Russia did not start the war
Twice in a Century: Russia Faces a War of Annihilation
A war of annihilation is a war in which the goal is the complete obliteration of the state and the extermination of its people. It is defined as a radicalized form of warfare in which “all psycho-physical limits” are abolished and the strategic goals are pursued by any means necessary. It is war without rules, restrictions or moral constraints. The United States is in the early phases of a war of annihilation against Russia the aim of which is the total destruction of the economy, the culture, the population and the nation.
“We have seen 5 waves of NATO expansion. Now NATO is in Romania and Poland and they are deploying their missile-attack systems there. That’s what we are talking about. You need to understand, we are not threatening anyone. Russia did not come to the US borders or the UK borders. No. You came to our borders and now you are saying, ‘Ukraine will join NATO and will deploy their systems there. They will deploy their military bases and their attack-systems.’ We are concerned about our security. Do you understand what that means?” Vladimir Putin, press conference, You Tube
Question– Is there a justification for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
Answer– Yes, there is. Russia was being threatened by developments in Ukraine, so it told Ukraine to either stop what it was doing or suffer the consequences. Ukraine chose to ignore those warnings, so Russia invaded. That is basically what happened.
Question– But how does that justify the invasion, after all, Ukraine is a sovereign country and sovereign countries should be able to do whatever they want to on their own territory, right?
Answer– No, that’s wrong. Ukraine does not have the right to do whatever it wants on its own territory. Ukraine and more than 50 other countries signed treaties (“at the OSCE summits in Istanbul in 1999 and in Astana in 2010”) agreeing that they would not strengthen their own security at the expense of other’s security. This is called the “indivisibility of security”, but in practical terms it just means that you can’t put artillery pieces and tanks on your driveway and point them at my house. Because that would undermine my security. Do you understand? The same rule applies to nations.
If we accept your reasoning on the matter, then we’d have to conclude that John Kennedy had no right to challenge Fidel Castro for putting nuclear weapons in Cuba. But he did have the right because Castro’s action put the US at risk of a nuclear attack. In other words, Castro had no right to improve his own security at the expense of the United States. This is no different. Putin has every right to defend the safety and security of the Russian people, in fact, that is what people expect of their leaders.
Question– You’re not making any sense. Putin invaded Ukraine, therefore, Putin is an aggressor.
Answer– I disagree, but instead of arguing about it, let’s use an analogy:
Let’s say, I hold a gun to your head and threaten to blow your brains out. But you quickly grab the gun and shoot me in the leg. Who is to blame for that incident?
If you think that I am responsible, you’re right. The victim, in this case, simply reacted in a way that would best ensure his own safety. That’s called self-defense which is perfectly legal.
This same standard can be applied to Russia, whose “Special Military Operation” is a preemptive step to defend its own national security. Russia has no designs on Ukrainian territory nor does it seek to mettle in Ukraine’s internal affairs. Russia’s sole objective is to end the existential crisis that was created by Washington. It was Washington that encouraged NATO to pump Ukraine full of lethal weapons. It was Washington that provided arms for the far-right extremists that were threatening ethnic Russians in east Ukraine. It was Washington that coaxed Ukrainian President Zelensky to jettison Minsk and to publicly support the development of nuclear weapons. It was Washington that launched the coup in 2014 that deposed the democratically-elected president and replaced him with a US-puppet. And, it was Washington that has done everything in its power to isolate and demonize Russia following provocations that were entirely of its own making. In short, it was Washington that held a gun to Russia’s head and threatened to blow its brains out.
Can’t you see that or are you so brainwashed you think this fiasco started when Putin’s tanks rolled across the border? Even the most avid CNN propagandist doesn’t believe that nonsense. The crisis began with the relentless buildup of weaponry followed by one calculated incitement after the other. Russia was deliberately and repeatedly provoked. No one who’s followed events closely would dispute that.
By the way, Putin has never talked about toppling the government in Kiev and replacing it with a Moscow-backed stooge. No. His plan is aimed at “demilitarization” and “denazification.” Why?
