Millennials and Gen Z abandon the Democratic Party

So much for the inevitability of demographics.

I sorta doubt that this means they will switch to the GOP, since the GOP doesn't care about issues important to them either.
This goes double for Gen Z.

A new poll from Gallup found U.S. adults from Generation Z (those born between 1997 and 2004) have soured on Biden the most during his time in office. Sixty percent of Generation Z adults approved of Biden in the first six months of his administration, but now just 39 percent of the age group approve of the president—a decrease of 21 percentage points.
But Gallup found Generation Z isn't Biden's only problem. Millennials have also turned on Biden, with his approval rating among those born between 1981 and 1996 dropping 19 percentage points. His standing among Generation X, the generation preceding millennials, also dropped 15 percentage points.

So what you have is MORE THAN HALF of the population has effectively given up on "Lesser Evil Politics".
They are fully aware that the political system not only has no intention of representing them, but has open contempt for them.

Minorities are abandoning the Dems as well.

The reports show that during the start of his term, 87 per cent of Non-Hispanic Black adults approved of the job he was doing. That fell to 74 per cent in the summer of 2021 and is now at 67 per cent.

The report further states that among Hispanics, Biden's job approval has slumped from 73 per cent in early 2021 to 52 per cent now — a 21-point fall.

What is interesting from this report is the conclusion of why this is happening.
You might think that it's about Student Debt and broken promises, but you would be "wrong". It's disapproval of Biden for ending the war in Afghanistan.

A part of the report noted: "All generational groups have become less approving of Biden since the summer, after the troubled U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan in late August 2021, with the exception of traditionalists, whose approval has not changed."

Of course. Young people dig going to war and shooting brown-skinned people. That's their thing.

19 users have voted.


the dems abandoned Them in the
womb about time they look elsewhere

16 users have voted.

Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

You should see the comment I just dropped in tonight's Evening Blues!

9 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

QMS's picture

apparently so do the older folks, if one is to believe the polls.
But is that a sustainable platform to run on?
Killing thy neighbor is hardly an enlightening theme.
Vote blue so that the military may thrive? Weird.

17 users have voted.

question everything

snoopydawg's picture

It’s why Biden screwed us out of $600 after the 2 Georgian senators won their election. But don’t worry they are working on better messaging and then the VBNMW shitlibs will vote for them again because the only reason they couldn’t pass Biden’s build back better plan is because voters didn’t give them a big enough majority. It’s ALWAYS the voters fault that democrats don’t do what they run on. Funny how shitlibs don’t see that democrats will always have a Joe Lieberman, Mansion and lots of quiet back up waiting in the wings to tank any legislation that goes against their donors wishes.

14 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

shaharazade's picture

who makes a living off polling stats,numbers and data, I gotta say it's a bogus means of manipulation. The numbers don't lie they're numbers fer god sake. Pollsters however use the numbers and the data to come up with whatever bs. they are pushing or fishing for. All the pols, our main clients, use the data, work it, to see what bs. they can come up with will fly with the voters and the general public. Look people like this scoundrel, he/she is viable. Meanwhile it means nothing, other then a marketing scam. With no real meaningful statistical information no truth, your just being scammed. Messaging my ass. 'Propaganda all is phony'. Bob Dylan "Lies - damn lies - and statistics," Ummm Mark Twain

13 users have voted.

Uh Kryatal, do you mean like what Hillary did in 1993 to the doctors and nurses so that she could talk to the health insurance lobbyists about what to do about health care reform?

14 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

janis b's picture


but how is it possible in america to mount a potentially successful (in a productive way) primary challenge in the two-party system that exists? Until it is possible for other parties to participate, and campaign funding restricted, there is no possibility for any real change for any generation.

10 users have voted.
shaharazade's picture

@janis b @janis b . It's is in my opinion a duopoly were dealing with. Look what they did to Bernie. On every level city state and federal the DNc and the owners of the place lock out primary contenders. They smear them will not fund them and tell voters that if they vote for these candidates they arw supporting the enemy and the winner will be the worst. A dreaded Reoublican.

There are a lot of indies but they can't vote in the primary. I wrote in an indie candidate for major in Portland and got a lot of grief in my Demcratic neighborhood. She had been wiped out in the rigged primary. An open primaey would be great. The powers that be work hard to shoot down any viable contender outside the Party.

7 users have voted.
janis b's picture


I felt hope for future reform to benefit americans was when I was visiting my mom during the early stages of the 2016 presidential campaign. I watched the building attraction to Sanders and cheered what he inspired. How alive it all seemed then, despite the constant attention on Trump.

6 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

Bernie is thinking of running again. Yep 3rd time is the charm. Right? After he watched Obama make sure that he wasn’t going to win. And so he just folded without a word.

4 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

shaharazade's picture

@snoopydawg with Killary.I really cared what was on her computer/emails in her closet or wherever. Bernie is a weird one. Love what he says but what he does politically when push comes to shove makes me think sheep dog? Give him credit for at least speaking out even if he never puts his money where his mouth is. Can't imagine him as a serious contender however. He always backs down and knuckles under the powers that be and the DNC. Still at least he mouths off occasionally. Who knows he's part and parcel of the whole freaking mess we are dealing with. The so called 'progressives' also piss me off. PC bs. disguised as legitimate political dialog. My pessimistic view of Bernie and all things political in the days of to little push back coming from the supposed left.

