frankly, I'm glad he's not dead (and all this focusing on his no longer having a security detail really pisses me off after how Clinton discussed the Robert Kennedy assassination in the last go-round).
If we mope and give up WE LET THE TERRORISTS WIN! Cut it out!
Like I said, there's dead and not dead, and Bernie is not dead at all.
In addition to not being dead, Bernie has also not conceded the race. Given all the other forces which are swirling out there, chickens which could come home to roost and what-have-you, Bernie still being in the race is still a meaningful thing. Yeah, the chance of Bernie being the nominee is infinitesimally small, but that number IS larger than zero.
Alive is Not Dead, So acting like we're all at a funeral is unwarranted.
Martin Luther King saw a lot, and he told us that the arc of history bends toward justice. I believe him. The movement Bernie has created in the past 14 months or so is substantial. His message resonated with so many (of us!) who had stopped daring to have hope that life could be less of a struggle. He has awakened a giant, and that giant will assist the arc of history.
Our task now is to keep feeding the momentum with our hope, our goodness, our sense of community our everything right up through Philly, all the way until the nomination. The race is not yet over.
If we lose this round, so beit. We are fighting the good fight.
But even if we lose this round the newly hatching movement is still Not Dead. The race is not yet over. It is time to keep going! Let's get every drop we can out of all the momentum we have gained so far!
In the immortal words of Harriet Tubman:
If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there's shouting after you, keep going. Don't ever stop. Keep going. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.
This is not a time to get sulky or to back away from all we've been devoted to throughout the campaign. We center ourselves, we take a breath, and we move forward. The race is not over. We are not yet done.
It may not be this year we win, but win we will - whatever the outcome, let's do it with style! Keep a smile on your puss and stay true to our goals! #NotMeUs! When people come together, we win!
We are new at this round of it and we are still gaining momentum. Take a deep breath and pick yourself up - here we go!

Thanks, MsGrin
I think most of us always knew this was going to be a LONG and difficult battle.
As much as I wanted Bernie to be the nominee and to be our next President, in some ways, maybe it's for the best, because I feel like we would have all said "Mission Accomplished" from our aircraft carriers, and stopped fighting, but winning the Presidency was never going to be the end of the fight. (Although, I DO think it would have made a YUGE difference in potentially starting to correct the country's course, don't get me wrong.)
But regardless of a Sanders win or loss, we always still had this same fight ahead of us. Until we boot all the neolibs from power, this fight isn't going to be over.
Exactly. And giving up and crying and running away
isn't going to accomplish ANYTHING.
OMG, I'm madder at the reactions than I am at the candidate. We know how awful the DNC is, good grief!!
I am not crying, however, he
I am not crying, however, he said he "PROUDLY ENDORSED HILLARY CLINTON," so can't we be allowed to moveon and just support Jill Stein. I never believed in the platform fight. I see no evidence the platform is something that type of dem pays attention to. Furthermore I never believed she could truly be pushed to the left. She'll just use tricky language like Obummer, and back off when in office. Loyalty to people was used against liberals on Obama and I won't be Bernie's fool either. If he has some commitment from her to appoint progressives to economic and foreign policy position, maybe I would have some hope, but he hasn't mentioned any of that. He just makes some vague promise to hold them accountable. I don't like her, and would never proudly support her given how I feel. I don't believe in the big tent and think that centrists and leftie liberals can't share a party. I also don't believe people who strictly commit to the present system are revolutionary. I voted for him and would again, but I fear Hillary more than Trump and won't go there with him.
He had to SOUND convincing - he did it. He hated it.
You are so correct about the other candidate. I can't fathom how her minions miss how her words and actions are antithetical.
I think this article is absolutely correct about how Bernie ACTUALLY felt about what they extorted h`im into doing:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Body language spoke volumes--more than any punditry
Thank you for that instructive link--good find.
This as close to body language that I can type (read "smile")
MsGrin, my friend,
I appreciate your efforts to motivate and inspire. However, I do not appreciate the implication that I am a cry baby and a quitter.
I choose to no longer play the game of politics. Hell yes I am running away from politics because I do not believe it will solve our problems! Politics, in America, is how the 1% is controlling the masses.
I'm not running away from the fight for justice, peace, and love! I'm taking my fighting spirit to another place --- don't know where yet --- don't know what yet --- but I sure as fucking hell haven't given up!
I wish you well!
I balled my head off yesterday - and I will likely cry some more
We all need to emote - it's a rough time. Everyone needs to take care of themselves. And, yeah - we'll all find the best way for us to contribute as works for us.
And another yeah, man! Politics! I've never seen it from this vantage and I'm disgusted and I'm not sure where I should pull back and where to push ahead. It's confusing!
