The Reactionary "Platform". Its Gruesome. Pre morning coffee memory edition.

I missed the first half and this is from memory as my coffee brews. TPP and $15 and hour came earlier so I missed it. Please feel free to correct mistakes or add names and events I may have forgotten.

I watched the last half from the point where where McKibben with eight amendments, introduced his environmental amendments to the bitter end. McKibben, always seconded by Zogby offered a science and political based analysis of each amendment, West chimed in with support. McKibben was sick with the flu and made some of the best two minute presentations on complex scientific issues I have ever seen. The two opposition voices were invariable the two women from the Albright Stonehenge Group (I posted an essay on Albright Stonehenge last week Summers and Browner) and never once spoke about the urgency of climate change. Red State blah blah, workers blah blah, methane no danger blah blah. My comments at the time is that they were climate change deniers in "green face".

Moratorium on fracking NO 6-7,
Eminent Domain ban on hydrocarbon installations NO 6-7,
New pipelines considered for their environmental impact, NO 6-7.
Ecological Impact on new drilling and fracking, NO 6-7,
No new drilling on public land NO 6-7.
Carbon tax, down voted 6-7.

In each case Barbara Lee voted with McKibben and the Sanders delegates, change in language to underscore urgency of climate change.

The chair, AA brother Rep. Elijah Cummings, who I had counted on as an ally, was appointed as chair so he couldn't vote except in case of a tie. The one vote he did vote on, he voted with Barbara Lee and McKibben for a moratorium on fracking (later retracted because Browner or Smith had been in the bathroom). he made supportive coments on some of the other amendments. In other words, they appointed one of two (Lee being the other) key ally in the Clinton camp to the chair so he couldn't vote. They passed one environmental amendment... bike paths. BFD. when I was in grad school in the states decades ago we had bike paths and, of course another one of those types of projects built by some rip off corporation instead of public works.

The Democratic platform on environment is a sham, a fucking reactionary document far from being in any way progressive except for a few nice sounding blah blah blahs.

Then to education and health care... Barbara Lee managed to attach allowing student debtors to file for bankruptcy to the otherwise continuing the cradle to grave peonage slavery to banks with nothing I could see about tuition or even work study. If they, for example, attached a $15 min wage an hour to work study it might be possible for poor people to pay their living expense with 20 hours a week WS employment. Well, if in the highly unlikely event that bankruptcy is pushed by Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Sallie Mae that would be useful. We could have a mass and individual filing of bankruptcy in our pocket of protests.

Then on the universal care... voted down with the same 6-7 and rep. Elijah sidelined as chairman. By this time West was visibly fuming...

Parker, the Native American in the Sanders camp offered a plank for American Indian rights which was lengthy and beautifully written (later one of the AA Clinton reps complained that AA's didn't get much in the platform)... the amendment was passed unanimously with a standing ovation. My opinion is they could have just added "and everyone else " to her plank and cut the platform down to a five minute read and it would have been a great entire platform.

On to health care. Zogby made an impassioned plea for passage. Single payer "aspiration" voted down 6-7 in favor of dicking around with the failed ACA insurance company boondoggle. I was shocked that everyone gave lip service (except West) to how great ACA is, even though it is a disaster to any progressive with a brain.

Then Palestine, once again Zogby gives an impassioned plea to treat Palestinians (and all Arabs) as humans... with bigoted Trump-like objections from all sides of the Clinton Camp, especially the Albright reps. Down voted 5-8 (the one vote Barbara Lee voted with Clyntonians). West by this time was, in his kind of sleepy rich language looked ready to walk out. Zogby looked like he was going to break down in tears. The Clinton camp were all smiles... what i could see in their manner was laughing at the slaughter of Palestinian children, like blood dripping off their teeth in anticipation of further bloodbaths.

Down voted 6-7 about making it clear that "war as a last resort" included the teeth of being against no-fly zones and safe zones and more dead soldiers and civilians.

Then a bone cast voting for inclusion of Asians (including Arab-Americans) and Pacific Islanders as categories to be counted in the census. That was Barbara lee's amendment... my initial reaction is... wow, thats an easy way to get a list of all Arab-Americans and Muslims in the USA for a nice big data base for the stupid ass "No-fly, No buy"list or (tin foil hat?) idea of surveillance/intern camps. Nevertheless it passed unanimously.