Because those are his only objectives. He wants to destroy the weapons that NATO and the US have been shipping to Ukraine (to fuel the conflict) and he wants to eradicate the Nazi militants that are the sworn enemy of the Russian Federation.
Is that unreasonable? Do you think the US would act any differently if Mexico allowed Al Qaida and ISIS cells to operate openly in Guadalajara or Acapulco? Don’t be ridiculous. They’d bomb the entire region to smithereens without batting an eye.
Would you call that “an invasion,” too?
No, Washington would probably call it a “Special Military Operation” just like Russia is calling its intervention a “Special Military Operation.”
The problem here is not what Russia is doing, the problem is that a different standard is always applied to the United States. All I’m asking is that people engage their own critical thinking skills—ignore the hysterical braying of the media—and make their own judgement on the matter.
Russia did what anyone would do; it reacted in a way that would best ensure its own safety. By definition, that is self-defense. It removed itself from the threat of great harm or death, and is now in the process of reestablishing its own security. Ukraine chose to ignore Russia’s legitimate security concerns, and now Ukraine is paying the price. Here’s is an excellent summary of the events preceeding the Russian operation from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:
“The narrative in the media, which presents the invasion as an unprovoked action, is a fabrication that conceals the aggressive actions by the NATO powers, in particular the United States, and its puppets in the Ukrainian government.…
In Europe and Asia, the US pursued a strategy aimed at encircling and subjugating Russia. Directly violating its earlier promises that the Soviet bureaucracy and Russian oligarchy were delusional enough to believe, NATO has expanded to include almost all major countries in Eastern Europe, apart from Ukraine and Belarus.
In 2014, the US orchestrated a far-right coup in Kiev that overthrew a pro-Russian government that had opposed Ukrainian membership in NATO. In 2018, the US officially adopted a strategy of preparing for “great power conflict” with Russia and China. In 2019, it unilaterally withdrew from the INF Treaty, which banned the deployment of intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Preparations for war with Russia and the arming of Ukraine were at the center of the Democrats’ first attempt to impeach Donald Trump in 2019.
Over the past year…the Biden administration recklessly escalated provocations against Russia….The key to understanding this is the US-Ukrainian Charter on Strategic Partnership, signed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba on November 10, 2021….”
The Charter endorsed Kiev’s military strategy from March 2021, which explicitly proclaimed the military goal of “retaking” Crimea and the separatist-controlled Donbass, and thereby dismissed the Minsk Agreements of 2015, which were the official framework for settling the conflict in East Ukraine….
Washington also explicitly endorsed “Ukraine’s efforts to maximize its status as a NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partner to promote interoperability,” that is, its integration into NATO’s military command structures.
Ukraine’s non-membership in NATO is and was, for all intents and purposes, a fiction. At the same time, the NATO powers exploited the fact that Ukraine is not officially a member as an opportunity to stoke a conflict with Russia that would not immediately develop into a world war.
The US was fully aware that fascist forces in Ukraine would play the principal role of shock troops against both the Russian military and opposition within the population….Their descendants, from the fascist Svoboda Party to the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion, are now deeply integrated into the Ukrainian state and military and are being heavily armed with NATO weapons.
Washington also explicitly endorsed “Ukraine’s efforts to maximize its status as a NATO Enhanced Opportunities Partner to promote interoperability,” that is, its integration into NATO’s military command structures.
Ukraine’s non-membership in NATO is and was, for all intents and purposes, a fiction. At the same time, the NATO powers exploited the fact that Ukraine is not officially a member as an opportunity to stoke a conflict with Russia that would not immediately develop into a world war.
It will fall to historians to uncover what promises the Ukrainian oligarchy received from Washington in exchange for its pledge to turn the country into a killing field and launching pad for war with Russia. But one thing is clear: The Kremlin and Russian general staff could not but read this document as the announcement of an impending war.