But there are some who are grousing that Bernie has betrayed us and they are furious at him (not here so much, but in other social media) and they are trying to bring others down, too, frankly - that it's ALL over, nothing to be done but finish capitulating. THAT is what I'm upset about. We gotta assess the wounds and re-group for ourselves and collectively. I just don't want us to give up - they want us to roll over and play dead. We're not dead - we will live to take this another set of steps ahead.
I believe Bernie's playing his hand as best he can. He knows he's not perfect as do we, but he's done an AMAZING job to get to this place. It's a gift.
I'm certainly not critiquing any individual at all (ok, well, one on FB who has been a real true believer who is feeling especially demoralized today).
Sorry about the delay - the vet returned my call and I had to go our and get new provisions for a sick little guy.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
MsGrin, hugs to you!
Thank you for your thoughtful and kind reply --- means so much to me!
Lovely post.
Thanks and agree with most of it. However, while I think we should fight through the convention - and beyond - I really think that continuing to think there's a chance of winning the Pres shouldn't be the motivation, as that's hardly likely.
The motivation is simple: There's nothing else to do.
And yes, that goes for folks like myself who will now support Stein. I can support both of them because neither will win, and supporting both is supporting a growing movement, not a candidate at this point.
Again, lovely post.
Adding some information.
Apparently the DNC rules are convoluted and confusing. I don't know them so maybe these quotations from a friend's email will help(?):
This quote is from Democratic Socialist: “As per DNC rules, a candidate with an active campaign is not allowed to deny an endorsement of another campaign. Doing so would result in forfeiture of said candidate’s super delegate stat[u]s, and the loss of access to the convention floor stage.You must come to understand that the nature of politics is to subtract meaning from language. Although Bernie Sanders is a statesman, he’s still a politician. Have a bit of patience, and wait for Bernie Sanders to make his case at the Democratic National Convention. By “endorsing” Hillary Clinton, Sanders is actively preserving his options, and buying time.”
“[Bernie] didn’t concede though and Since Bernie is a Democratic Delegate and a Super Delegate he is contractually obligated to support only Democratic candidates and if he had withheld an endorsement of the PRESUMPTIVE nominee or endorsed a third-party candidate (Stein) he would lose his Delegate/Super Delegate status as well as forfeit his pledged delegates. He took one for the team today so that he could fulfill his promise and we can take this fight all the way to the convention.
You won’t hear him say this probably because to come out and basically say “I was forced to do this before the convention or me and my delegates more or less are out” would give the DNC grounds to claim he wasn’t “acting in good faith of the party ” and would allow them to deny him access to the convention. We need to make sure all our delegates get [to] the convention! It is possible that some of Hill’s delegates may not bother going now that they are sure she “Has it in the bag” and I really hope they are thinking just that and don’t. So please share this info and let’s be sure we get all our people there! You can help fund them by going to FundBernieDelegates. com or looking up Bernie delegates gofundme’s!!!!”
Here is a video with sited rules straight from the DNC Delegates guidelines
And here is the document link he refrences:…
Also, keep in mind: why would he have spent all the money for permits and still ask for help to get his delegates to the convention if he was throwing in the towel?
What I gather from all of this is that emotions are not necessary at this time because it's all parliamentary maneuvering. I have salved my emotions by simply reregistering as a Green again and will wait to see how it all plays out. If Bernie is the nominee, I vote for him and the down ballot candidates that meet our criteria (no matter which party) and hope that the Clintons serve very long prison terms.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I wish you'd make this an essay, polkageist
It might help people see that his hands were really tied, and maybe allow everyone to calm down a little bit.
It's best not to judge someone before you know all of the circumstances... is pretty much always a good rule of thumb.
I second that - please do flesh this out into an essay
Love this:
That's exactly it!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yesterday, I felt lost and hopeless ...
Today my resolve is stronger than ever. However long it takes—whether we just turned 18 or are pushing 80. We know the odds are stacked against us. But that shouldn’t stop us any more than our predecessors were stopped when the odds were stacked against them. As Frederick Douglass once famously said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
In the streets and in the voting booths, it is by focused and relentless struggle that we can bring about the changes our nation desperately needs in spite of the obstacles—the sexists, the racists, the homophobes, the warmongers, the plutocrats, and their marionettes in Congress. We should adopt the message of the Galaxy Quest folks: "Never give up. Never surrender."
Street politics” will determine whether some of those issues:
climate change,
systematic racism,
single payer healthcare,
defeating bad trade deals,
banning fracking,
secure living wages for all,
eliminating student debt
and corralling the 1%ers who have gifted us with the worst income and wealth inequality since J.P. Morgan was running roughshod over the 99%.
