Just Dropping By

For the past 4 years I have been trying to avoid all news. All of it. There are a couple of reasons why.
First, I lost hope. Electing Joe Biden after cheating Bernie out of the primaries was enough for me to feel like all hope is lost.

Second, my first grandbaby came home from the hospital. While that might not sound like a good reason, I assure you that it was the biggest reason. All news seems to be bad news anymore. I could not handle thinking about the world my grandbabies (2 now) will grow up in. I still can't handle it tbh.

What snapped me out of my avoidance is seeing Tulsi's name as director of national intelligence. I started digging in again and learning about these other names I was hearing.

Let me back up a bit. So, what have I been doing these past 4 years? well, mostly just playing games on Steam. I love finding a game that makes me forget the real world exists. I'd watch gaming videos on YouTube and if there was any news videos that would find their way to my home page I would ignore the whole channel.

I would still hear about the politics that pertained to games. For years I would see gamers complaining about games going "woke". And for years I would just see them as trolls. Games have always been inclusive. Why are they going so overboard with the "woke" criticism now?

Then one day recently, I went to look up Doctor Who since it had been years since I last watched it and wondered what was new. What I found opened my eyes so much that I just can't unsee or unknow it now. It's not so much the "woke" that's turning people off, it's the forcing it down your throat "woke" that is gagging and choking people. Compare the announcement of the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi with the attitude of the current (15th) Doctor. Peter - twisting his wedding ring, nervous as hell, hoping that people will like him as the next Doctor. Knowing that this show has a cult-like following and hoping his version of the Doctor lives up to their expectations. Enter the 15th who said, "Don't watch. Turn off the TV. Go and touch grass." Well, okay, if you insist. Just like games, Doctor Who has always been "woke". The Doctor was omnisexual. Nobody had a problem. When they brought in Jodie Whittaker, I tried to watch and get into it. But truth is, I just kept waiting for the Doctor to enter because Jodie's character just did not "feel" like the Doctor. A few years later I hear the next Doctor is a black man. Okay, no problem. Maybe he will be a better Doctor than Jodie. Nope. Just, nope. And just like that I knew why Star Wars fans were mad. I knew why Marvel fans were mad. And I also knew why games were mad.

Then EA released Dragon's Age: The Veilguard. OMG. What a cringe-fest horror show! 10 push-ups for misgendering someone? Using modern words like non-binary in a fantasy game, and not just using the word, but shoving it down your throat again and again. It is the most peak "woke" in an AAA game I have ever seen.

So, what is my point? Well, just that all this DEI stuff is just another reason why Trump won. People HATE it. Identity politics will be the death of the democratic party. Maybe not the entire reason, but definitely plays a part.

I've since learned about RFK Jr. Am I wrong to hope that he will make food taste good again?

Anyway, I'm not sure I'll stick around. I just wanted to come by and see what y'all were saying about the election.

I'm sure I had more to say but I can't remember much of anything anymore.

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First came the announcement that the ICC has issued arrest warrants for Israeli PM Netanyahu, his former Defense Minister, one Mr. Gallant, and for a Hamas leader who may well be dead already.

Mr. Gallant has, or his office has, issued a statement. I personally think Gallant is even now en route to some prepared hideout in a nation which does not sign extradition treaties.

Netanyahu will of course be on the phone to DC, issuing his orders, maybe, a person can hope, meeting some at least pro forma resistance. No WH statement that I have seen.

Now, by an amazing coincidence, that news gets knocked aside by the Gaetz withdrawal announcement. So much for the incoming admin being independent of Israel. Restore and stand up for American national sovereignty, wasn't that supposed to be something we have been promised? Foundational MAGA value or something like that? Guess it is or something.

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Mary Bennett

Cassiodorus's picture

So, what is my point? Well, just that all this DEI stuff is just another reason why Trump won. People HATE it. Identity politics will be the death of the democratic party. Maybe not the entire reason, but definitely plays a part.

is that identity politics has been made into an excuse for incompetence, both in entertainment and in politics. In this diary I review what the options are when the Dems offer a last-minute identity-politics candidate who blows through $1 billion of donor money without any real concern for what they're getting in return.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Nice news about the g'babies.
The Texas Bar Journal, sent to attorneys each month, has apparently adopted rainbow colors for the official cover art.
We attorneys are offered extensive special courses for various LGBTQ+ issues and how to handle them. The problem is, there are no special issues. The State Bar has adopted forms that comport with all things woke. Laws are on the books for everything you can imagine. Spouse 1 and Spouse 2 is the vernacular of the divorce forms, for example. Has been for years. No judge can stop 2 same-gender adults from marrying, divorcing, adoping a child, changing their birth certificate upon re-gendering, and I could go on. In other words, it is a done deal, but the LGBTQ+ section insists on all these superfluous classes, special meetings, special groups making the issues seem really special, instead of being as ordinary as can be.
The non-LGBTQ+ members of the bar are tolerant of the legal environment, typically accept cases of any kind. What we do is just take care of our cases without any special thought, as no special thought is required. We resent being accused of not being aware when we always were.
Next case, please. PLEASE.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

advisor and his designated incoming counterpart. From Consortium News website:

“We remain deeply concerned by the prosecutor’s rush to seek arrest warrants and the troubling process errors that led to this decision. The United States has been clear that the ICC does not have jurisdiction over this matter. In co-ordination with partners, including Israel, we are discussing next steps.”