Throughout 2021 and in the weeks immediately preceding the invasion, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin repeatedly warned that Ukraine’s integration into NATO and its arming by the Western powers constituted a “red line” for Russia, and demanded “security guarantees” from the US and NATO.
However, the US contemptuously dismissed all these statements, and NATO staged one major military exercise on Russia’s borders after another..., in the weeks leading up to the war, while constantly warning of an impending Russian invasion, the Biden administration made no diplomatic effort to avoid it and instead did everything it could to provoke it.” (“The US-Ukrainian Strategic Partnership of November 2021 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine”, World Socialist Web Site)So, what can we glean from this summary of events?
We can see that Washington did everything in its power to undermine Russia’s security with the explicit aim of drawing Moscow into a war in Ukraine. That was the objective from the get-go. Washington knew that NATO membership for Ukraine was one of Putin’s “red lines”, so the US foreign policy establishment decided to use Putin’s red lines against him. They decided to make Ukraine a NATO member in everything but name which (they assumed) would be sufficient provocation for an invasion. That was the plan, and the plan worked.
But why—you may ask—has the US gone through so much trouble to prod Putin into invading Ukraine, after all, it is the Ukrainian people who are going to suffer the most just as it is the country that is likely to be a staging ground for disruptive and bloody NATO military operations for years to come? What is the strategic objective here?Here’s how political analyst and former Member of the European Parliament, Nick Griffin, summed it up in a recent article at the Unz Review. He said:
“The fundamental targets of the NATO warmongers in this crisis are not… Russia, but Germany, and China’s One Belt, One Road initiative. They are trying to keep Germany down, and China out; failure to do both means that the US will become an isolated rust-belt island thousands of miles away from the core economic block of the world….
The attempt to force Russia into war in Ukraine… is not really about promoting the geopolitical interest of the Dollar Empire – it is about its very survival.
(This is why) They are indeed desperate for war!” (“Ukraine Implementing Minsk Accords & Ending Conflict ‘Very Last’ Thing US, UK Want, Ex-MEP Says,” Unz Review)
It is unfortunate that the “guarantor of global security” is also (in the words of Martin Luther King) “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” But that is sad irony of our current predicament.
I encourage you to read the rest of the article and see that Russia thought that it was out of options to ensure its safety from NATO threatening their country and civilians. As many here know, Biden could have stopped the war from starting by signing a binding agreement with Russia that Ukraine would never join NATO and work with Russia on its other demands to keep Russia safe. Russia hasn’t been the one that has ripped up agreements made long ago to keep the world safe from where it is now which is the real possibility of nuclear war.

Biden could have stopped Russia’s actions. Instead he:

Thank for posting this. It is a good read.
It is certainly explains things in a logical manner. The only thing that appears to is those who were involved in the 2014 coup and are still involved today like Nuland, Sullivan and Blinken amongst others.
Yes, this is an excellent summary of the real situation.
The Atlanticists and globalists also want to continue to box Germany into a corner where she has no power to act in her own self-interest but instead must defer to Washington, Brussels, Paris, Riyadh, and Tel Aviv while beating her breast and pouring ashes upon her head because of things done in her name 80 years ago.
Self defense is an apt analogy
The US started this conflict in 2014 when we conducted a coup against their duly elected president...and yes he was a crook, but he was their crook not ours.
I'm so disappointed in the American people cheering this war on. I know they've been brainwashed, but the inability to do even the slightest bit of critical thinking by the overall public blows my mind....collective hypnosis?
First Trump broke their mind, then it was COVID, and now it is this conflict. I think the EU and US are going to bear the burden of the weight in this event. We're circling the drain.
Thanks for the well done article!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Beyond reprehensible apologetics....
"By the way, Putin has never talked about toppling the government in Kiev and replacing it with a Moscow-backed stooge. No. His plan is aimed at “demilitarization” and “denazification.”
Yeah, tell that to the women in the hospitals trying to give birth amidst the falling bombs.
