Open Thread Sunday 03-06-16--Morning Meta
Welcome to c99p new members! Of the 99, by the 99 and for the 99. This site was built from open source software and I like to think of us as an open source community. It was built with volunteer labor using free software and is financed by contributions from community members. Someone had to build the site and maintain it, that's where I come in, I supply the platform to work on, you folks supply the content. This is not my site, this is our site. It will grow organically from our efforts together, it will become as we become.
I've been very busy the last few days vetting new registrations, I review every one of them before activation to weed out those odious and odoriferous spammers that we all hate. It's very time consuming and as you all know we've been hit with a tsunami of new members, so I've been totally involved with that. I don't know how many waves we'll have wash over us but I think it's a safe bet that we will grow even more in the very near future. In the short spurts of free time I've had I have picked up on the call for the need of even a larger server to handle the extra load that is sure to come. I agree with that assessment and we need to be proactive in obtaining more server space for us to grow into. We were caught with our pants down a couple of days ago and it would be best to avoid that happening again. BUT, the next step in server upgrade will be substantially more expensive. How much more? I have a rough idea but wont know for sure until I get enough time to speak with our webhost, which I will do in the next few days and get back to you about it. I will also be putting up a donation button when I get some time in the next few days.
We are an open and diverse community, no one should come here expecting to find an echo chamber, all opinions are welcome as long as they are stated in a civil manner. That's the key, in a civil manner, do that and we'll all get along fine. We have very few discussion taboos, feel free to speak your mind as long as it's done within a civil manner. There are lines that should not be crossed and I think we all have a good idea as to what those lines are. If you are in doubt visit our FAQs for further explanation. The egregious tactics used by some participants that can be found in all four corners of the blogosphere, that I'm sure we are all familiar with, will not be tolerated. I think it's safe to say that that is one of the primary reasons that we have all migrated here, to get away from that BS. Many folks call us a lifeboat, I think that's an apt description. Please don't poke holes in the raft.
Many of the questions you may have about site navigation and functionality can be answered by visiting the FAQs, although I do have to update some of them. You'll find c99p quite user friendly. If you have any questions about anything you can PM me or drop a comment somewhere and someone in the know will probably give you the answer. Our essay and comment editor allows for manual HTML injection or you can use the handy icons above the editor, many HTML deficient folks love the ease of using those little icons. mouse hover them and a popup description will appear. Play with them in the editor and learn how they work.
I've noticed during the registration vetting process that several new members are web developers/software engineers/IT folks. After things settle down a bit I'd like to call a meeting of minds to help make this site all that it can be. I have a few things in mind. If you are one of those folks will you please contact me? With a few tweaks this site can be a top level project. So if you'd like to help please let me know.
That's about all the time I have to address things right now. I'll probably be spending most of the day again today dealing with new registrations, but I will try to answer any questions you may have in the comment section as the opportunity arises. Heh, consider this an AMA, Ask Me Anything!
This is an open thread so talk the talk.
Thanks to all new members for registering at c99p!
PS: I wrote this in the wee hours of the morning before I went to bed so I hope it isn't too much of a jumbled up mess.

Good morning folks...
We have been conducting a fundraiser at Daily Kos for smiley7 who is a long time member both at DKos and here at c99p. Smiley has prostate cancer and needs to travel long distance to Knoxville Tenn. for proton beam treatments. This Sunday morning at 11:04 AM eastern time OPOL will be publishing a fundraising diary at Daily Kos. Please folks, will you visit OPOL's diary and tip and rec so we can hopefully get it on the rec list and please drop a little in the donation jar for smiley if you can. He' s a very kind and gentle soul that needs our help.
I'll update this comment with a link to OPOL's diary as soon as it goes up. Thank you!
Thanks for the heads up
I'm trying to click on DK as little as possible, so knowing when I need to head over is very helpful. I will donate a bit through OPOL's diary.
Sending good thoughts and wishes to smiley7!!!!
Hi CenPhx...