U.S. Representative Mike Waltz, who has been chosen by President-elect Donald Trump to be his national security advisor wrote on Secret

“The ICC has no credibility and these allegations have been refuted by the U.S. government. Israel has lawfully defended its people & borders from genocidal terrorists. You can expect a strong response to the antisemitic bias of the ICC & UN come January.”

No credibility, huh? Well, I do believe a number of governments have already declared their intention to arrest either of the two men, should either arrive on that country's soil. Would someone like to explain to me again about how Trump is a peace President, going to stop the wars???

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Mary Bennett

Let's remember where all the "woke" stuff came from. In 2016 the Hillary campaign used "woke identity politics" to attack the Bernie campaign and smear it as misogynist and racist, which was total bullshit.
Now the right wing is going anti-woke and again it is all bullshit again.

US universities are bracing for funding cuts and investigations under the incoming administration, as Donald Trump and his advisers have billed them as an “enemy” and made them a prime target of their rightwing, anti-woke crusade.

While attacks over critical race theory and diversity and inclusion initiatives have long been part of conservative campaigns against higher education, experts say that the nationwide campus protests against Israel’s war in Gaza over the last year, and a push to crack down on them that has often attracted support from Democrats, will probably provide the incoming administration their opening salvo.

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I realized earlier this year why it occasionally gets to me, even though I'm not regularly exposed to it. I have been trying to go for gender-neutral language in my writing since the eighties, and the profusion of pronouns that wokeness has invented flies completely in my face, for that reason. A few years ago, I realized that our Southern cousins have the pronoun thing figured out already. Just use "y'all"; covers second- and third-person, all genders, etc., and would even serve for talking to space aliens. Second-person possessive: "y'all's". How would we address a post-op trans- vegan furry who honestly believes that they have an estrus cycle? -"Hey, y'all!"

I don't HATE wokeness, so much as just find it tedious. It's like forcing someone to look down your pants, and agree with you about what they SHOULD see there, before you'll talk to them. Non-stop obsession about gender should be confined to pornography. -And I include the MAGA hyperventilating strict-binary M/F people in that critique, too.

-And as for the election... I wrote about that late last night; it posted here, this morning. Looks like fraud to me...

Oh, and almost forgot- RFK jr. If he restrained himself to just getting additives and synthetic crap out of our food supply, I'd say HAVE AT, but when it comes to medicine, he has said too many wacked-out things for me. Saw him claiming that if people were healthy, they didn't have to worry about communicable diseases, including POLIO, ffs. Apparently, he's ignorant of the fact that a young, healthy, FDR was in the habit of swimming every day, for miles, in the ocean. His first polio attack came during one of those, and he barely made it to shore. He only ever "recovered" enough to be able to stand for short periods, and walk a few steps. I just want to see RFKjr's medical degrees. -Or Don-Don's, for that matter... -although with enough anti-Science, anti-Medical actions, it WOULD keep our population down, leading to further hits on the economy; so that's nice. Who knows? Maybe we could have some disease that we thought had been eradicated, make a come-back, and we could have another pandemic, fit to make Covid look like a cartoon. Wouldn't that be EXCITING? Sorry. No RFKjr. for me, please.

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“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.”
― Franklin D. Roosevelt

@Another Peasant
(pertussis) are on the rise in the US in 2024. These are diseases that even the lackluster CDC knows all about and is very concerned about the increases.

Unless this trend is curbed, deaths will appear. Deaths that can be attributed to people like RFK, Jr.

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snoopydawg's picture


who had been vaccinated. And the pertussis vaccine doesn’t prevent infection. And the polio vaccine being used in Africa has paralyzed thousands of kids. I posted on this last week.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

QMS's picture

on humans
every time my doc asks if I want a shot
of some shit, just say no
too bad kids aren't given that choice

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Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

snoopydawg's picture


too bad kids aren't given that choice

I saw a study on SIDS deaths and how they corresponded with kid’s vaccine schedules. Kids are now getting upwards of 80 shots before they turn 18. Might be 92, but I’m not sure. And why in gawd’s name do they need a hepatitis vaccine the day they are born? It’d be easy to tell if mom had hepatitis. If she doesn’t then they don’t need it. But they get it anyway.

Sam had her doses of puppy shots and she got parvovirus anyway. After she recovered the vet said I should vaccinate her….for gawd’s sake even Fauci believes in natural immunity.

And for the record people should see if the current director of HHS has a medical degree…hint. He doesn’t. He is a lawyer. I posted on this too.

9 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@QMS @QMS as a Medicare/Kaiser Permanente retiree and a stroke and ruptured retina survivor, other than pro forma requests while at appointments if I want the various shots being pushed, no healthcare providing person has so much as sniffed at my cheerful, "No thank you."

Let's hope this laid back approach continues. The scare mongering is on hold for the time being.

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I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.

Jen's picture

@Another Peasant I am southern, so I do use y'all quite frequently. I would say I'm not woke nor anti-woke. I think the extremists from either side are a bit too much. It's just that the woke side have become more aggressive and have started turning more people off from their "cause". People were actually more accepting a few years ago. The propaganda around it has gotten out of hand and people are getting sick of it. On the other side, the ones that scream, "Omg, they added pronouns to this game, it's way too woke, blah, blah, blah", are just as bad if not worse.

I found this video of RFK Jr. to be really good. I don't believe a word the MSM says about him. But then I just don't believe a word the MSM says period.

Sorry - I can't remember how to embed videos.

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snoopydawg's picture


You can just post the link in the video box at the bottom.

6 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.