My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Right now Tulsi's the best bet to go third party
From:The Weekly Watch
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 11:30am 1 1 Sun, 03/08/2020 - 12:05pm
When - not if - Biden crumbles, what is their Plan B?
From:The Weekly Watch
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 11:15am 1 2 Mon, 03/09/2020 - 11:12pm
The whole thing is running on inertia
From:This Is NOT The Change We Need
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 10:54am 1 1 Sun, 03/08/2020 - 11:45am
"Avoid large gatherings" - like Bernie Sanders rallies....
From:COVID-19 March 7th update, number 2
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 10:45am 1 1 Sun, 03/08/2020 - 11:19am
Biden's not that coherent any more
From:Now for lighter fare
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 10:34am 1 1 Mon, 03/09/2020 - 12:10am
It's been moribund longer than that
From:My Take on the Democratic Primaries Past and Present (2016 v. 2020)
TheOtherMaven Sun, 03/08/2020 - 10:22am 1 0
No matter how many she wins
From:Tulsi Likely to Pick Up More Delegates (My Estimation)
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/07/2020 - 10:04am 1 0
The robins are back, here
From:Friday Photography - At Piha Beach
TheOtherMaven Sat, 03/07/2020 - 01:09am 1 1 Tue, 03/10/2020 - 09:37am
Was that a translation from word-salad?
From: Biden explains why we should vote for Bernie
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/06/2020 - 07:05pm 1 0
It's "The Crazy Years"
From:Listen Up Democratic Party Establishment
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/06/2020 - 01:20pm 1 0
She'll wait till it will do Bernie the most harm
From:Listen Up Democratic Party Establishment
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/06/2020 - 11:28am 14 2 Fri, 03/06/2020 - 04:40pm
NOW sold out to the DLC/DNC long ago
From:Lying By Omission About Bernie Sanders
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/06/2020 - 11:13am 1 0
Sorry, AOC, that's EPIC FAIL
From:Open Thread Friday 3-6-2020
TheOtherMaven Fri, 03/06/2020 - 11:11am 1 1 Fri, 03/06/2020 - 11:18am
What "two-party" system?
From:Bernie, Biden, and ===> Tulsi <===
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/05/2020 - 09:47pm 1 0
I don't think the Rothschilds are *that* stupid
From:Listen Up Democratic Party Establishment
TheOtherMaven Thu, 03/05/2020 - 09:43pm 1 0
A wretched hive of scum and villainy
From:Overnight Caption Contest (XXXI)
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 10:52pm 1 0
Obama bypassed that option
From:May the Best Man Win
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 10:50pm 1 1 Thu, 03/05/2020 - 12:55pm
Try this link:
From:Chancellor Valorum Cannot Save the Republic (Biden is at Best a Band-Aid)
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 08:57pm 1 0
House, Senate, Supreme Court all followed the same pattern
From:May the Best Man Win
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 08:53pm 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 10:08pm
I think gjohnsit means
From:‘Defensive Strike’? US Hits Taliban Targets in Afghanistan Days After Peace Deal Reached
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 08:43pm 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 09:00pm
I bet he can't be that coherent NOW!
From:The Evening Blues - 3-4-20
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 04:19pm 1 0
What they overlooked
From:May the Best Man Win
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 04:17pm 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 04:58pm
Actually it was Lippy Leo Durocher
From:May the Best Man Win
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 04:11pm 1 0
War is Peace, Murder is Justice,
From:‘Defensive Strike’? US Hits Taliban Targets in Afghanistan Days After Peace Deal Reached
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 02:37pm 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 05:25pm
Wasn't a thumb, it was a whole arse n/t
From:May the Best Man Win
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 02:33pm 1 0
It takes a Democratic President to enact Republican wish-lists
From: 03/04 Open Thread: Making Up Time
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 02:27pm 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 02:39pm
FWIW, I identified the GIF
From:Tuesday Open Thread ~ Super Tuesday Edition
TheOtherMaven Wed, 03/04/2020 - 09:25am 1 1 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 03:08pm
Can we be sure they aren't just making the numbers up?