Putin is not only bombing military sites and going after Nazis. He is performing systematic genocide.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Putin has WMDs
That hospital was emptied at the end of February and the Nazis kicked out women and babies and took over it to use as a place to fight Russia. It was a total psyop to get people more mad at Russia. We are being bombarded with propaganda on a massive scale. Anyone who doesn’t toe the party line is called a Russian asset. It’s the return of McCarthyism on steroids.
Meanwhile the media won’t talk about this.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
So here is the source of your story... Tass.
I know that the US and other countries are perfectly capable and guilty of promoting propaganda. But this is so obviously Russian propaganda, it's amazing. Right now the Russian people are being fed no information about this war. They are being told nothing about what their military is doing. Heck, even Russian soldiers are telling people that they didn't know they were going to attack Ukraine until the last minute. All the news programs in Russia have been shut down and social media is shut down, and you want to tell me that what Russia says about Ukraine is all true? Seriously? You support what they are doing?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Fishtroller, I'll try
to explain why I believe the Russian version of whatever happens on the ground in Ukraine, and why I don't believe our mainstream media's version. It's Russia's word against our media's word at this point because the OSCE Monitoring Mission has left, and they had been reporting daily on ceasefire violations throughout the civil war. My reasons are no more valid than your reasons. You believe Russia attacked a maternity hospital, while I believe it's more likely that the Azov Battalion commandeered the hospital and that Ukrainian forces shelled it in a dispute over the Azov killing of a Ukrainian officer. It's simply a matter of credibility, a result of years of reading, seeing photography and footage of this war and noticing what turned out to be true and what turned out to be untrue.
I'm truly heartened by the fact that you are outraged by evidence of civilian deaths. I have seen photographs of children's deaths amid civilian carnage in Ukraine during the 8 years of the civil war, including a little girl whose head had been crushed by a tank, a little boy, half of whose head had been blown off, and a dead young mother, whose entire leg had been blown off, lying on the ground still cradling her dead infant child. I've seen Azov killers posing with the charcoaled bodies of the peace activists they burned alive in a locked building. I understand from these photographs why Crimea and the Donbas republics voted to leave Ukraine. I understand that my government arms and supports those Azov killers, who wear Nazi insignias. Therefore, Putin pointing out that no one has brought these Azov killers to justice in 8 years and that he intends to do it makes sense to me. And my government makes sense to me only as a merchant of death.
No one in our government or media criticized Trump's bombing of Mosul in Iraq and Raqqa in Syria, in order to destroy ISIS, reportedly killing upwards of 100,000 civilians in EACH of those cities. I believe you are acting in good faith, but I am hoping you will look upon our government more objectively and consider that their sudden concern for children and humanity is beyond just questionable. It is factually not credible.
Hey, I saw the photos of John McCain shaking hands
with the Neo Nazis in Ukraine as he handed them weapons. I am pretty good at following what my own country is up to. However, there is nothing that justifies what Putin is doing now. Nothing.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Here is what Russia told the security council about that
As they explained:
Twit users were all over showing that woman in many other photos of her doing modeling work and in other propaganda pieces. Both sides are guilty of using propaganda, but our side has been found the most guilty of doing it. You probably remember babies being thrown out of incubators, Powell holding a deadly vial of anthrax with his bare hand, the gulf of Tonkin incident and don’t forget to remember the Maine.
Russia warned about that hospital being used by Nazis a week before it was supposedly bombed. I don’t think Russia bombed it because they had also bombed the last standing hospital in Syria over and over and yet they then did it again.
You gotta wonder why Obama did that just a few years before Russia Russia took over the country.
SMITH MUNDT ACT OF 1948. That’s when the US government farmed domestic propaganda out to the other FIVE EYES, this act was modernized(SEMIOTICS, right) in the 2012 NDAA REAUTHORIZATION.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
OK, you can stick to your story that Putin is really just a
sweet fairy sprinkling fairy truth dust all over the world and is just misunderstood and has really good reasons for the total destruction of another country.