At the last the motion to approve. First an objection by the native American activist Deborah Parker to making defeating Trump the most urgent part of the platform. "Shouted" in the same bullshitter syrupy sweet voices so as not to offend the Native American rep. I was hoping for at least a 5 to 8 vote against, and McKibben started as saying he would abstain. That would have opened the door to a minority platform. But no. Everyone, except Dr. Westt accepted two or three bones (we won some and lost others) and voted for a reactionary piece of sheep-dogging garbage to be sent on to the full platform committee.

Dr. West turned out to be the only abstention as the rest of everyone fell into line behind continued climate disaster, war, student debt peonage, discriminatory tuition, insurance run health care designed to limit health care instead of extend it, more and worse Gaza massacres and kissing Netanyahu's ass.

We got bike paths and native rights (the only excellent part of the platform, see if we can find a copy please).

If Sanders, or anyone else tries to tell us this is a progressive platform, or even more insane, "the most progressive platform" they should be chased off the fucking stage. Its a corporate sheep-dogging reactionary corporate/state platform guaranteed to destroy the planet from numerous angles and actions from spewing methane.

If the Demo Convention passes it in its present form, and continue with this reactionary, neocon, anti-environment, voter suppression and fraud against of Sanders 13,000,000 voters and all rural people, I would strongly urge a mass walk out from the convention and a non-violent street siege... after which the demonstration can just vanish back to the more local level to continue whatever the only avenues left might be. My hope is we make 1968 look like child's play and divide the right-wing corporate/state warmongering anti human, anti-planet "Democratic" Party into irreparable pieces. IMO we need the Greens, the Socialist Equality, the Working Families Party, Socialist Alternative, the Peace and Environmental Movements, the Student Debtors, the people who have been screwed over by ACA, immigrants and all else to somehow agree on post-convention action and make the election into a street and electoral referendum on state/capitalist military rule. After their treatment of Palestinians and Arab-Americans, the climate health and education, I SAY fuck you Democrats and Fuck you Trump!

You can find a blow by blow real time account by many watchers at The Progressive Wing:

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riverlover's picture

it is McKibben. Otherwise I feel sick, like you. Sold down the river, again. Next battle, Orlando (home of mass killings and child-eating alligators)?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Alex Ocana's picture

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From the Light House.

Thank you for this play by play. I would be so disheartened if Bernie were to accept this. Even tweaks would be insulting. Unfortunately, this is no more or less than I expected at this point. The committee was stacked for this outcome.

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It comes under the heading of "good information but bad news."

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Alex Ocana's picture

Some side notes about Sanders, Cinton and Native Americans during the campaign.

“I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak, Hillary Clinton.

"Off the Reservation", Hillary Clinton's use of the word is hurtful, no matter its intent: It is indicative of an America still frighteningly unfamiliar with the plight of indigenous peoples in this country.

Today in the United States, Native American women are 3.5 times more likely to be sexually assaulted than women of any other demographic. Suicide is the second leading cause of death for our Native American youths. Native Americans have the highest rate of poverty, and a life expectancy more than four years less than other Americans.

On the other hand:

"In November, Sanders and Sen. Tammy Baldwin introduced legislation to protect Oak Flat – a portion of the Tonto Forest that has significant spiritual and cultural importance to tribes in the region. Arizona Sen. John McCain snuck a provision into the National Defense Authorization Act that would have sold Oak Flat to a foreign corporation, which plans to turn the land into the largest copper mine in North America.

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From the Light House.

treatment is from a Sanders presidency(or Green). Native Americans have had treaties abrogated whenever capitalists' financial interests are involved.

Under Bill Clinton, the law suit to regain money from energy leases on tribal lands was fought tooth and nail even though the suit was originally disputed by a Republican administration. It seemed to me to be a gratuitous insult for Clinton to pick up the Republican banner.

The AZ site involves two issues: the Apaches' claim on the parcel as a sacred site, and having been used as such; and the misuse of a National Forest. The National Forests are supposed to be multiple-use managed but an open pit copper mine will certainly be single use and destructive. (Obama could have vetoed the bill that contained McCain's giveaway but chose not to.)

