Hillary Clinton's Foreign Policy
Article. VI This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land;
Hillary's Foreign Policy is outlined by the 20 points below:
1. Strongly supported the illegal U.S. invasion and occupation of Iraq. Hillary Clinton's support for the Bush administration's request for war authorization effectively placed her in opposition to the United Nations Charter and the Nuremberg Principles forbidding such wars of aggression. She voted for a Republican-sponsored resolution categorically declaring that the war was “lawful.”
2. Support for Morocco's illegal annexation of the occupied Western Sahara. The Office Chérifien des Phosphates (OCP), a Moroccan government-owned mining company that controls one of the world’s largest phosphate mines in the occupied Western Sahara, was the primary donor to the Clinton Global Initiative conference in Marrakech in May 2015.
3. Support for Israel's illegal annexation of occupied greater East Jerusalem and proposed annexation of large segments of the occupied West Bank and support for Israel’s 2006 offensive against Lebanon,
4. Defense of Israeli war crimes, and her attacks on the International Court of Justice for its 2004 ruling upholding the application of the Fourth Geneva Convention in territories under foreign belligerent occupation. Opposed UN efforts to investigate alleged war crimes by Israeli occupation forces and criticized President Bush for calling on Israel to pull back from its violent re-conquest of Palestinian cities.
5. in 2004, the ICJ ruled by a 14-1 vote (with only the U.S. judge dissenting, largely on a technicality) that Israel, like every country, is obliged to abide by provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Laws of War, and that the international community -- as in any other case in which ongoing violations are taking place -- is obliged to ensure that international humanitarian law is enforced. Senator Clinton strongly condemned the decision.
6. Senator Clinton introduced a resolution to put the U.S. Senate on record “supporting the construction by Israel of a security fence” and “condemning the decision of the International Court of Justice on the legality of the security fence.
6. Opposed the International Criminal Court (ICC). The ICC was established by international treaty in 2002 in The Hague, Netherlands, as a means of prosecuting individuals for genocide, crimes against humanity, and other international war crimes.
7.Voted YES ultra-conservative Sen. Jesse Helms' (R-N.C.) amendment, the American Service-Members' Protection Act, prohibiting the United States from cooperating in any way with the ICC and its prosecution of individuals responsible for serious crimes against humanity,
8. Has championed U.S. military intervention in over a dozen countries as a senator and Secretary of State and has spoken at right-wing rallies outside the United Nations protesting the world body,
9. As Secretary of State, Clinton backed a bold escalation of the Afghanistan war. She pressed Obama to arm the Syrian rebels, and later endorsed airstrikes against the Assad regime.
10. Did not support the Land Mine Treaty
11. Hillary Clinton voted to let our military continue to use cluster bombs in areas with concentrated civilian populations,
12. Exercised her authority as secretary of state to authorize the shipment of American-made arms to Qatar to be transferred to the Libyan rebels.
13. Opposed restrictions on U.S. arms transfers and police training to governments that engage in gross and systematic human rights abuses. She has supported unconditional U.S. arms transfers and police training to such repressive and autocratic governments as Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Pakistan, Equatorial Guinea, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Kazakhstan, and Chad.
14. Supported No-fly Zone in Libya and proposes a no fly zone in Syria. Both are considered "Acts of War."
15. Lied to the American people about weapons inspectors in Iraq. In justifying her support for invading Iraq years later, she claimed that it was Saddam who had “thrown out” the UN inspectors. The inspectors were ordered to depart by her husband a couple days before illegal bombing of Iraq so that they could avoid being harmed in the incipient bombings.
16. Lied to the American people. When Israeli forces attacked a UN school housing refugees in the Gaza Strip in July of 2014, killing dozens of civilians, Clinton lied to the American people falsely alleging that Hamas was firing rockets from an annex to the school.
17. Lied to the American people. Clinton's insistence that the PA was responsible for publishing textbooks promoting “anti-Semitism,” “violence,” and “dehumanizing rhetoric.” is a lie. The Israel/Palestine Center for Research and Information, found that: “the overall orientation of the curriculum is peaceful.” The report said the Palestinian textbooks “do not openly incite against Israel and the Jews and do not openly incite hatred and violence.” The report goes on to observe how religious and political tolerance is emphasized in the textbooks. The findings have been supported by the Adam Institute, the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, and Nathan Brown, a political science professor at George Washington University and senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
17. Opposed humanitarian efforts supportive of the Palestinians, criticizing a flotilla scheduled to bring relief supplies to the besieged Gaza Strip in 2011, claiming it would “provoke actions by entering into Israeli waters and creating a situation in which the Israelis have the right to defend themselves.”
18. Insists that the United States should keep “all options on the table”—clearly an implied threat of unilateral military force—in response to Iran’s nuclear program despite the illegality under the UN Charter of launching such a unilateral attack.
19. During the 2008 presidential campaign, she accused Obama of being “naïve” and “irresponsible” for wanting to engage with Iran diplomatically.
20. CONSEQUENCES OF H. CLINTON'S FOREIGN POLICY: Afghanistan: Somewhere around 220,000 Afghans have died since the 2001 U.S. invasion, and millions of others are refugees. Libya: Some 30,000 people died and another 50,000 were wounded in the intervention and civil war. Ukraine: The death toll now exceeds 8,000, some 18,000 have been wounded, and several cities in the eastern part of the country have been heavily damaged. Yemen: Over 6,000 Yemenis have been killed and another 27,000 wounded. According to the UN, most of them are civilians. Ten million Yeminis don’t have enough to eat, and 13 million have no access to clean water. Iraq: Anywhere from 400,000 to over 1 million people have died from war-related causes since the 2003 invasion. Over 2 million have fled the country and another 2 million are internally displaced. Syria: Over 250,000 have died in the war, and half the country’s population has been displaced — including four million Syrian refugees abroad. Somalia, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Central African Republic: are the countries that reaped the fallout from the collapse of Libya. Weapons looted after the fall of Gaddafi largely fuel the wars in these countries. Argentina, Brazil, Haiti, Puerto Rico: Ravaged by Vulture Funds who donate to Clinton's campaign and foundation. Honduras: Death Squads have turned Honduras into the murder capital of the world.
The Hillary doctrine: sex and American foreign policy by Valerie M. Hudson and Patricia Leidl page 64.
Saudis confess to using cluster bombs in Yemen

not to mention...
fomenting disorder in Ukraine, and now the new push with NATO to put missiles on Russia's border. The $hill and Obomber are doing their best to start a war with Russia. Help us all!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I do know something about this and you are right
Russia has been attacked over many centuries from the West. The English, French, Germans, Lithuanians, Poles and others have attacked Russia over the almost 1000 years of its history. Russia has justifiable concern about the West now that NATO has expanded to its borders and is getting very aggressive. Russia has tried to build buffer zones to the West with various success over the centuries. Russia will defend itself, that is an absolute. The term is родина мать, pronounced rodina mat, translates to the motherland. They are very serious about this and have an almost mystical belief in Russia.
The addition of missiles and foreign troops in neighboring countries is more than Russia will bear. Putin has already said that this is completely unacceptable and that there will be a reaction. He used the term cross-hair, these countries will be in the cross-hairs. That has a specific military meaning in Russian.
JFK found the Russian missiles in Cuba totally unacceptable and were willing to play nuclear brinkmanship to get The USSR to remove them. We also removed missiles in Europe near the Soviet Union and promised not to invade Cuba. The US Navy was dropping depth charges near a Russian submarine that had been given permission to unload is nuclear arsenal on the mainland US if the hull were damaged. That's how close we came.
Putin has said recently and clearly said that the West is not listening. What is wrong with your Media, he wants to know. He doesn't understand why there is no intelligent response from the West? Do we want global nuclear war?
Meanwhile, Lying Hillary has stated clearly that her policy will be to show the Russians by standing up to them and they will back down. Yeah right, what an asshole! She also wants an no-fly zone in Syria, so that she can do in Syria what she did in Libya. Meanwhile Russia legally is running air combat operation supporting Syrian troops and has an extensive ground to air defense system in place, the S400. The US has no legal basis whatsoever to be running combat operations in Syria.
This will not end well, and Russian people are extremely anti Hillary because they fear the consequences.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Ukraine and more Syria
21. "The groundwork for a coup d’etat in Ukraine was laid by Hillary Clinton, when she made her State Department’s official spokesperson Victoria Nuland, who had been the chief foreign-affairs advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney. Nuland then became the organizer of the 20 February 2014 coup in Ukraine, which replaced a neutralist leader of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, with a rabidly anti-Russian U.S. puppet, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and a bloody civil war. Nuland is obsessed with hatred of Russia."
22. "Clinton was also the Secretary of State when the 2006-2010 drought was causing massive relocations of population in Syria and U.S. State Department cables passed along up the chain of command the Assad government’s urgent request for aid from foreign governments to help farmers stave off starvation. The Clinton State Department ignored the requests and treated this as an opportunity to foment revolution there."
zerohedge link
From the Light House.
Wanted to thank you for the
Wanted to thank you for the comprehensive information supplied, although it seems that part of your link is missing.
Interestingly, http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-02-21/hillary-clinton leads to:
with 31,902,652 views given.
Makes one wonder what used to be on there, especially since your link has only 54,600 views...
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Full Link
Part of it wasn't captured in the link code. Here's the full link:
Hillary Catastrophes
Thanks! I personally got
Thanks! I personally got there by copy-pasting the full link but this should see a lot of traffic, I'd think.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
A Preamble to WW3
The foreign policy of Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Sounds like a book title.
"It Takes a Pillage"
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Nominated for best title. eom
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
That could
make for a great T-shirt. Put a Shillary caricature on it, slap that on as a caption, you're gold. Could even list a few of her atrocities on the back to make it a more serious message. Probably a couple of her less talked about ones.
And then a crazy idea comes to mind: drive around with a bunch of them ready to be shot out of T-shirt launchers.
Or Bumbling to WW3. n/t
Lol, yes, and they'll never
Lol, yes, and they'll never know what hit them, being so sure that they can never suffer consequences!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.