I'll put an essay up when OPOL's diary publishes as a heads up for everyone here. With all the rox/suxs going on there it is really tough to get a diary on the rec list. We need to do that for smiley.
Good morning JtC
Thank you as always for everything.
please note that OPOL's diary is scheduled for 11:04 Eastern Time and not 1:04pm.
Hi Smiley...
Oops, I just got an email from 2thanks saying it was 1:04 PM so I changed it. Thanks for the correction, I'll email 2thanks and let him know. Good luck, my friend.
Thanks brother
I understand the confusion as the two previous diaries posted at 1pm Eastern.
And I hit return too soon on the post above as I wished to again express my gratitude to you for continuing on this campaign during this time when you are covered-up with work welcoming all these new members.
I spent last evening reading comments and diaries posted and am absolutely elated to have so many good people joining c99p.
The future shines bright as the Carolina Blue sky we have at home today.
Peace and love my friend.
good afternoon from Leiden, NL
all kinds of ideas . . . lovely. we need to road test our own values and ideas, something that does not happen in an echo chamber.
i like the quick hit of social media, but i do miss writing and blogging. and the interactions. glad to see the influx here.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
Morning peef...
This site has potential, what do we want to do with it, how can we use it.
Please do write some more, I look forward to it.
Thanks for commenting, my friend from a long ways back. It's good to see you again!
well it already feels like home
with you and the Shahs, OPOL, and dkmich . . . triv, poligal, gulfgal and of course Al.
and here's my thought for today: i'm pretty sure it isn't right wing talking points that scare people who are comfortable with a candidate like Clinton; it is the progressive talking points that terrify them.
because what do they do? there's a lot of re prioritizing that must accompany any acknowledgement of the failing of our system. for people who still hang on to the romance of little league, spring training, 4th of july, a week at the beach and ... what happens when we let go of those things? and do we have to? in the face of so much death and destruction outside of small slice of reality.
“There are moments which are not calculable, and cannot be assessed in words; they live on in the solution of memory… ”
― Lawrence Durrell, "Justine"
morning p8 - So glad you are here.
Progressive talking points? Like stfu, fall in line, or GTFO? I am so frustrated with labels, talking points and stupid people, I don't know who or where I am anymore. As far as I'm concerned, it is us vs them.
As an FYI, I had this exchange with elfling at dailykos. I keep having to log back in to get to my stuff or to do things like rec. smiley's diary. I like being logged out. It prevents me from participating over there. Should have done it years ago.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Peef, rhymes with Spliff and Keef
Welcome to our Dutch friends.
Your Friend,
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Lawrence Durrell
I'm a huge Henry Milller fan and know him from their correspondence, of which there's a book of letters between them. Lots were written just before WW II when Miller had just sought out Greece after having to leave his beloved Paris. Onward back to the Air Conditioned Nightmare of his native country where he did find ultimate paradise in the untamed ruggedness of Big Sur and continued to correspond with his dear comrade.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
You do yeoman's work. Thank you.
And I really appreciate your writing skills. You wrote this post during the wee hours, in the midst of your countless hours in dealing with new registrations and site work...and I didn't see one typo or grammatical error. Pretty amazing.
Thank you Quilldriver...
it's definitely testing my endurance. I'm really not much of a writer, I like to think of myself more as "The Nuts and Bolts Guy", holding things together behind the
curtainscene.Thank you for all your doing.
So glad to have found this site. I can't tell you how disappointed I am with other sites and so called main stream media. Bernie deserves an equal chance and this site allows it. I feel like I'm in a desert and have found an oasis.
Thank you again.
Go Bernie !!

Thanks alexa100...
the fog of propaganda is tough to cut through. I'm glad to supply the platform to catapult the truth as we see it.
Is there a way to see if your comment has gotten any response?
If you look at the My Account
If you look at the My Account tab up top, you can look at your comments, just by clicking on each in the list that'll appear. Not sure myself if there's more specific clues than that, but it's a start.
