My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Also attributed to Voltaire, Mark Twain and the Usual Suspects
From:US Aircraft Carrier in Stockholm Sweden
TheOtherMaven Sun, 06/05/2022 - 11:54am 5 1 Sun, 06/05/2022 - 03:47pm
Nothing like being right for the wrong reasons
From:Letter from a pediatrician
TheOtherMaven Fri, 06/03/2022 - 09:05am 1 1 Fri, 06/03/2022 - 09:48am
Decades? Try a century and more!
From:The Evening Blues - 5-23-22
TheOtherMaven Wed, 05/25/2022 - 10:01am 7 0
"Come and take it" is a Texas story
From:Someone else noticed, too.
TheOtherMaven Wed, 05/25/2022 - 09:24am 1 1 Fri, 05/27/2022 - 03:32am
Don't laugh about the "light on"
From:The Weekly Watch
TheOtherMaven Mon, 05/23/2022 - 08:32am 1 1 Mon, 05/23/2022 - 11:01am
Speaking of "cute and fuzzy", where's Fred? :-)
From:Friday Night Photos Cute and Fuzzy Edition
TheOtherMaven Sat, 05/21/2022 - 05:27pm 1 1 Sat, 05/21/2022 - 05:51pm
One Dollar, One Vote
From:AIPAC versus leftists
TheOtherMaven Tue, 05/17/2022 - 11:20pm 1 0
If fetueses are people, women are nonpersons
From:Going back to my previous point about abortion --
TheOtherMaven Mon, 05/16/2022 - 03:08pm 1 1 Mon, 05/16/2022 - 03:22pm
It's a shame Obama NEVER acted aggressively,
From:My thoughts on SCOTUS leak
TheOtherMaven Fri, 05/13/2022 - 12:30am 1 1 Fri, 05/13/2022 - 06:04am
Actually, the Romans DID have a rival Empire
From:Open Thread - Thurs 05 May 2022 - End of the Roman Empire?
TheOtherMaven Thu, 05/05/2022 - 08:56am 1 1 Thu, 05/05/2022 - 06:56pm
That hasn't been the case for a LONG time, janis
From:Here it comes, everyone.
TheOtherMaven Tue, 05/03/2022 - 09:00am 1 3 Wed, 05/04/2022 - 11:10am
Really really twisty
From:The Evening Blues - 5-2-22
TheOtherMaven Tue, 05/03/2022 - 08:56am 1 0
Better to vote for what you want and not get it
From:Millennials and Gen Z abandon the Democratic Party
TheOtherMaven Thu, 04/21/2022 - 10:22am 1 0
"We the people" doesn' t include me
From:Essay Title Contest
TheOtherMaven Wed, 04/06/2022 - 11:59am 1 1 Wed, 04/06/2022 - 12:22pm
"Garderobe" = medieval indoor privy
From:Red Carpet Day - Open Thread
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/29/2022 - 09:52pm 1 1 Tue, 03/29/2022 - 11:06pm
She tried to get too clever over the "trans" issue
From:Red Carpet Day - Open Thread
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/29/2022 - 09:25pm 1 1 Tue, 03/29/2022 - 09:28pm
You mean "Swan Lake"
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-26-2022
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/26/2022 - 11:37am 1 0
"Dying Swan" is French
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-26-2022
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/26/2022 - 11:33am 1 1 Sat, 03/26/2022 - 12:10pm
3rd one is the famous "wraparound" cover to the
From:Friday Night Photos Dreaming Edition
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/26/2022 - 11:16am 4 0
I think you mean *Henry* IV, Part 2
From:Open Thread - 03-25-22 - The Crown of Creation?
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/25/2022 - 08:43am 7 1 Fri, 03/25/2022 - 09:05am
If you (generic you) can't say anything nice....
From:Open Thread WE 23 MAR 22
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/24/2022 - 08:46am 1 0
Haven't we all! n/t
From:America's virtue signaling over civilians suffering
TheOtherMaven Mon, 03/21/2022 - 09:27am 1 0
Good point - though so will the Mess(-with-your-Mind) Media.
