
This ideological encirclement chart explains why we lost Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Back in March, I published a diary: Pivoting to the center doesn't help if you've been surrounded. It got some play back then, but I had sort of forgotten that piece. Eight month feels like a lifetime ago.

Put me in, coach.

I've seen it before. The high school football coach who plays the inept son of the Boosters' Club president, leaving the team's best QB on the bench. "Midvale High? They're awful. 2-7. I'll let Third String Theo start and play the whole game. It'll be a laffer. Besides, the Boosters Club has made some very nice promises to me if I let Theo play."

One More Simpsons Prediction Comes True (Make that 2, actually)

So last night, Trumpy Boy won the presidency via the electoral college (Clinton barely won the popular vote, but that didn't stop certain folks from blaming already marginalized 3rd party voters for the loss). I'd like to thank The Simpsons for predicting yet another clusterfuck in world events.


New JW emails: Pagliano knew of hacking attempts.

JW got new emails. And discovered that in 2010, there were 10 attempts to hack into Hillary's server.

Pagliano notified Justin cooper of the Clinton foundation, who in a round about way noticed the secret service. Oh, and he pointed out that the company they dealt with for support ducked security wise.

You know who wasn't notified? State dept it. You know, the dept pagliano worked in. I love that tax payers paid Pagliano's salary for the clintons.

To My Friends on the Left: Hillary Clinton Is Not the Enemy

Jeffrey Isaacs published a letter today in The Nation. I would quibble with a few things in it, for example, it is addressed to a successful professional audience and is somewhat oblivious to the travails of those who are not. Hillary’s foreign policy is certainly “within a bipartisan mainstream” as Issacs says. Yet this should only be taken as an indictment of this “bipartisan mainstream”.

So Much to Say

I know this is really just preaching to the choir but I just need to share this because I can say here what I cannot say at GOS or FB.

I will never vote for Hillary. No one could pay me enough to do it. There is no carrot that she and her crew could possibly hold out that would get me to follow and no stick painful enough to goad me into it.
