
My search for a 2500 year old book.

So, as I've mentioned, I've been trying to hunt down a physical copy of Antisthenes' "Odyssey" because I'm interested in viewing how the character of Odysseus was viewed by Antisthenes. From what I understand he had a somewhat more nuanced view of the character, and saw his actions as not heroic, but pragmatic. I find that commentary concept fascinating, since it reduces the character somewhat, and yet makes his journey all the more heroic, sans the gods and the mystical creatures.

We Don't Live in a Democracy

We don't live in a democracy, you know that don't you? Seems like everyone I say that to acknowledges it. They'll say, "well sure, it's not a democracy but a republic". Or, "yes of course, the rich control the government". Or, "well, the system of government is a representative democracy, but not a "real" democracy".

Clear and Present Danger

clear and present danger.jpg

There's been a lot of talk from the farther left that Trump is a symptom and not the disease. That he is simply the next step in this unfortunate reality we face, an in your face representation of what this country has devolved into and that we should not focus on him like the democratic party is doing but on the bigger picture.