You can say that poor Putin is a victim of slanderous western media and was honestly FORCED into attacking Ukraine. You can also ignore what he has actually said about his intentions to "take back" Russian territory.
And we'll just agree to disagree.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Sanctioning the US
How many wars of choice post 1945 has the US started? It's a long list. We are the most blood thirsty nation in the world, without any competition that is even close. How many times has the "free world" sanctioned the US? We invade at will and kill by the millions at will. We worship "shock and awe". And yet we somehow spout the propaganda that we are the moral nation. How does that work? The world will never be whole until it comes to terms with this problem. But you have to forgo the influence of money and power for moral behavior. There are enough victims left behind that the world is beginning to get it and change the choice to safety and dignity vs. power and wealth. I can't imagine that the US empire survives. The history books will not be kind to the post WWII United States.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Not just us
we got the countries that are sanctioning Russia to help us invade countries that refuse to do our bidding. Unfortunately too many people can’t see this hypocrisy.
It’s happening faster than I think they expected. The writing was on the wall that our actions towards Russia would destabilize the dollar and yet they did it anyway. If I was in charge right then I’d change our course before it was too late. Unless killing the dollar is the goal.
After the Saudis refused to take Biden’s phone call they made a deal with China to build an oil port thingy. If they stop selling oil in US dollars we are very screwed. Very!
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Yeah, even the Dutch went into Afghanistan, and who can forget
how Dutch leaders let their troops be used as
patsiesU.N. peacekeepers in Bosnia, supposedly protecting “safe havens” (does the name Srebrenica ring a bell?) — while having been given neither the arms nor the authorization to defend themselves and carry out their mission.The post-war western European order under NATO has been to place blind trust in the U.S., following Washington down every rathole and dead end, no matter how cockamamie the ideas driving U.S. policy may get.
The 8 reasons for the invasion of Ukraine
This article has a distinct pro-western/anti-Putin bias, but it does manage to list all of the reasons.
It's not empire building
In fact President Putin is averse to empire building.
1) Protecting Russia. This comes first above all. NATO threatens the existence of Russia.
2) Protecting ethnic Russians. The shelling of the people of Donbas was an outrage to the President, 14,000 people dead. The fact that everyone agreed to the Minsk Package of Measures but no Western nation was willing to force Ukraine to stop killing Russians and give some protections through partial autonomy to Russian people was an outrage.
3) Nazis. Do I have to say it, 27,000,000 dead in the Soviet Union, immense physical destruction and yet the US, as usual, was willing to leverage the worst of the worst to attain geopolitical goals.
4) The West is agreement incapable. Why continue to try for a diplomatic solution when the West will, in the final analysis, do whatever it wants.
5) Ukraine had an ongoing nuclear program and biological weapons program. Russia knew about these many months ago. These issues closed down the timeline. The joke is that the US could not find WMD in Iraq because they were in Ukraine, and we put them there.
6) Ukraine was completely and utterly controlled by the US, the Biden Family, Victoria Nuland, and a host of other corrupt scumbags. The US would never accept that on her borders, and neither should Russia.
7) Ukraine was saturated with Russophobic racism. They violated international law with impunity, denying Russians their language, dignity and positions in society. How about "Russian Lives Matter"? RLM
8) The Ukrainians had violated basic UN laws on human rights, including shutting off the water supply to people living in Crimea.
Let me be clear, I despise all wars and am against this one. However if you believe in the responsibility to protect then this one is far more justified than all of the wars of choice that the US has started since 1945.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Thank you for such a great response
Makes me wonder if gjohnsit skipped reading what Putin said about why he was forced to defend Russia from Washington and NATO.
I doubt people would have any problem if Russia had overthrown Mexico’s president and started arming AQ or ISIS terrorists who were killing expat Americans and if they can see that would be a problem then how can they ignore Russia’s reasons for doing what they did? Putin warned for well over a decade that NATO was playing a dangerous game. And as many have said this action by Washington wasn’t just to threaten Russia, but Germany and any other country that thinks about getting out of our orbit.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Gatestone Institute is a propaganda mouthpiece
for US neocons. Did you actually read that hit piece on Putin? Most of it was nonsense.