0 users have voted.

@janis b
but come back to me in mid November. My 2016 plan was for the Ds to lose so big they would go join the Whigs, setting up for a new party. I figure the odds at around 5% now, but I'm an optimist.

6 users have voted.

On to Biden since 1973

I'm gonna vote for the Progressive Party.

4 users have voted.
janis b's picture


with only a 5% chance ; ).

4 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture

@janis b
than vote for what you don't want and get it (in the neck) anyway.

6 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

join the Republican Party. Among other things, it does seem to be where the action (such as it is) is in resisting authoritarian over-reach, peace and non-intervention

Here's someone (b. 1989) in the age demographic under discussion. Currently my favorite choice for a challenger to Ron Wyden - Ibrahim Tahir (like myself a *former* Oregon Pacific Green Party member):

from his bio:

In 2018, Taher became a member of the Pacific Green Party of Oregon for his interest in peace activism. He ran in 2020 for the US Senate seat on the party ticket with being co-nominated by the Progressive Party of Oregon. Taher had major disagreements with his party and their refusal to stand up for the people and against COVID repression led him to leave the party after the election to become a member of the Republican Party of Oregon which he sees as a mere vehicle for political activism.

Taher was the first candidate in Oregon to call out the corruption of the medical establishment in the lies of the COVID event. He has been vocal about authoritarianism and the centralization of wealth and power since the beginning of this event. He published his first article regarding COVID on March 26th, 2020, titled “COVID19: A Pretext For Authoritarianism”.

He co-founded a national group ‘Greens and Allies Against COVID Repression’ in July of 2020.

In explaining his motivation to run (and run as a Republican):

I ran in 2020 for the US Senate on minor parties tickets, the Pacific Green Party and the Progressive Party for their tolerance of my anti-war activism. However, after the #COVID911 event I realized that this is not where I should be if I want to continue to fight for integrity, accountability, and liberty, which lead me to switch to the Republican Party after the elections.

I am aware that the majority of the GOP leadership are in the same boat as the liberals when it comes to authoritarianism, the federal reserve, big government, corporatism, and globalism.

But my hope is in the majority of the constituents of the Republican Party in Oregon. Over the past 19 months, I’ve seen courage, integrity, and honesty. I have seen willingness to hold all of our officials accountable for the war against us. And I see a strong rejection of the globalists take over of the world. This is the most pressing issue of our time.

I hear that. We could use a lot more like this dude.

Let's Go Ibrahim!

Campaign website:

7 users have voted.

Dems talk about all the things the 99% want, and once elected spend most of the time telling you how it's impossible to do what they promised. They then get down to business making sure their donors get what they want, the true purpose of the U.S. government. I can also see some Mils and z's turning to the R's, because the republicans will spend their time trying to smack the snot out of the democrats. Which is the only satisfying part of this mess.

7 users have voted.

It was essentially an anti-Trump vote.

Plus, don't forget, Bernie Sanders let those younger gen groups down BIG time by pulling out and bowing to the Democratic Party. No one talks about that anymore, but if you think back on all the rallies Bernie had with masses of younger gen people really thinking there could be change, you have to realize that there is a huge group out there who feels totally used by Bernie.

I think they will all just stay home. Like I will.

7 users have voted.

"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

Matt Bruenig had a pretty good essay about the 2016 election.

The Boring Story of the 2016 Election

Donald Trump did not win because of a surge of white support. Indeed he got less white support than Romney got in 2012. Nor did Trump win because he got a surge from other race+gender groups. The exit polls show him doing slightly better with black men, black women, and latino women than Romney did, but basically he just hovered around Romney’s numbers with every race+gender group, doing slightly worse than Romney overall.

However, support for Hillary was way below Obama’s 2012 levels, with defectors turning to a third party. Clinton did worse with every single race+gender combo except white women, where she improved Obama’s outcome by a single point. Clinton did not lose all this support to Donald. She lost it into the abyss. Voters didn’t like her but they weren’t wooed by Trump.

Young people will not become republicans. They will simply opt out as similar groups did in the 2016 election. They will fall into an apolitical abyss. Isn't it a trueism repeated by pundits that dems win with heavy turnout?

8 users have voted.
shaharazade's picture

@MrWebster My kids and grand kids are not about to become Republicans. On the other hand they reject the status quo. Some may fall for the lesser evil bs. but not many that I know. Nobody with a brain in there head what ever generation thinks this thoroughly wrecked up political system has anything to offer. Biden came to Oregon yesterday only to raise money for Dems. His only stop was the ritzy yacht club. That about sums it up. 800 million,billion for weapons shipped to The Ukraine. Why? Oh yeah the Russians are coming. Enough. Too bad we have no choice other then a thoroughly corrupt duopoly. Hope these young'uns don't cave in out of fear of the lesser and vote for Dems. How stupid do they think we are regardless of generation?

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