From:The Evening Blues - 3-3-20
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/03/2020 - 11:37pm 6 0
From:We. Are. Many. The Mold Has Now Been Cast: We're Gonna Win.
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/03/2020 - 09:48pm 1 1 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 10:17pm
In (my part of) Virginia it's optical scanners
From:SuperTuesday Essay 1: Biden Wins Virginia, North Carolina, and Alabama; Sanders Wins Vermont
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/03/2020 - 09:28pm 1 0
One for five
From:"They're Desperate to Beat Bernie"
TheOtherMaven Tue, 03/03/2020 - 04:00pm 0
Surprise, surprise. ;-)
From:Obama & Byedone working the phones
TheOtherMaven Mon, 03/02/2020 - 06:31pm 1 0
And so the Tower of Babel falls again,
From:Further anti-Muslim Pogroms in India
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/29/2020 - 10:21pm 1 0
Down goes another once-useful word into the trash pile
From:Further anti-Muslim Pogroms in India
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/29/2020 - 09:31pm 1 1 Sat, 02/29/2020 - 10:00pm
WSWS has some writers who make less sense than Buttercup
From:One Reason I Support Bernie Sanders
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/29/2020 - 11:32am 1 3 Sat, 02/29/2020 - 05:59pm
Say what?
From:Further anti-Muslim Pogroms in India
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/29/2020 - 11:21am 1 1 Sat, 02/29/2020 - 11:51am
There are people who pie for pay
From:Clear Distinction
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/27/2020 - 02:27pm 1 0
You may wish, but it ain't gonna happen
From:Tonight's Debate is Gonna Get Ugly
TheOtherMaven Tue, 02/25/2020 - 09:13am 23 2 Tue, 02/25/2020 - 11:24am
The real question is, what is he a risk TO?
From:Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed, Something Blue
TheOtherMaven Sun, 02/23/2020 - 03:24pm 1 0
Here we go again....
TheOtherMaven Sun, 02/23/2020 - 03:23pm 1 0
Duchy of Lancaster
From:Friday night nikons
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/22/2020 - 02:39pm 1 1 Sat, 02/22/2020 - 04:09pm
House of Beaufort, yes?
From:Friday night nikons
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/22/2020 - 02:27pm 1 0
Why link to Caitlin via Medium instead of her own site?
From:The Evening Blues - 2-20-20
TheOtherMaven Fri, 02/21/2020 - 10:08am 1 1 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 03:06pm
We need to get the hell out and STAY OUT
From:The ugly face of American Imperialism in Syria
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/20/2020 - 05:24pm 1 0
Feh. Bernie thought about it and then didn't do it.
From:They are just coming out and saying it now
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:48pm 1 0
Crabs in a bucket
From:Debate watchers thread 2-19-20
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:45pm 1 0
Even if by some miracle Assange gets set free,
From:The Evening Blues - 2-19-20
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:44pm 2 0
Well, he *is* just slightly left of where the center used to be
From:Is Bernie too Conservative?
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:33pm 1 0
He should be put IN the stocks
From:Here's Mayor Mike defending raising taxes on poor people
TheOtherMaven Wed, 02/19/2020 - 08:42am 1 0
He's floundering, throw him an anchor :-D
From:BREAKING (My Heart)
TheOtherMaven Sat, 02/15/2020 - 08:33pm 1 0
The snark, it Berns! :-D
From:It's time for Bernie to throw in the towel
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/13/2020 - 09:35pm 1 0
Hey Bloomberg, it's 2020, not 1950!
From:Will Bloomberg be the Overnight Sensation Come Super Tuesday?
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/13/2020 - 02:32pm 1 1 Thu, 02/13/2020 - 04:05pm
We don't need any more of *that*
From:Bloomberg Can't Even Pay People to Say Nice Things About Him
TheOtherMaven Thu, 02/13/2020 - 02:13pm 1 0
