
CA Election Update SAT 7-9-2016 – 50+ Links – DAY 32 AFTER CA Election Day - Multiple Election Lawsuits and investigations - most w/ National Ramifications


DAY 32 after California’s Election Day.  Voter satisfaction with CA Election integrity at an all time low in my humble opinion.  Things are heating up and new facts continue to come out about how the 2016 Elections have been handled.

Sanders Says He’ll Do Everything Possible to Help Elect Clinton

Bernie Sanders signaled a formal endorsement of Hillary Clinton is imminent, saying in an interview that Republican Donald Trump is “a pathological liar” and that he’ll throw his full support behind electing his rival for the Democratic nomination as president.

Bernie Sanders: ‘It doesn’t appear that I’m going to be the nominee’

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders conceded this week that he was not going to be the party’s nominee.

In an C-SPAN interview that aired on Wednesday, Sanders spoke of his role at the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

mocratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders conceded this week that he was not going to be the party’s nominee.

Election Fraud Experts say they have proof that the Clinton Campaign benefited from Election Fraud

You know those two guys, Cliff Arnebeck and Bob Fitrakis, the individuals who have filed the lawsuit we have been talking about in the comments here and there?

There was an interesting piece that I just saw on Redacted Tonight where he was talking about this, he had some interesting clips so I thought you guys might want to check it out. Smile

Alpha's Primary Election Live Blog for New Jersey, California etc.

Well, this is the big one!

Despite the DNC & the media's best attempts to shut down the Sanders campaign here it is, June 7th and we are still trucking on towards the convention!!!

I will be posting election return results as they come in as well as watching and commenting on the live stream of The Young Turks election coverage.
