Bernie, Biden, and ===> Tulsi <===

That's all that's left, folks!

Tulsi is getting a lot of notice today. Front page CNN article (not that it says all that much):

CNN Article on Tulsi

Also, here's one from Vogue today:

Vogue Article on Tulsi

Evidently, Twitter and Reddit are all abuzz about Tulsi still being in the race. Seems as though a lot of people out there are looking for a female candidate, and now that Warren dropped out, there is a fair migration of people checking out Tulsi.

It is confirmed that Tulsi has won 2 delegates from the American Samoa contest, so the DNC can't just raise the standard for the next debate to having 2 delegates. It'll at least need to be 3 delegates to keep Tulsi off the debate stage. I really like this "low quality meme" that just came out:


I keep misspelling Samoa as "Samosa" and it makes me really hungry.

As one redditor says: "Tulsi is now the only woman, the only person of color, the youngest candidate, the only veteran, and the only lifelong Democrat running for president".

Tulsi still has $2 million in the bank, supposedly, so she can continue for some time yet. She will be in Las Vegas tomorrow for a Tulsi Town Hall where she will be discussing legalizing marijuana nationwide.

Forward . . .

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snoopydawg's picture

The centrists on DK have been bitching about it too.

"Why has the media erased Elizabeth Warren?"

Idiots. But they better let Tulsi in the next debate or...? I'm sure we can come up with something? If Bernie won't go after Joe I'm sure Tulsi is up for the job. This and her anti war talk is why they don't want to let her.

11 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg … but fear you may be wrong about Tulsi getting more attention, and thus far, frankly, I haven't seen it. For example, tonight Rachel M of MSDNC (whom I can't stand) was giving most of her hour show to the latest dropout, Liz Warren. Haven't seen any coverage of Tulsi's post-election speeches, assuming there have been some (I believe there was one in NH that I saw on the internet). Still, who would have predicted a year ago that, among Kamabama, Booty, Amy, Castro, Booker, Yang, Beto and Tulsi, that Tulsi would be the only one to score delegates on Super Tuesday.

As a side-comment, I find it quite interesting that the four people Tulsi locked horns with during prior debates (Ryan, Kamabama, Booty and now Liz) are all out of the race, while Tulsi is still standing, running a relatively low-budget operation that doesn't rely on a huge influx of big donor cash to remain afloat.

As far as future debates any day now I expect the DNC to come up with the latest set of rules that say, for the upcoming debates, any candidate, to be eligible, must have at least one delegate more than the latest number reported for Tulsi G, cuz that's how corrupt they've been. This changing of the rules in the middle of the game this time around has been so blatant it's not going to restore anyone's faith in the two-party system.

12 users have voted.
TheOtherMaven's picture


It's a monster with two heads and two right wings, that only pretends to be two separate parties.

7 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

snoopydawg's picture


but fear you may be wrong about Tulsi getting more attention, and thus far, frankly, I haven't seen it.

I wasn't saying that. I'm saying that she won't get any because she is saying things others would rather she didn't because of this.

As a side-comment, I find it quite interesting that the four people Tulsi locked horns with during prior debates (Ryan, Kamabama, Booty and now Liz) are all out of the race, while Tulsi is still standing, running a relatively low-budget operation that doesn't rely on a huge influx of big donor cash to remain afloat.

The democrats don't want to give her a chance of knocking ByeDone off the pedestal that they rigged for him to stand on. I think they will change the rules to prevent it. But if they do I hope Bernie will finally speak up about how it's wrong to keep her out and he won't play with them unless she is included. I'm not alone in saying this.

7 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

I hope Bernie will finally speak up about how it's wrong to keep her out and he won't play with them unless she is included.

Tulsi stood up for Bernie,and he won't say a word to help her.
That stinks. Sorry,but that stinks.

edit- If he does speak up, I will come on and admit I was wrong.
Be happy to do so.

5 users have voted.
Alligator Ed's picture

@irishking Bernie is spineless

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@Alligator Ed
member of Congress that's manage to hold on for almost thirty without ever totally capitulating on his core agenda? If that were so easy, why are there so few in Congress like Bernie? (Dennis Kucinich, who is younger than Bernie, packed it after sixteen years.)

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Alligator Ed's picture


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She needs to get all the coverage that she can in this unique situation. Perhaps it will become obvious that she is the best candidate of everyone that has been involved in this great American debacle. She's wicked smart, has great values, is extremely principled, speaks well, is truly courageous and has serious gravitas. She just needs to sidestep the pundits to get some coverage.

15 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard

It's a very unique circumstance for her right now. One of three, instead of one of twelve when she was last on the debate stage and viewable to the nation.

10 users have voted.
QMS's picture

@The Wizard

for change, we need her here now in 2020
delayed gratification seems not the solution
to today's issues
work with the present strenghts

1 user has voted.

question everything

Alligator Ed's picture

I am with there until she calls it quits.

Get her on stage. Neither Joe nor Bernie will know what hit them--to paraphrase Chuckie Schumer.

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