Is there any reason to hope?
I have virtually stopped writing and read less and less. I feel very alone. I am watching a system fall apart and as I watch the people in it seem to be engaged in even more theater than before.
This is not an election we are watching and maybe participating in. It does not even resemble an election. For years and years some of us have pointed out that our elections are a theater used by the oligarchy to narcotize a television watching audience.
As the current theater progresses we find almost everything out there focused on it. The issues have been embedded in the drama so that they too become artificial and without their original meaning.
Meanwhile Bernie fights on in this hollow echo chamber and his message is reaching people in spite of the smokescreen. Unfortunately, I have missed any tangible signs that the movement will last beyond the election. At 80 and a virtual cripple I am out of touch and forced to be a spectator.
I have never believed that the oligarchy will give up its power. Therefore the election itself can not be a mechanism for unseating them. Meanwhile we see only a massive turnout for Bernie and a series of rigged elections. Bernie was genius in running in the Democratic party and he has succeeded in exposing them for what they really are.
The convention and the platform fight should be interesting. I suspect that it all will be rigged so that Bernie can not become the nominee. Yet I have this lingering hope that the people will prevail at that time and the first stage of the revolution will happen.
How realistic is such a hope? My sense of the system tells me that it is foolish. Yet as I watch the crowds turn out for Bernie I know that the revolution is alive. Even if only a portion of those coming out really understand what Bernie is really saying we have a potent force for change out there. Bernie is no fool. He knows what he is dealing with in this corrupt system. Because he has to play the election game carefully it is impossible to know what his plans are should he be cut down at the convention. One thing that gets lost in the election framing of what is happening is that the movement is not led by Bernie. It will depend on the people who have been truly enlightened about the corrupt system to decide what will follow.
As one of those people I am totally in the dark. I have no clue about what to expect. I can only hope. What do you think?.

Boy, I sure don't know if there is
much reason for hope, although I'm not in the greatest mood today! I had a conversation with a co worker, very smart woman, who is most likely voting for Trump because she thinks illegal immigration is THE biggest problem in this country. I tried arguing, I really did, and she commented on how angry I am about this too. It is the willful ignorance that drives me just nutso, the idea that anyone could buy into this whole shitty marketing scheme just makes the anger burn more. And it's depressing as hell to know that people I thought were rational humans are not even close when it comes to our "elections" in this country.
There are days I really wish I could stop caring about it but I know that's not possible for me anymore.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
What do they say "It's always the hope that gets you".
I have hope, I see a much more politically aware generation than ever before and that's because of the net. I think we see more and chat more about relevant issues and that's not going to stop any time soon and it could well even increase.
People said Occupy was dead
Now it is threading the needle of electoral politics in the campaign of a man uniquely qualified for this moment. A campaign banished from the spotlight but spreading underground with upset victories and unprecedented participation levels. And we have unique leverage, together, at this moment in history, where a few donations and a few hours phonebanking can turn the tide. The obliviousness of the MSM and the deluded DNC machine is a blessing in disguise. There is plenty of time for despair later, we are still fighting, and we are winning. Unlearn the helplessness, make some phone calls. Connecting with people out there will revive you, people know more than we imagine, and the media's silence hurts them more than Bernie.
Keep hope alive. If nothing else, we pass on ideas to younger folks. And Bernie shows that many young people are receptive.
I ain't got time to despair... children's future and very lives are at stake...
I want my two dollars!
And why the Hillbots don't/won't understand this,
let alone even acknowledge this, I will never understand. Ever.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Which part of 'Democratic Whores'
did you not understand?
Of course it is brutally unfair to compare honest, hard-working sex workers who perform a vital service with politicians who sell their souls to deceive and betray their constituents. I hope the Swedes have figured out not to give a Nobel Peace Prize to a president until after he has left office without becoming a war criminal.
First, thanks for all of your great writing.
Over the years I always went first to a Don M or an OPOL diary. Your contributions have not gone unnoticed. So thank you very much.
I think where the hope lies is in the still possible nomination of Bernie. And in the backlash to the very possible Trump presidency. A friend and I were just talking over lunch about how Shrub was the catalyst to so many movements. Shrub drove droves of us to new media outlets (TOP,Duh) and new organizations (Occupy, Transition Town, etc.). So there is the silver lining. One candidate so good, one so bad. But either way they lead to massive change.