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Alex Ocana's picture

My grasp of Native American issues in the USA amounts to total ignorance. The reality of indigenous people in South America is a whole different level of exploitation and, outside of Bolivia (a majority indigenous country with an indigenous led government), Ecuador and Dominica (as far as I know) another corporate horror show.

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From the Light House.

Lookout's picture

It is obvious they will not have substance and will ignore any thing of consequence that manages to be slipped in. Thanks for the summary.

On another note Alex, did you catch the empire files on Puerto Rico? So sad what we do! It's about 28 min

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Alex Ocana's picture

Thanks.. I will definately watch. Hopefully with Abby Martin, my favorite mainstream (in our country anyway) commentator.

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From the Light House.

and that's because I had many friends who were of that group. From them, it seemed like I became more receptive of learning the horrors foisted upon virtually all the tribes over the years from the federal government and rank and file USA-citizens. The Department of Interior is responsible for the day to day exploitation and harassment while Congress takes care of the gran mal screwgies.
I know very little about S.A. native people and their treatment even though my wife is 1/8 S.A. native but she had no contact with Indians because there were few or none surviving.

More S.A. nations, in my view, should take Bolivia's example and refuse to have diplomatic relations with the USA at the level of Ambassador.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Alex Ocana's picture

From this point on I will not be supporting anything to do with the Democratic Party. My prference is Socialist Alternative:

See: Break With the Democratic Party! Build a Party of the 99%.


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From the Light House.

ZimInSeattle's picture

The party platform of the Corporate Party of America is a joke. Some good articles on voting third party from CounterPunch:

Hillary, Gloria and Jill: a Brief Look at Alternatives

Beyond Bernie: Still Not With Her

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

EyeRound's picture

in St. Louis. He takes his planks to the Orlando confab.

Sanders loses his platform planks at Orlando. He takes his planks to the Dem Convention in Philadelphia.

There's a floor fight in Philly: Sanders' 1900 delegates versus the "winners."

Sanders takes his 1900 delegates and WALKS OUT OF the Dem Convention.

(And goes. . .? to the Greens?)

Unless he's capable of this kind of grand gesture. . .well. . .what was his point?

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riverlover's picture

What then?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

mouselander's picture

Very good question. Here's what I would say: I won't be at the convention, but irregardless, I personally don't need Bernie or anyone else to "lead me" to the exits - I'm fully capable of making that decision for myself without any outside input. I think a big part of what Bernie has been saying all along is, to paraphrase Gandhi, be the revolution you want to see in the world.

If the people who were inspired and motivated by the Sanders campaign need some charismatic figurehead to help them decide whether to obediently line up behind Hillary or else take a hike, maybe they should at least partially be pointing a finger of blame at themselves rather than at Bernie. I don't agree with his apparent decision not to break with the D party, but then again, at the end of the day Sanders has always been more reformer than revolutionary, so I never actually expected him to. Hopefully what's been set in motion here is way bigger than Bernie Sanders or any other individual.

To quote another sage prophet: Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters!

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inactive account

of The League of Conservation Voters (an environment-supporting group) voted against all the pro-environmental planks . They lost 7-6, so she can be seen as the deciding vote. This is a travesty. Of course, she was appointed to the committee by Hillary.

I sent an email to the League calling for her resignation. Perhaps slow mail would be a stronger statement?

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

Pluto's Republic's picture

You hooked me with the simple facts. Your authentic reactions were a real bonus.

Thanks for the info.

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riverlover's picture

A fairly "new" guy to the Clinton disaster. He logics his way through the AP article of 6/24 and the platform votes and ties them together.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

and then shut us down, giving us no real concessions, even when it comes to something as completely theoretical, non-binding, and basically meaningless as the party platform.

But they'll keep the vote close, so we'll keep trying. Once more into the breach, friends! Next time, I'm sure we'll get enough votes to get good policy positions written down in the platform that everybody ignores except when they're working on it for a few months once every few years. Meanwhile, we can get some down-ballot people elected, and I'm sure that the election fraud and voter suppression won't be used to prevent that until we're really close to achieving a critical mass of progressive elected officials.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver