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On the Beach is about a submarine that goes around the world after nukes went off looking to see if they could find life anywhere. They couldn’t and so they went home to Australia where the fallout hadn’t gotten there yet and they got ready to die because it was just a matter of time till it did.

Too bad that our press isn’t talking about the horrors of nuclear war instead of asking why Biden won’t create a no fly zone over Ukraine which would probably start World War 3. They never had to practice hiding under their school desks because someone shot a nuke at someone else who had nukes too. I didn’t grow up under the fear that I would be wiped out, but I’m sure that some of you did. I’d love to hear about it from you if you care to share.

Biden and his NATO buddies are doing everything they can to keep the Ukraine conflict going instead of insisting that both sides sit down and find a way to end it. Damn them all to the hell they belong in!

I couldn’t think of what I should call this essay. Essay Title Contest just didn’t seem to catch the horror of the threat we are living under.


The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken


Sometimes I’m not sure what presents a greater threat to humanity, nuclear war or the colossal stupidity that has made it possible.

Due to the skyrocketing risk of a world-ending confrontation between the United States and Russia, World Socialist Website is re-releasing a series of interviews it conducted in 2017 with experts on the subject of nuclear war. One of them is with a senior scientist at Physicians for Social Responsibility named Steven Starr, which WSWS has titled “Nuclear winter—the long-suppressed reality of nuclear war”.

Starr discusses the research which has shown that in addition to the unthinkable horrors of flattened cities and nuclear fallout we’ve all been told about, “a war fought with existing US and Russian nuclear arsenals is predicted to make agriculture impossible for a decade or longer, dooming most people to die from a nuclear famine.”

Starr says a false narrative has been spun that the science behind nuclear winter theory is weak, a narrative I’ve had parroted at me from time to time in my commentary on this subject. He says the science is in fact peer-reviewed and robust, and actually makes very conservative estimates of the environmental havoc that would be unleashed by black carbon soot thrown into the stratosphere by a large nuclear exchange. But this science has been actively suppressed and marginalized by a junk science smear campaign and the slashing of research funding.

“After the success of the smear campaign against nuclear winter, most people eventually accepted this narrative and funding for new research dried up,” Starr said. “This had a big impact on the public, who got the impression that the nuclear winter theory had been disproven. As a result, this issue is hardly ever talked about now in the mainstream media.”

“One of the reasons for this is that over the years, trillions of dollars have been spent on nuclear weapons,” Starr adds. “If the conclusions of the nuclear winter research—that nuclear war is suicide for all peoples and nations—had gained widespread acceptance and understanding, it is likely that the whole nuclear weapons industry would have been shut down.”

Indeed, when you’re talking about the movement of trillions of dollars (Obama committed $1 trillion to modernizing America’s nuclear arsenal for the explicit purpose of better confronting Russia), you’re talking about the kind of money that any amount of underhanded gangster tactics would be employed to secure.

But I think another major part of it is the much more basic fact that if people truly understood how dangerous nuclear war is for everyone on this planet, nobody would consent to the kinds of cold war games that the drivers of empire have been intending to play with these weapons.

If people truly understood that their life and the lives of everyone they love are being gambled like poker chips in nuclear brinkmanship maneuvers geared toward securing unipolar planetary hegemony for an undeclared empire loosely centralized around the United States, those few empire architects would soon find themselves on the losing end of a tooth-and-claw fight against the entire human species. The ability to win cold war power struggles is dependent on the mainstream public not thinking too hard about what nuclear war is and why it is being risked.

So I think we’re seeing a broad lack of awareness among the general public of just how close to the precipice we are for the same reason nuclear winter theory has been suppressed: because if everyone deeply understood how dangerous these unipolarist grand chessboard power plays are, and how they deliver no real benefit to ordinary people, they wouldn’t permit them to happen.

A responsible news media would be educating the public about things like nuclear winter, and how easy it would be for a nuclear war to be triggered by a malfunction, miscommunication, misunderstanding, or miscalculation in the chaos and confusion of soaring cold war escalations as nearly happened many times during the last cold war. A “news” media whose job is not to report the news but to manufacture consent for imperial agendas will do everything it can to prevent people from paying attention to those things.

This is why, if you really understand nuclear war and what it means and how close we are to its emergence, it feels so surreal and dissonant looking around at the things people are talking about today. How ungrounded in reality it all is, how unseriously people are taking this thing, how willing they are to consent to things like no-fly zones and other direct military action against Russia. It’s because people are prevented from seeing and understanding this reality. You can’t have the riff raff interfering in the mechanics of the imperial machine. Unipolar hegemony is too important to be left to democratic processes. Keep the local fauna confused and distracted while you roll the dice on nuclear armageddon with the hope of ruling the world.

These people are like mobsters, knowing they’ll probably die a violent death but willing to risk it all for a chance at living the high life. There’s not the slightest iota of wisdom guiding their actions. Just the primitive impulse to dominate and control. They’re living their lives and making their decisions essentially on autopilot, guided by unconscious impulses they themselves don’t understand.

We have no control over what Russia does. If you see a mushroom cloud growing on the horizon, will you feel better by being able to tell yourself it was Russia's fault?

In the aforementioned interview Starr also touches on the ease with which a nuclear war could be set off by a technical malfunction, and what the earliest moments of a nuclear war will likely look like:

If the US early warning systems detect a missile launch, the President can order a launch of retaliatory nuclear strike before incoming nuclear warheads take out communication systems and weapons. Of course, if this is a false warning of attack, then the “retaliatory” strike becomes a first-strike and a nuclear war has started.

Moreover, if somebody has launched a nuclear strike against the silos in which your nuclear weapons are housed in, you don’t retaliate by targeting their empty silos. You target their cities. Russia only has about 230 cities with a population greater than 100,000 and the US has 312. So it’s not that hard to wipe out a couple hundred cities in an initial salvo.

Starr also discusses the insane belief that Russia will probably back down when threatened with the possibility of nuclear war, a line of thinking that’s becoming so common today that it’s almost its own genre of natsec punditry:

"The strategists often say, “Oh, well, Russia will back down.” What if they don’t? And why would they back down on their own border? Any US/NATO-Russian direct military conflict will very likely lead to a full-scale nuclear war.

In another 2017 World Socialist Website interview, this one with Los Alamos Study Group secretary and executive director Greg Mello, we get some more insight into the reality of the nuclear threat:

To a first approximation, in a nuclear war between the US and Russia, everybody in the world would die. Some people in the southern hemisphere might survive, but probably not even them.

The imagination cannot encompass nuclear war. Nuclear war means nuclear winter. It means the collapse of very fragile electronic, financial, governmental, administrative systems that keep everyone alive. We’d be lucky to reboot in the early 19th century. And if enough weapons are detonated, the collapse of the Earth’s ozone layer would mean that every form of life that has eyes could be blinded. The combined effects of a US-Russian nuclear war would mean that pretty much every terrestrial mammal, and many plants, would become extinct.

The gulf between these expert analyses and what people are consuming in the news could not possibly be wider. People simply don’t understand what’s being done with their lives by powerful people who care only about imperial domination, and the powerful intend to keep it that way.

It doesn’t need to be like this. There’s no reason our planet needs to be dominated by any one single power structure, especially if doing so means risking complete annihilation. We should all be pushing for de-escalation, diplomacy and detente, and for the nations and peoples of this world to begin working together for the good of everyone.


Our press wants a nuclear war!

NO you $*#&$! YOU own the price of gas. Wave your hands a bit more so you look really silly.

Looks like democrats have decided on what they will run on for the midterms. It’s Putin’s fault!

Biden’s plan for Ukraine is to avoid peace at all costs.

Damn them. If any country needs a color revolution it’s this one. Psakiopath brags about giving Ukraine billions while America sinks further into a 3rd world country.

11 users have voted.


tomorrow, chica.
Must get to bed.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

studentofearth's picture

been sending weapons of war to Ukraine since March last year in preparation for conflict. Less than 70 days in office and in the middle of a Covid crisis he refocuses on creating a higher intensity conflict with a nuclear power.


transcript 2.03.15 to 2.05.58

We started our assistance to Ukraine before this war began as they started to do exercises along the Ukrainian border. And we started in March of last year. We took the threat of Putin invading seriously.

We acted on that. We sent Ukraine more security systems last year , $650 million in weapons including anti-air and anti-armor equipment before the invasion. More than we had ever provided before. So when the invasion began they already had in their hands the kind of weapons needed to counter Russian advances.

And once the war started we immediately rushed 300 million in additional aid to further address their needs. Hundreds of ant-air systems, thousands of antitank weapons, transport helicopters, armed patrol boats and other high mobility vehicles. Radar systems to track incoming artillery and unmanned drones, secure communications equipment and tactical gear. Satellite imagery and analysis capacity

And it has clearly helped Ukraine inflict dramatic losses on Russian forces. On Saturday my administration authorized another 200 million dollars to keep a steady flow of weapons an ammunition moving to Ukraine.

Now I am once again using my Presidential authority to activate an additional security assistance to continue to help Ukraine fend off Russia's assault an additional 800 million dollars assistance. That brings the total of new US security assistance to Ukraine to 1 billion dollars, just this week. These are direct transfers of equipment from our Department of Defense to the Ukrainian military to help them as they fight against this invasion.

And I thank the congress for appropriating these funds. This new package on its own is going to provide unprecedented assistance to Ukraine. It includes 800 antiaircraft systems. To make sure the Ukrainian military continue to stop the planes and helicopters that have been attacking there people and to defend their Ukrainian air space. And at the request of President Zelensky we have identified and are helping Ukraine acquire additional longer range antiaircraft systems and ammunitions for those systems.

Our new assistance package also includes 9,000 anti-armor systems, These are portable, high accuracy shoulder mounted missiles that the Ukrainian forces have been using with great effect to destroy invading tanks and armored vehicles. It will include 7,000 small arms, machines guns, shotguns, grenades launders, to equip the Ukrainians, including the brave women and men defending their cities as citizens. And they are in the countryside as well.

Closing statement indicates he is not interested in saving lives and minimizing damage to the country of Ukraine and the bordering nations being overwhelmed with refugees.

That's our goal to make Putin pay the price. Weaken his position, while strengthening the hands of the Ukrainians on the battlefield and negotiating table. Together with our Allies and Partners we are going to stay the course. Ans we will do everything possible we can to push for and to end this tragic and unnecessary war.

This is a war that pits the appetite of an autocrat against human kind desire to be free. And let there be no doubt, no uncertainty, no question America stands with the forces of freedom. We always have and always will.

Our self appointed leaders have no regard to life of humans or this planet.

9 users have voted.

Still yourself, deep water can absorb many disturbances with minimal reaction.
--When the opening appears release yourself.

lotlizard's picture

but never at the proxy war / power-rivalry level (“We think [the death of 500,000 Iraqi children] is worth it” — Bill Clinton’s SoS Madeleine Albright).

8 users have voted.


Russia’s war could spell worldwide nuclear disaster

I am a physician, so let me describe the medical effects of a single bomb dropping on a city, be it New York or Boston. A Russian 20-megaton bomb would enter at 20 times the speed of sound exploding with the heat of the sun, digging a hole three-quarters of a mile (1.27 kilometres) wide and 88 feet (26.8 metres) deep, converting all buildings, people and earth shot up into the air as a mushroom cloud.

Twenty miles (32.2 kilometres) from the epicentre, all humans would be killed or lethally injured, some converted to charcoal statues. Winds of 500 mph (804 km/h) turn people into missiles travelling at 100 mph (161 km/h). A massive conflagration would follow covering 300 square miles (776.9 km2) and the fires would merge across the nation.

As cities burn across the world, a massive cloud of toxic black smoke will elevate into the stratosphere blocking out the sun for ten years inducing a short ice age nuclear winter when all humans and most plants and animals will perish.

She wrote Putin is a "demonic leader" linking to his wikipedia page, which does make the president of Russia out to be always an aggressor, and never a defender of his own fine people. We are still living in dystopian MAD world after all these years. sry

MAD = Mutually Assured Destruction

7 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

this moron did


The conviction that the U.S. could win a nuclear war was key to the nuclear policy early in the Reagan administration. Not only could such a war be survived, it would present a potential opportunity for the victor. With the deployment of Pershing II and other tactical nuclear weapons, the U.S. and the Soviets might even conduct a nuclear exchange confined to Europe, entirely outside their borders. “I could see where you could have the exchange of tactical (nuclear) weapons against troops in the field without it bringing either one of the major powers to pushing the button,” Reagan suggested in 1981.

and there is this....UFB


“The US nuclear forces modernization program has been portrayed to the public as an effort to ensure the reliability and safety of warheads in the US nuclear arsenal, rather than to enhance their military capabilities. In reality, however, that program has implemented revolutionary new technologies that will vastly increase the targeting capability of the US ballistic missile arsenal. This increase in capability is astonishing — boosting the overall killing power of existing US ballistic missile forces by a factor of roughly three — and it creates exactly what one would expect to see, if a nuclear-armed state were planning to have the capacity to fight and win a nuclear war by disarming enemies with a surprise first strike.”