Putin's approval rating has increased to 71%.
And certainly nothing that comes out of a right wing
based news site could be true-right?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Gatestone is NOT a "news" site
Is a far-right think tank that is predominately funded, operated and populated by neocons. Their stated objective is to sway public and congressional opinion to their political belief system and goals.
The majority of contributors at Gatestone were signatories to the Project for the New American Century
The neocons within the US government were a major factor in fomenting the disastrous Iraq War.
You must have missed the memo
People from PNAC have been rehabilitated. 1st because they said something mean about Trump and 2 some of them are working for Biden now. Vicky Nuland is one. Her husband was behind getting Clinton to attack Iraq with a few bombs and devastating sanctions. Sweet guys, just misunderstood.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I was just keeping it simple
That viper pit has now infested both sides of the house - the far right and the faux left.
Did my snark not come through?
That site is as trustworthy as the Atlantic council. Might have the same people in both.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
That starts out with this and then gets worse:
Here’s what Putin said:
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
If you read that article you will also see how many times
Putin said the opposite of what he says now.
Putin stated in 2000 in an interview with David Frost on the BBC, "Russia is part of the European culture. And I can not imagine my own country in isolation from Europe and what we often call the civilized world. So, it is hard for me to visualize NATO as an enemy.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Putin said that in 2000
A history lesson for you.
Putin became President on 31 December 1999 after Yeltsin resigned. It took him a few years before he realized that the US had no intention of treating Russia as an equal among nations.
Here's Putin's actual words at the time:
Then what did the US do after 2000?
This is a very detailed article . I printed it out to study
further. I noticed that John Mearsheimer got himself in some hot water for pointing out the US role in pushing Putin. So this article is certainly not totally pro western POV. I have the book he wrote with Stephan Walt "The Israel Lobby" and US Foreign Policy. Now that's a scary book!
Thanks for the link.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Well of course he got in trouble
He’s a Putin apologist for saying what he did just like many here used to be Saddam apologists. Anyone who points out how we have been pushing Russia to do what it did goes against the government narrative. Don’t you remember that from the Iraq war days? I’d be called a Putin apologist for posting the reasons Putin used to explain why he felt he had no other options to keep Russia safe. I’m guessing that you didn’t read any of this or you’d see that the gatestone article is just pure grade A propaganda. If you doubt that he said this you can watch the video of his saying it.
And for your information I am and always have been anti war. Please don’t put words in my mouth. I do not like what Russia is doing, but I understand why it is. Self defense and if you can deny that I don’t know what to say.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
They may not have
started the war, but they are well positioned to finish it. We'd do well to keep that in mind.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
The US is determined to destroy Russia
But Washington is a rules based hegemon don’t you know?
That’s what Blinken told China at the disastrous Alaska meeting when he was as rude as he could be. International rules based order. Russia and China said that they follow the rules that countries agreed upon when the UN was created.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I think history will mark that event
(the meeting with Blinky and China) as the moment when China became the world's leading power and the US was dethroned. I guess time will tell, but that's my hypothesis.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Totally agree
China woke up, and that meeting completely confirmed their revelations about the US. You could see a huge change in their attitude after that.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Biden told the world that the American adults were back in charge of the country after Trump's childishness and then Blinken destroyed that image by his childish rudeness to his counterpart. Didn’t one other Biden blob do something like that to another country too? Was it Wendy Sherman?
I don’t understand why any country that has been dictated to would even bother to meet with American diplomats anymore. Sullivan is threatening China not to help Russia with sanctions and there is another blobbette going to China to talk to them. I’d insist on zoom meetings where they can pull the plug. Unless walking out on them mid sentence works better?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
“The View” Call For Tucker Carlson’s ARREST!