Then the hopeless possibility is the guardian of the status quo. And even her attempt at winning is showing the true colors of the D party establishment. Which may drive droves of us to somewhere new. Heck, we are here right?
And then re:hope, looking long term, I think my old friend Mother Earth is about to end her long period of tolerance and enabling. She is likely going to end a very bad relationship that she has been in for some time now, and pick herself up and rebuild her life to something wonderful. And we know our old friend M.E., she is a patient one. If it takes a million years she will do it. And once she has restored herself and regained her youthful glow, I expect next time around she will not get in such an abusive relationship as she has been in the last few hundred years.
Don you are a treasure
I don't like to think of you in despair although I have to admit I am often in that state myself.
I agree with wouldsman that mother earth, gaia, is going to get the final word no matter what humans do.
We are in a deepening crisis and people of all sorts will respond to that crisis in infinitely different ways, many of which will be beyond scary.
I try to hold onto the idea that when big transformation happens, we really can't see it in the moment. It is only looking back that gives us the perspective to name it.
Can the world be threatened by fascism twice in a century? Yes. Can the elements of fascism take over in the 21st century? That is what I fear. Yet there are hundreds of millions of us who see the dangers and almost hourly contemplate what can be done.
I am hoping for a spiritual transformation that end runs anything we would normally call politics.
This is my ace in the hole: a force we can barely perceive, never mind articulate, is at work.
May the dolphins, whales and furry things inherit the world. Humans, unless we do an about face, have just about proven we don't deserve this beautiful planet.
Yes. And, yes.
Definitely, something's coming.
I said something similary the other day
That's a fact, Jack, and that alone keeps me hanging on to hope that a revolution really is brewing. People are sure starting to catch on. You and I might not see the end result, but it's happening. I'll go to my grave believing it...
Bernie's fightin'
So I'm fightin'. There is hope. There are more cracks appearing. More and more talk of the "Investigation". The movie Clinton Cash releases in Cannes next week. Who knows what will happen in this cycle? I don't.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bernie is no fool
he knows what is afoot at the convention. I don't know what his plan is going forward, but Clinton winning on the first ballot won't knock the wind out of his sails. I'm pretty sure his plan isn't settling for adjusting the wording on page 17 of the party platform.
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
This is the point:
We. Are. Not. Going. Away. Ever.
We are everywhere.
We are very many.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Bernie is no fool
Silly WoodsDweller!
Doncha know the Clintons are freeing up time for Bern to give a speech? A speech!!!! On TV!!!! Of course, Bern will have to cease and desist plus give up his list.
Hope that speech isn’t just the “switch” in bait-and-switch. n/t
Take a day off to refresh.
Then Come Back Tomorrow Kickin'.

Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
There is always reason for hope.
Like you, I'm 80. Every Sunday I man a table for Bernie. I'm the junior partner because the other guy is 86. He attended the opening of the Bernie HQ here in town and took his wife. She was so impressed with what and who she saw that she switched from Hillary to Bernie. Read some of today's posts here on the way forward for Bernie to see that there isn't reason to give up yet.
If Bernie gets the nomination, I think there will be a Democratic landslide of historic proportions. That could well mean that some very pressing problems get the attention they need. That's what I'm working for.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
I want to be hopeful, then I falter.
I have no idea what Bernie is cooking up. I trust him. I am willing to follow him to the end. IF he doesn't get the nomination, I want him to bolt and run third party. If he means anything he said about the state of the world and Hillary, I believe he has a moral obligation to do so. Sawant is doing everything she can to encourage a third run with Stein as his VP in the Green Party.
This election process is so corrupt, Hillary is an illegitmate as Bush. If we can't achieve success from within the party, I want to burn it all down.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The next stage of the revolution
may be born out of the People's Summit in Chicago in July [I think]: coalescing several small parties and getting serious about a Brand New Congress.
And new council members, new governors, etc.
One of three things will happen. The people will retake the political process, the people will give up and another revolution will die, or the people will resort to direct action [which could get really ugly really fast].
But don't give up on Bernie's army. Give them a chance to get together, get organized, form a plan of action, and give it a shot. They have the right to try.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
God, I love this woman! (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
don, welcome to the party!
