
To the Clintonistas...

I'm certain there are more than a few supporters of Hillary Clinton lurking here at Caucus99. I've no idea if some of you have tried to join this site and been declined, or whether you haven't deigned to engage at C99 yet. If it were up to me, I'd allow such memberships without hesitation and give you a chance to state your case without rancor. Surely you have a case to make... but I've yet to encounter anything beyond Brockian spin and boilerplate lists of Sec.

Open Thread Sunday 03-06-16--Morning Meta

Welcome to c99p new members! Of the 99, by the 99 and for the 99. This site was built from open source software and I like to think of us as an open source community. It was built with volunteer labor using free software and is financed by contributions from community members. Someone had to build the site and maintain it, that's where I come in, I supply the platform to work on, you folks supply the content. This is not my site, this is our site.

An Open Letter to Daily Kos Admin...

I'm hesitant to publish this.

On the one hand, although the genesis of C99 is at DKos and many or most of us found our way here from there, if C99 becomes just another in a dreary series of places to vent about the foibles and mismanagement of DKos, Caucus99 can never succeed... or at any rate, never succeed in an interesting and politically valuable way.

Sorry about the down time today folks--UPDATED

I paid the hosting fees today and for security reasons had our site upgraded to a dedicated IP address and the new address had to make it's way through DNS before it resolved correctly. I had no idea we would be down during this change as I wasn't told about it in advance, so I wasn't able to warn everyone about it. I'm just glad it's resolved and we're back to normal.

About the "Donate" button--Server fees are due

I hate to bring this up, I really do, but...

Our hosting fees are due by this Saturday 12-5-15. We are only half way to the needed goal. If you can make a contribution, please do. If you're tapped for money right now, please feel no pressure to do so. Thank you.

A huge THANK YOU to those that have already contributed.