Hi dance...
the "Comment Stream" and "Content Stream" are more efficient at monitoring comments and essays in real time, especially the "Content Stream". I use it almost exclusively. In the "Content Stream" you'll find links for new replies to essays, click the replies link and it will take you to the first new reply in an essay. it's pretty handy once you get the hang of it. Links to the two "Stream" pages can be found in the left sidebar menu.
To this day I still haven't gone through all the bells and whistles you've so diligently set up here. We all have our "styles" of doing this blogging thing, and mine is pretty minimalist.
I'm meanwhile just astounded and elated to see the growth in users here this weekend, and they keep coming! So much more will be possible here with this critical mass of people, tripled already in two days. While we collectively work out those expanded strategies, I am still going to wander into dK a little (very little) for now, to defend those of us who are now wholly outnumbered there before we leave altogether. But the important thing is now it's conceivable, even smart, to make the break altogether. You did that, JtC. And some others around here, of course (winks at joe and CStS). But this thread is where we single out you for kudos. Great job!
Thank you...
kindly, my friend.
Hi katie...
there are several ways to monitor your comments, take a look in the FAQs for more info. But unfortunately no, at this time there is not a way to see specific responses to your comments. That is the big Holy Grail of blogging that has eluded me so far and one of the things that I really want to accomplish in the near future, hence the call out to tech folks that have recently signed up here. I would very much like to set up a comments page in the same manner as what we had in DK4. Our system is close to duplicating that but seeing specific responses to your comments is not a thing yet, but we do fully intend to implement that as soon as we can. I would really like to have that feature also and have been trying to find the answer to it since the inception of this site over a year ago. But I will eventually slay that beast!
I personally monitor comments and replies to the essays by using the "Content Stream" and "Comment Stream" pages, that is the most efficient way to monitor site content in real time. You'll find links to those pages in the left sidebar menu.
You can also find a list of your comments in your user profile, click the "My Account" link in the header at the top of the page and then click "My Comments" in your user profile.
Hope that helps a little.
I would love it too...
As long as I've been here, I'm still fumbling with comments. You've done wonders, and I am looking forward to what you and all of our new techie's will bring to this site.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You know what else I miss?
When you click on a member's account page, it is pretty much totally blank. If I remember correctly, we all decided to do it this way for a reason I no longer remember either. Maybe the new IT group could have a conversation about this too. It would be nice to have a little more information in there.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That depends on...
how much info the user has supplied in their profile. Some folks have listed much about themselves, but most don't add anything, which is OK as that's all optional anyway. Click around on different users and you should see varying info.
A list of their essays or comments
is sort of what I had in mind. Reading what they write is a really good way to get to know people.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
You can...
go to anyone's profile an select either their "My Comments" or "My Content" links. You should see all of their comments and content listed.
Happy spring morning all
Thanks for all the time and energy spent, JtC. When you find time to put up the button I'd be vey happy to contribute. I haven't had much time for blogging in many months, but I do like to keep informed and this crew of people do that so well.
Here's a pic of a happy discovery in my garden. This tree grew out of an old compost pile and never flowered till this year. It is an Apricot! Spring is earlier than usual here and with it, major allergic reactions.
Welcome all recent arrivals. The people who inhabit this blog are the finest around. I think you'll all be very comfortable here.
morning jtc...
thanks for all you are doing!
i was putting together the music for next week's evening blues posts when one of the kids came downstairs and said, "you're on youtube? you gotta see this..."
I have to say,
it's not surprising one of joe shikspak's kids found this incredible video. ;o)
Great to be in your space again, joe.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
morning ra...
it's great to have you here. i'm sorry about the way that you and so many others were driven here, but i'm still really happy to see you.
I would've come sooner,
but you guys kept a pretty good secret!
You are my community - all of you are the very best.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Early on
several of us tried to promote caucus99 via our sig lines over at dk. Then along came dk5 and the sig lines vanished. Dkmich has done a great job of trying to promote us once again. We have always wanted people to come check us out and hopefully contribute content too.