From:Way of the Bern Shows Hypocritical Side
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/20/2022 - 11:18pm 1 1 Tue, 03/22/2022 - 10:30pm
I think they'll manage
From:The Weekly Watch
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/20/2022 - 09:02am 1 0
There were certainly some trolls,
From:Way of the Bern Shows Hypocritical Side
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/20/2022 - 08:43am 1 0
WOTB went spazz over transgender swimmer Lia Thomas
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-19-2022
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/19/2022 - 07:27pm 1 0
By the company they keep shall ye know them....
From:The Dose - 3-18-22
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/18/2022 - 03:00pm 1 0
It's been filmed twice - 1959 and (TV) 2000
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/18/2022 - 02:58pm 1 0
If the shoe fits....
From:Russia did not start the war
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/18/2022 - 10:21am 1 0
From:Russia did not start the war
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/16/2022 - 02:19pm 1 2 Thu, 03/17/2022 - 10:43am
Sampled a few of the alternatives
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/15/2022 - 07:41pm 1 0
Especially the Spanish Habsburgs
From:Essay Title Contest.
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/15/2022 - 02:42pm 1 1 Tue, 03/15/2022 - 03:41pm
The world turning upside down
From:She just became my newest hero
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/15/2022 - 08:37am 1 0
Archive link? It's paywalled.
From:She just became my newest hero
TheOtherMaven Mon, 03/14/2022 - 06:59pm 1 1 Mon, 03/14/2022 - 07:08pm
I don't think they thought at all n/t
From:Open Thread 03-11-22 - Some of Them Were Angry
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/11/2022 - 03:10pm 1 1 Fri, 03/11/2022 - 04:44pm
How out of touch is our government? Totally!
From:Warning lights are blinking bright red everywhere
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/10/2022 - 10:47pm 1 0
He also likes to sniff their hair and grope them n/t
From:Warning lights are blinking bright red everywhere
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/10/2022 - 10:46pm 6 1 Thu, 03/10/2022 - 10:59pm
Sousa, Sousa, and more Sousa.
From:The Evening Blues - 3-10-22
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/10/2022 - 10:40pm 1 2 Fri, 03/11/2022 - 01:06am
Looks like they've booted him out of the World-Owners Club
From:The Evening Blues - 3-10-22
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/10/2022 - 03:40pm 1 2 Thu, 03/10/2022 - 04:39pm
And Cardiff just canceled Tchaikovsky(!)
From:Open Thread WE 9 MAR 22 ~
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/09/2022 - 09:53pm 1 0
"Honestly and democratically"?
From:U.S. now talking to Venezuela government while still refusing to admit it exists
TheOtherMaven Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:18pm 1 1 Mon, 03/07/2022 - 10:52pm
Who's "we", space man? n/t
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-5-2022
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/06/2022 - 09:43am 1 0
We in Winchester suspected Cheney was hiding out
From:Welcome to Saturday's Potluck - 3-5-2022
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/05/2022 - 07:29pm 1 0
Actually I think they expected trouble re the athletes,
From:What does one even call this? Russophobia? Or jingoism?
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/04/2022 - 06:58pm 1 0
There's a bit more to it than meets the eye
From:It has become difficult to differentiate between the ridiculous
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/03/2022 - 07:13pm 1 0
What are they afraid of? Us, the People. n/t
From:Open Thread 1 MAR 22 ~ Fat Tuesday
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/01/2022 - 08:19am 1 0
Moscow wasn't founded by the Vikings
From:Essay Title Contest
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/24/2022 - 09:26am 1 1 Fri, 02/25/2022 - 09:57pm
They're being snotty about how Kiev was a great city when
From:Open Thread 23 FEB 22 ~ Potpourri
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/23/2022 - 08:17pm 1 0
Update on the story
From:The Dose ~ WE 16 FEB 22
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/17/2022 - 07:14pm 0
This story is still unfolding
From:The Dose ~ WE 16 FEB 22
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/16/2022 - 03:16pm 1 1 Thu, 02/17/2022 - 07:14pm
Wondering if the ongoing Olympic doping scandals belong
From:The Dose ~ WE 16 FEB 22
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/16/2022 - 12:47pm 1 1 Wed, 02/16/2022 - 01:19pm
Most. Hypocritical. Nation. Ever. n/t
From:Open Thread 16 FEB 22 ~ Full Moon
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/16/2022 - 11:55am 1 0