It continues:

Because the innovations in the super-fuze appear, to the non-technical eye, to be minor, policymakers outside of the US government (and probably inside the government as well) have completely missed its revolutionary impact on military capabilities and its important implications for global security.

8 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

global warming.

btw - when Nuland said that "we" had five billion dollars into Ukraine regime change, she was referring to US costs for 2004 when Yushchenko was "our guy" and 2014 when it was Yats. The bill for before and after has yet to be totaled. (Plus Soros freely admitted that he's been pumping money into the political economy of Ukraine for decades.)


8 users have voted.
snoopydawg's picture

We started this war. As Marie and others have shown it has been going on for decades. Too bad most Americans will never know that.

Why Did U.S. Prioritize Containing Russia Over China?

Experts are scrambling to explain why the U.S. prioritized containing Russia over China despite most prior indicators very strongly suggesting that it would prioritize the second scenario. U.S. President Joe Biden largely continued his predecessor Donald Trump’s muscular approach towards the People’s Republic up until around last fall, when the latest tensions in Europe became impossible to deny. Even so, few anywhere in the world predicted the sequence of events that would be set into motion at the end of last month wherein Russia commenced its special military operation in Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin articulated the aims of this campaign in his 24 February address to his nation. He said that the initial intent is to stop Kiev’s genocidal onslaught on the newly recognized Donbass Republics, after it provoked a third round of civil war hostilities with Washington’s backing. The Russian leader also claimed that NATO clandestinely established military infrastructure in the former Soviet Republic for the purpose of carrying out a surprise attack against his country sometime in the future. This would presumably come after the U.S. neutralized Russia’s nuclear second-strike capabilities.

That supplementary goal was being advanced by the U.S. continued deployment of “anti-missile systems” and strike weapons near Russia’s borders. President Putin became so concerned about this in late December that he ordered his government to publish its security guarantee requests to the U.S. and NATO at that time. Moscow asked for legally binding guarantees preventing NATO’s eastwards expansion, the removal of strike weapons near Russia’s borders, and a return to the continental military status quo enshrined in the now-defunct 1997 Russian-NATO Founding Act

These were rebuffed by the West, after which President Putin felt compelled to authorize kinetic action to uphold the integrity of his country’s national security red lines in Ukraine and Europe more broadly. Russia’s prior diplomatic attempts to revise the European security architecture with a view towards finally making security indivisible in line with the OSCE’s associated principles failed. The U.S. and its allies continued making moves on the pretext of ensuring their own security that ultimately eroded Russia’s own. This hostile strategy is what truly set the sequence of events into motion long ago.

These calculations seemingly changed sometime around last fall, when everything began to get much more intense in Europe. A decision had apparently been made to not sincerely negotiate with Russia in good faith and, if anything, perhaps even provoke the Kremlin into taking the kinetic action that U.S. intelligence subsequently claimed that it was preparing to authorize. On the surface, it doesn’t make much sense why America would try to goad Russia into carrying out military action in Ukraine, but the developments that followed help answer that question.

Worth reading. Once the Russian conflict is over the plan is to contain China. We have already surrounded it with our military bases. Peace is never going to come in our lifetime. The United States is the biggest purveyor of violence and it’s why government will continue to keep Americans in dire straits. We cannot vote our way out of this. Quit thinking that we can.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

Just a little xenophobia to start your day off.

This guy can’t lead us out of a wet paper bag.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

I've only read the book.



5 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


Opinions are divided as to which version is "better".

5 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

CB's picture

5 users have voted.
Sima's picture

I can't say that Threads is a favorite show of mine because it makes me sob and shiver in terror. Seeing it changed my life when I was young. I'm beginning to think it should be required viewing for all young adults/kids. They can watch it from under their desks Sad Then maybe, maybe, there will not be such support for a 'no fly' zone...

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If you're poor now, my friend, then you'll stay poor.
These days, only the rich get given more. -- Martial book 5:81, c. AD 100 or so
Nothing ever changes -- Sima, c. AD 2020 or so