On a personal note, I am thrilled to see you here RA. We are not about either/or and some of our regular writers cross post which we encourage. Some folks have given up on dk, at least for the primaries, while others like myself are still participating at both sites. Writing a diary or article here is very easy. The formatting on this platform makes it a breeze for those of us who are not real technically oriented.
The big difference you will find here is that we approach our site as adults who can have good conversations without pie.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
That. Is. Awesome.
So weird and really wonderful. I bet the inventor has a really cool story to tell about thinking of this idea and making it come to life.
And the guy playing it makes me think of some modern reincarnation of Beethoven crossed with Beck.
Thanks for sharing!
It's a Linotype machine!
Looks like a wooden Mergenthaler Model 4. I can almost guarantee that the Linotype had something to do with the artist's inspiration. I grew up in a printshop that had one of those- I still remember my mother cursing it in languages that I didn't even know she knew. From the elevator through the distribution mechanism to the magazine to the channel trips- it's a damned Linotype! I think I have some printshop PTSD setting in...
good call!
it definitely has the form.
I'll never forget the jingling sounds
the mats made as they fell from the magazine into the line receiver, or when they were dropping back into the magazine after the line was cast. I'll also never forget the sounds made when the spacebands didn't justify the line properly and the machine squirted the molten type metal out onto the operator's left leg... There's a reason that ol' Merganthaler ended up in a padded cell, I think. Nothing like absorbing the PbSnSb alloy right through the skin, unless it comes down to inhaling the vapors from the melt in the pot for a living. (;-)
Morning Joe...
that is awesome, thanks man!
Good morning, dear friends!
It is such a breath of fresh air to be here! I will still read, rec, tip, and comment in DK until/unless I'm banned. Our voices still need to be heard to the bitter end (bitter on their part - they are so bitter at Bernie's success, aren't they?
Anyway we must focus on the goal, get Bernie nominated for POTUS. I am all in - I think you all have noticed - so let's keep on keepin' on, stronger than ever. Remember:
America needs President Bernie Sanders, now!!
Let's do this!!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Yo, raggedy ...
Yes, we are doing this.
Hi angel d!
So happy we're all together!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Good morning JtC, good people~
Votes still not sticking. Well just so long as nobody takes it personally, I've decided not to worry about it anymore. We can worry about it after things calm down. I am delighted to see everybody!
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Good morning!!
It's nice to see you again, triv!!
Great to see you!
You look good in blue~
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
As do you my friend, as you do.
And now we have yet another definition of "orange to blue."
Hi Triv!
It's been a long time. I hope you and family are well. Hugs, Cd
Yes, yes indeed! Mom died last summer, we're still living with dad and I've taken up art again. I don't work as steady as I'd like, but here's one of my pieces:

and another:
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Gorgeous artwork, truly
and so sorry to hear about your Mom. My sympathies go to you.
I really like your style...
Are you self-taught? Classes? With retirement around the corner, I really need to pick up a few interesting hobbies.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Yes! Completely self taught, and you could do this!
You could make fantastic art, and find out almost anything you need to know with tutorials online. I knew pretty much what direction I wanted to go, but there is a wealth of videos out there. I just watched a bunch of them and adapted what I saw to the style I wanted to achieve. But honestly, with just a little practice, I think you'd be surprised at what you could do.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Beautiful work!
I collect art. This is lovely work!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Hi triv...
that one has me stumped. Since no one else is chiming in with the same problem I tend to believe that it's a local problem either with your mouse, browser or your machine. It used to work but suddenly stopped, hmmmm, maybe a javascript update?
yeah, I'm mystified...
I am pretty sure it's me. Still running thru everything it could be, very frustrating.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Do you have some kind of script blocker that auto-updated? That sometimes does weird things for me until I find it and reset the parameters.
the only thing I have
is adblocker.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Have you tried...
disabling it for this site?
yes, as you have no ads, I've completey
disabled it, I've got a green thumbs up stop sign up there. Oh, yeah, I've done the full on trouble shoot here, lol, turned off all my extensions, opened and closed the browser, did a malware bytes, the whole she-bang. It's going to turn out to be something entirely stupid, or just mysteriously start working again without a clue as to what was ever wrong...that's my working theory as of this moment.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I use chrome...
no javascript.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Have you tried...
a different browser. If it does it on multiple browsers, that will help narrow down the problem.
ah ha ha! here I am on the hateful ie...
and no can vote--so, it's not the browser. hmmmm.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
I use Firefox and no problems for me (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I'm chrome too ..
no problems that don't stem from the user...