I'm listening to this now.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So once again we get into the weeds about news sources
and whose sources are propaganda and whose are not.
For me, the bottom line here is what I SEE every night on the news. I see total destruction of everything in sight in Ukraine. I see human rights violations that surpass some of the worst atrocities of other wars. Yesterday there was a video of Ukrainians being shot down by Russian soldiers when they were standing in a bread line. There is NOTHING that justifies this.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The Corporate Media have been recycling old atrocity stories from Iraq and Palestine and here and there, and claiming they are "happening now in Ukraine". Sometimes they are so blindingly obvious that only rabid Russophobes could possibly believe them.
We have entered an era - and you still haven't waked up to it - when "news" is nothing more than state propaganda. Take the "breadline" story for instance: it's recycled from Sarajevo thirty years ago. Was bullshit then, is bullshit now.
Wake up and smell the bullshit. Or keep eating it.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That for the chuckle..and for your last line. Next we will be seeing some young girl telling us that Russia is throwing babies out of incubators again and people will believe it. I’ll admit I bought it the first time, but I was so naive back then.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
So you are backing Russia's "right" to the massive bombing
of every apartment building, hospital, cultural center, etc. in Ukraine. In fact, there is actually no war going on at all in Ukraine. All the news we see every night or on our phones or computers is all government generated fake news. Putin is just an innocent victim of western propaganda and is simply trying to defend his country.
Now just WHO is eating bullshit?
Do I think Russia caused Hillary to lose? No. Do I think the Trump campaign worked with Russia? No. Your "Russiaphobe" accusation is insultingly wrong. And apparently it's OK here now to participate in this kind of verbal abuse of other community members. All you needed to do is post proof that the breadline story was fake. A link would have helped. But no, you had to jump on me like I'm some kind of right wing plant. I've been commenting here for years, and it's obvious that I am no such thing.
The atmosphere here is simply becoming poisonous.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Why would Russia target its own citizens?
Did that cross your mind? They are Russians living in Donetsk that was hit with a bomb sent from the Nazis that we are supporting. There are numerous sources for this that don’t come from Russia. If you are getting your news from the mainstream media like you mentioned you might want to question it.
And you are once again putting words in people’s mouths that they didn’t say. I haven’t seen anyone cheering for the war or death. Maybe you can stop doing that. Or maybe you support the Nazis? Accusations can go both ways.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I see that the big insult to you
Nobody on this site is glad the war started, nor or they glad Putin did his invasion.
What the vast majority of posters her seem to agree upon is that Russia had no other option, and that the US and NATO, in cooperation with Neo-Nazis, pushed Putin to invade. The blame should be upon them for causing the deaths and destruction.
Putin has the duty to his country to make it safe.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Anyone who starts their reply to another person stating
YOU HAVE BEEN HAD and then goes on to accuse you of being a "Russiaphobe" and then tells you either to wake up from the bullshit or eat it, is not being insulting?
There was no reason for that nasty reply to me, but hey, if you don't see the nastiness, then I apparently can't show it to you.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
If the shoe fits....
There are some rabid Russophobes out there, some of them in quite high positions. Some of them in the Mainstream Media with brains that have been broken since Trump. You didn't have to ASS-ume that I meant you specifically.
The Mainstream Media has breathlessly repeated atrocity story after atrocity story - just as they did for Iraq, just as they did for Bosnia - and rarely if ever have they issued corrections when actual first-person reports didn't square with their stories. (We have also, more frivolously, had multiple instances of bogus pro-Ukraine-forces propaganda that turned out to be things like stills from Star Wars, footage from video games, etc.)
I don't know if you heard, or believed, the "Ghost of Kyiv" legend - but it's a myth:
Here are some other confirmed examples of fake news (including the "Ghost of Kyiv" again):
With all this, it pays to be very skeptical about reports out of Ukraine - no matter which side is doing the reporting.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I suggest you stop watching the MSM to get information
Here's first hand backgrounder on Donetsk:
Lest we forget:
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director (1981)
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981