If nothing else we have a front row seat from which to witness the apocalypse. But, even better, we need to look at this as having hit bottom. There's no way to go but Up, and we're on the right side of history. Either way it's going to be fun to watch, participate in.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
My granddaughter attends WOU
And is voting straight Bernie candidates.
Bell for Governor
Ackian for S of S
McTeague for the House
Stine for Senate. And of course, Bernie for POTUS.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Same here
Bell, Avakian (Val Hoyle, we hear from insiders, is a Clintonian pol all the way), Stine for senator (though Wyden must have that locked up again), and a strong Bernie guy for mayor (though splitting the vote among Ds in that field risks getting a scary R mayor). I can't forgive Kate Brown, the accidental governor, for giving HRC her superdelegate endorsement well before Oregon voted. Her personal endorsement is fine; a promise of her SD vote before her constituents vote is not.
I will not vote for anyone who endorsed HRC during the primaries or support any organization that did so. Exception: because Planned Parenthood provides vital services, I now give directly to my local outfit with a guarantee that not a cent moves out of OR back to PPFA national. I've used several postage-paid PPFA envelopes to explain why I wish to be removed from its mailing list. Ditto NARAL and Emily's List.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Don, I have a suggestion for you.
REMEMBER there is a world out here and it's not all about November 8. Remember DAILY to take your vitamins, eat at least two healtuy balanced meals per day. Remember to drink liquids.
Do all you can to support Sanders and promote Sanders daily.
THEN sit outside if it's not broiling hot. Sit inside but get some vitamim D kicking by letting some UV rays onto your retina indirectly. It's a mood elevator.
READ something for PLEASURE... whether it's nonfiction or fiction. READ to stimulate your brain and to literally change channels.
I FORCE myself to do this.
A few years ago, a pair of male progressive thugs on Delphi Forums made a pact with one another and with some of their supporters to run me not just out of Delphi, but off the internet. Well I'm sitll here. However, I no longer live online. I have a life OFFline again.. finally. It's not as dramatic or as colorful overall as the frenetic stupidity of communities in the ether are, but it's grounded WHOLLY on reality and on visual and physical cues that are far richer and far more subtle than the crapola and idiotic emoticons of txtng and 81 character twattering.
Life. Try it again. It's good for what ails you.
It wakes up the brain.
I'm even drawing and painting again when my hands and feet will permit it.
I'm sending you a huge HUG :::::::::::((((((((((DON!)))))))::::::::
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
Well, this weekend we are going to plant a new tree
in the front garden after our Elm's demise.
I will take pleasure in that. And watch it grow and enjoy the birds that find it of use.
And fly a flag that the neighbors will quiz me about.
Small things.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Greetings, Don!
Your writing is as good as ever, glad you're here. You're not alone, by the way. There's quite a lot of us here, some of us feeling very isolated in real life, too. But there are things percolating here and there, more than ever before. I can't predict what will happen, except the long arc of progress will continue, no matter what happens.
Who will carry Bernie's cause forward?
Elizabeth Warren,
Gabby Tulsi,
Jeff Merkley,
Keith Ellison,
Russ Feingold
Somebody should.
Many should.
The Millennials!
The Millennials!
Bernie has given a whole generation a reason to live for.... They're just getting started!
Who will carry ... ?
Tulsi Gabbard.
for the correction,
got it, Ms Gabbard.
Teach our Children well
Don, I have a couple of encouraging things to say:
The kids have got this!
and >
remember.. these are the children of our children's children.. and we did a great job keeping the 'hope' alive.. through and in them.. we lived out the dream... that is on the road... to the end of one worldview and the beginning of another... Even Nature has voted for #BirdieSanders
As my 13 yr old grandson told the Berie kids who came by to GOTV
"we've had enough of the Clintons". ;-D
thanks for your writings, don't be lonely, many see it the same way.
Good to see you here Don....
Everybody upthread said everything I would have said especially Kathy right above this who said :"the kids have got this" I have every confidence in the youth that Bernie is inspiring. I will never give up because they inturn inspire me.
Things look better from the prospective of this site. I hope to see more of your writing here.
Take care and peace
We could really use your help
Don, I want to tell you a personal story of mine.