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Chrome and Vista
It works for me.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
I keep thinking it has to be an extension or something...
I'll find it. I'm sure I'll find it....or one day you'll find me just sitting in a corner drubbing my lips with my finger going bibble bibble bibble, either way.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
it's good to learn a foreign language as a kid
I have a terrible, terrible time with accents because anything I've learned in French or Spanish is something from my teens or adulthood.
I mention this because I remember spending time perfecting the bibble bibble bibble sound.
this is my first comment. testing...testing...
great looking site, btw. looking forward to interacting with so many refugee friends
Welcome bluezen.
I would say good morning as this is the morning OT but it took me till now to even find it. Hope to see you on the morning OT in the coming days.
Good Morning
Are we having fun yet?
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
So far the atmosphere here...
is a little salty, but blissfully free of the cloying stench of bullshit.
Thanks to everybody for joining. I'm even more keenly aware of being one of the junior members as far as chronology goes, but am also greatly appreciative of the lack of condescension.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Sunday tune:
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Was just listening to Brook
Was just listening to Brook Gladstone's excellent "On The Media" program on WNYC this morning.
She had on the maker of this film "Bellwether 2016," in which he's been going around Vigo County, IN which is home to Terre Haute and the great Socialist presidential candidate Eugene Debs. The county has "voted for the winning candidate in every presidential election except two—30 out of 32 elections. They haven’t missed in 60 years. No other place in America comes close."
Well, the producer was asked what he's been hearing from people this year. He said, I can tell you one thing. We've only been hearing about two candidates. And neither of them is named Clinton. It's all Trump and Sanders.
He prefaced that by saying that the mainstream media in NY and DC do not at all have their finger on the pulse of what people are feeling, outside of their hermetically sealed towers of lapdog access privileges and horse race graphics.
To me, the elephant in the room is that shirking of duty from the Fourth Estate of the press, which has probably more to do with complicity in keeping the status quo in place and their pockets full. I thought since Occupy it would be a matter of time until it just boiled over, the fact that when average people look to the "news" to understand their worlds better and to make informed decisions they see nothing that resembles their own lives, predicaments and real life worries. They're instead manipulated into thinking they should be most afraid of ISIS and immigrants taking their jobs, than having journalists explain how American imperialistic foreign policy has made us infinitely less safer and how Wall St and corporate American believe that deregulated unbridled capitalism is not only not a deity, along with that greatest of all propaganda lies about their being a "free market," it is the source of our greatest troubles, effecting negatively everything from our healthcare in the hands of insurance companies to austerity in our communities (most glaringly in Flint) to the staggering $1 TRILLION of student debt to the outsourcing of jobs/lower wages/longer hours, etc.
This is the year, or an era we've entered, in which we are turning a corner in terms of how we get our news, who we trust to tell it to us, how the polls are unreliable. People now seem to more than ever feel like they've been duped by chronic dysfunction in Congress and the Revolving Door of DC, and no longer want to play around.
To that extent, it is one of the great crimes that Sanders can not get even a fraction of the media coverage Drumpf does, on top of which is battling a desperate and vicious Dem establishment propping a horribly disconnected, outmoded and unfit candidate and forcing her on the populace, with barely the appearance of a democratic process.
I'm resolved more than ever to fight for Sanders (though it's killing me as a first time Dad with an infant son preoccupying me most of the day).
Think I'll get offline for a little bit now and phonebank for Bernie to Michigan.
So happy to see all the good souls, rebels and dissenters coming over here. Will still fight the Neoliberal fascist pestilence back there. But man does it feel like a whole better place among you all. Lots of respect and love to everyone who's here.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Was just over at the LD's BNR
Was just over at the LD's BNR and found this comment,
And Bernie won there yesterday by 35 points!