But victory can’t be won without also gaining power at the ballot box, without putting likeminded people on school boards and city councils, in state legislatures and Congress. Achieving those gains means organizing from the bottom-up, precinct by precinct, county by county, year-round, every year, over the long haul.
If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together.
-African Proverb-
You generation is amazing
...the world needs your convictions and your energy. You are transformative.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Well done MsGrin, thanks.
Felt like I was worked over at a local gym with a succession of body blows. It hurt, man, it hurt. Was surreal too. Afterward I ran into a very good friend and neighbor who also canvassed for Bernie had to witness, with him pointing it out, the abomination in front of us, which was packs of teenagers and young adults congregated at the end of our street playing some lame-assed online social media "game" (Poke-fucking-mon or whatever it is). Thought it was poetic that at the heartbreaking end of one of the most incredible, brilliant and inspiring political campaigns by all manner of deceit and fraud it coincided with a clear sign to me that the we as humans are, as George Carlin put it, "circling the drain."
Same friend sent me this today, "By Endorsing Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders May Have Positioned Himself to Win The Presidency," and it cheered me by reminding us that the amount of investigation cases and corruption scandal following her at the moment resemble a klieg light attracting moths.
From the article:
Like with Occupy, Bernie's campaign touched so many. That energy, though slightly dormant at the moment to the casual mainstream observer, will grow into something bigger.
My hope is the delegates will raise hell, and if necessary, walk out of the convention. Or as the author above points out, HRC becomes so unavoidably vile in her appearance of sheer, blatant corruption that cooler heads will prevail and they realize Bernie's numbers have proven he will trounce Trump (if he even makes it past the nomination, I have my doubts). But of course, this rests on the presumption that they really want the best chance to beat the Repugs. Nah, they just want their front person for the money grab they're all in and salivating on. The irony is that the greed of their money laundering will be their downfall.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
MsGrin ~ I thought I was the optimist extrordinaire, but
I was wrong! You are! Thank you for this uplifting essay. Thank you for acknowledging our one day of mourning and the fact that it is now time to pick ourselves up, brush ourselves off, and get the fuck going! There's not time to be down, licking our wounds. The wounds will heal and we better leave the scabs alone, lest we bleed again. Let it scab over and charge ahead!

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
((((Raggedy Ann)))
We all have our ups and downs...
One of the folks locally stuck in a down spout at the moment is a delegate and has been a campaign staffer... and who also cock-blocked me (sorry for the term - can't find another colloquialism to convey that meaning at the moment) at the convention from the last minute effort I was trying to pull off... I got close enough to taste pulling it off, but my stamina was insufficient. Damn!
At any rate, she's someone everyone locally knows, and she's trashing the whole experience and it's FRUSTRATING! We have two weeks to go - surely we can hang on long enough doing our best to be able to say to ourselves at the end of THAT day that we have done our best!
All I know is that it ain't over til it's over, and it ain't over YET!
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I don't know how this happened ???
And I don't know how to make it go away.
OK, then - let's play a game.
MsGrin . . . I completely agree with you ...
I am on the same page. Replied back to the Bernie or Bust letter saying I will mail 25 letters. He did not concede. We are not done.
My heart is still in it and I have a lot of faith in Bernie Sanders. I was on his mailing list long before he started running for president. My daughter and I heard him in person in Grand Prairie. That was so frickin amazing.
Bernie or Bust, the People's Platform, Bernie's delegates voting at the convention, fighting on the convention floor for open primaries and reforming superdelegates, the speeches, the cheers from the crowd, the marches, the rallies. These things need to be louder and bigger than ever!!
It was not surprising that they made him do some stuff he didn't want to do. We expected that. That doesn't make me want to quit. It makes me want to fight harder!!
I say that instead of giving in to their game, we adapt, improvise, and overcome!!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Yes! adapt, improvise, and overcome
...and put an arm around friends (and ourselves) when hurting.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Yes . . . of course
love, compassion, kindness, good will, and peace are the ultimate solution.
To "fight" for a cause. "Fight" is really the wrong word. Better words are "lift up" or "communicate" or "bring hope" or "find truth" or "live truth" or "have mercy" or "feed the hungry" or "justice" . . . .
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
MsGrin! Awesome Possum!
I just dropped by to see "what's up with c99?" and I find this amazing, fabulous, essay! You Go Girl!
Love every bit of it, and I'm savoring your words ... Monty Python clip? Check. Harriet Tubman quote? Check.
You inspired me to go off searching for another clip, which I didn't find, but I found this one instead and I think it might be even better.
Do we have a noble cause? Yes indeedy. We actually have two. The first is the fight to restore democracy. And the other ... well, I'll just let you do the math
Have fun storming the castle!
Very Nicely Done!
A great addition to it.
My heart, somehow, does not think the race is actually over...
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member