Years ago, a decade or so back. I came to the point in this life where I was contemplating leaving this world. I don't mean is some dramatic way.. but I had honestly come to the end of myself and this life and could no longer see any reason or hope for any reason to continue. I was "literally thinking of leaving" ... As it happened a young friend of mine (at the last minute) swung by my gallery and convinced me to go with her to a 'goddess festival'.. all women at a resort on an island.. "invitation only" ... so, I was not expected by the hostess.. I tell you this part to reinforce that what I am about to tell you was not a 'set-up'...
While at this goddess festival I happened to wander outside into the beautiful back lawn area..where a Tarot Reader was reading the cards of another attendee... I'd never had anyone read cards for me.. I didn't particularly believe in it or not... but I decided it would be fun!
When my turn came (no charge) and I sat down.. the Tarot Reader.. (a very average looking middle-aged woman, no pretense) laid out the cards and began to read them.. then out of nowhere she stopped.. looked up at me and said.. "I have a message for you. You've been considering leaving... I want you to know .. You can leave if you want to.. you have completed the agreement we made.. you have fulfilled your part of the bargain.. so, if you want to go... that's okay..but... I want to tell you something... in the coming years.. our world is going to facing extremely difficult conditions.. storms and natural disasters.. suffering and all sorts of challenges that will not be pleasant for mankind... IF .. you decide to stay...the deal is this... It's the same as the last time... You'll not be told 'what' or 'when'.. there is no ending date.. (in other words you won't be told when you will die) just like the last agreement. (no, it's not a two-way contract it is a one-sided contract, as before) ... I just want you to know "WE COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP!" .. And then she looked down and began reading the cards for my personal tarot......
That said.. the spirit of what it means to live in this world, WE COULD REALLY USE YOUR HELP! .. just so you know... You are not alone... there are legions of us.
There is always reason for hope
Now if you limit your focus to the two major parties and the buffoons they put before us, I'd agree that hope isn't something to expect.
But look at how well Bernie has done with all of the problems the Democrats have caused him. Look at all of the people who have shaken off political ennui and become active. Look at how prescient Leonard Cohen was with Democracy is Coming to the USA. Look at how France and Germany are bucking TTIP.
Reality says to understand that the struggle has but begun, and that it will be difficult and costly. But as long as even one person opposes the growth of corporatism, hope isn't just a town in Arkansas.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I believe
that the movement will last beyond this election. There is a gradual shift. Unfortunately I don't think it's necessarily a fast one.
I think that we need to educate people as to the facts. If you are a progressive its your job to understand what's gone wrong in the economy, and make those around you understand. Its a necessity for the country.
I recognize your name and your articles, and I've enjoyed reading them. I get depressed sometimes myself, but try not to focus on it too much. Its all a part of the tragic human comedy we are a part of.
No retreat, no surrender.
Great post
You are not alone, I don't know you but I am with you as I believe the many here are. I feel the way you do a lot of the time and I am surrounded by a large loving family.I believe there is a universal awakening happening and most people don't see it yet and it is very frustrating but people like you,me and the ones on this site are needed to spread the word. Even if you touch one soul it could be the one that saves us all. I have hope!
I have hope and sometimes I get a glimpse of loneliness
that is waiting for me around the corner.
Why do I have hope? I am a simple thinker. There are two outcomes possible.
Bernie makes it through the convention and then we anyhow don't know how he is going to show us how to put the political revolution into action. But at least that is the outcome we hoped for. And then the itty-nitty stuff will start, the real work.
Bernie doesn't make it through the convention and that would be so clearly due to a rigged system that the sheer anger about it, will cause the people to get into a street-based political revolution mode. One that is necessary. And whatever bad will happen, it has to happen and there is no way that change (to the very worst or the best) will not come.
Mr. Mikulecki you are eighty years young, you still have some time ahead of you and it would be so nice to read and chat with you here, because it helps to not feel so alone. We all are in some way more or less. We really could need your wisdom here. I hope you feel a little bit encouraged to not give up and be around.
I don't ask myself the question if there is reason to hope anymore. Because if I come to the conclusion there isn't, I still need to hope, just to survive. So, I hope.