More here, including a graph of all primary predictions.
The writing is on the wall. But like the authorities toward good subversive graffiti they immediately want to cover it up so that the masses don't get any ideas.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
We're going to win this!
I saw that, too and it just further convinces me!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
great to see everyone. Im
great to see everyone. Im still gonna be spotty here, too much going on. Just found out my S-I-L and her husband are stopping by this afternoon to visit for a little bit. eek. We are gonna have to just sit outside under the pollen tree i guess since theres nowhere else to four to six people to sit amidst the mess! lol
So I was reading yesterday at the reddit for sanders place and Michigan is gonna be very tough. If you are at all inclined that way, please do what you can to help out... phonebank (I still dont have a cell phone) or whatever the hell that facebanking thing is.
oh snap, just looked at the clock! ack! later...
U.S. building second airbase in Syria
for what purpose?
More Kurdish news
How Obama lost the Kurds
Kurds are going broke
Happy Sunday. Let's hope Maine goes Bernie's way.
just finished "Go Set a Watchman" last night
that's the original draft of "To Kill a Mockingbird" that was released last year. Lots of people thought it shouldn't have been. I can see why.
When I finished I thought "mmm....uh....yeah". What's interesting to me now isn't the book but the circumstances of its release. Unlike some (shaz) I enjoy rough drafts, like those Beatle outtakes on Anthology, so this was entertaining enough in that vein. The parts of Watchman that were flashbacks were a lot like Mockingbird and as wonderful. So that was fine.
But I do wonder if Harper Lee really wanted this out there. I see why it was reworked into something better. It probably should have had a preface explaining how it was an early draft and would have been cool to have had Harper Lee write about how it went from there to Mockingbird and why the characters changed.
Anyway, seen as a starting point it's of artistic interest. And some of it's very good, too.
(Update) When I asked at the Monroe County Courthouse
last year, 'what folks there thought about Tonya Carter'--the attorney replacing her older sister Alice Lee, who passed in November of 2014 at the age of 103--to a fault, they were dubious as to her representation of Nelle. And, the courthouse personnel that we talked to, told us that they believe that Nelle (Harper) was too incapacitated to make any personal or business decisions (since she suffered a stroke). Obviously, strictly anecdotal, and doesn't prove anything. Still, based upon that, I think that it is doubtful that she could have written a preface to 'Watchman.'
As an aside, although many of the townsfolk had grown somewhat angry and/or resentful because the County Museum was sued for royalties not paid to Nelle (from the profit they made on tourist trinkets related to her only published novel at the time, "To Kill A Mockingbird"), many of them were willing to cut Nelle [herself] some slack--or not hold her directly responsible for the law suit.
BTW, the suit was settled. (The anger being that the taxpayers would have to foot the bill for the settlement.)
It really is very sad. If it is true that she was cut her off from all but a tiny circle of people, we may never know the truth.
Let me add, to my knowledge, no one that Mr M and I spoke to at the Courthouse had first-hand knowledge, or were within Nelle's inner circle at the end of her life. So, I suppose it should be considered speculation by the townsfolk; not necessarily factual, or accurate information. Just to be clear.
(Music City) Mollie
"Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare."--Japanese Proverb
"Every time I lose a dog, he takes a piece of my heart. Every new dog gifts me with a piece of his. Someday, my heart will be total dog, and maybe then I will be just as generous, loving, and forgiving."--Author Unknown
Visit Us At Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thanks Mollie. That's good info
I still haven't seen the Mockingbird movie. I really should.
Lots of new folks!
I go out of town for a couple of days to visit my Mom and I am off line those days. This afternoon, I came back to find this place bursting at the seams.
Great work by our intrepid admins, JtC and Joe and a huge welcome to all the new folks here. 
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
In the immortal words of Gomer Pyle...
Surpriiise, Surpriiise, Surpriiise!! Have you looked at the memberlist yet?