If you are a boomer best you can do is help
In any way you can to keep this going... Bernie is energizing and helping to shape the American Future along with many other people who no longer play the oligarchy game. And even more people who are young enough to have never played it at all
The real problem is with people who still read the old news sources and still watch compromised corp TV. When these people uncouple from the matrix they see a future they CAN believe in... And they are fighting for it
ALL THE WAY TO PHILLY... And beyond.
Who coulda or woulda thunk a solid 45% of the now centrist dem party would vote for the 74 democratic socialist... Or that we actually could raise the $$ to run a vigorous national campaign OR that Bernie would still be running this campaign in Mid May.
While everyone was focused on the 24/7 trump horse and pony show they didn't even notice that a genuine populous uprising has been taking hold across this country... And it has coalesced around BERNIE!
Orwell was an optimist
Absolutely right.
I'm worried about the immediate future, but I actually have some hope for the not-so-distant future. When this primary season is all said and done, probably more than 12 million people will have stood up along with Sanders. Many veterans from this campaign and grass roots organizers are going to help shape the political landscape over the next generation. As Sandino notes above, Occupy Wall Street didn't disappear either, it just became less visible for a time. However, a lot of people from OWS have taken what they have learned from that experience and helped to apply it to this campaign five years later.
Bernie's campaign has already gone a long way towards raising public consciousness about the degree of corruption in our politics and media. Like many here I follow things closely -- especially at the federal level -- but even I was a bit surprised at the level of interest in Sanders campaign nationally and in the amount of resistance from the Democratic Party establishment and the corporate media to his candidacy. There's a lot of work to do through multiple election cycles, but I think there's clearly reasons for optimism as well.
Thanks Don for your thoughts, and all for their contributions
The public’s involvement in the theatrical is definitely of concern. It has been for a very long time. But I think the real drama is actually being shaped in a much healthier way outside the traditional media, by the real concerns of real people. That is what fuels my hope in the future. At the same time I share your mistrust of the system and the possibility of transforming it. In the end, I think that faith in the future comes largely from faith in the potential of humanity.
It makes a difference that you continue to share your humanity through your writing, with others.
In your photo, you look expectant and as if the belief in magic might come naturally.
I dare you to watch this, my favourite film,
and not feel hopeful.
I love that film, too. And its musical themes.
We all should be there.
The music was perfect, and weren't all the characters, well
amazing characters.
Wouldn't that be the perfectly surreal place to meet, but I'm not sure what Brenda would make of us all.
In Germany the film is known as 'Out of Rosenheim', which is the Bavarian town symbolised on jasmine's coffee thermos. I always wished Adlon would have made a film where Brenda goes to Rosenheim, but that might be just a little too far fetched
I really do want to go there, or at least
…experience the enchantment of what unfolds. But, it took them a long time to get there. They had to learn to see into each other. Then, they bloomed.
Anyway, I keep thinking I'm going to run into the Bagdad Cafe some time, on my way to Vegas. If I stop posting, you'll know where I am.
Wait for me,
please. I'd love to meet you and those other enchanted characters!
Hi Don, so good to hear your voice again. Please keep writing.
All I want is the truth. Just give me some truth. John Lennon
Hang in there Don, the best is yet to come.
I'm a believer in the value of positive energy, so when those negative thoughts come up, I have this image in my mind of Bernie and Jane on the podium as Roberts swears him in and the crowd goes ballistic, and get those positive thoughts back on track.
Cheer up, a little birdie told me that we're making progress.
Hey Don, great to see you here
I'm sure we all feel these things at this point. It's very discouraging to be alienated by people that we thought were on our side.
That's OK, though, because now we know who truly is on our side, and who has been bullshitting us for decades.
Hang in there, man, I think we have something good going here. The next few years will be very rewarding, I believe. The kids have the message, and it will only blossom from there.
Take care.
I see lots of reasons to hope in this movement.
But of course, the easiest path will be for it to disperse after running up against the wall of Democratic party machine power.
Some of these outcomes depend on what Bernie does--not nearly all of them depend on what he does (something the MSM seems incapable of comprehending).
But this is a remarkably resilient movement, by the standards of post-1994. Which, for various reasons is my cut-off pt for us having even a corrupt American republic, w/some rights, representation, etc.
Don't give up.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver