Sing along with Hillary and Donald
This has been a most unusual election campaign--the least focussed on issues and most low, down in the gutter since perhaps Grover Cleveland's run ("Pa, pa, have you seen Ma?").
This is the year of Weasels (Comey) and Moles (Brazile, Assange). Since these critters do not appear in the Chinese zodiac, I thought that this might by the Year of the Rat. After all we have Democ-RATS and Republic-RATS and Corruptoc-RATS. Nope. Next year of rates rates is 2020--and we surely will have a RAT in the White House. As for myself, I was born in the year of Reptile (snake) which of course is quite fitting for an Alligator.
Now, Killary was born in the year of the dog. According to the source, the Health of the dog is:
Sub-healthy state, get tired easily
As a whole, people with Dog zodiac sign will be in good health this year as long as they keep a healthy lifestyle. They should pay more attention to health problems associated with liver functions and digestive tract functions, such as fatigue, memory impairment, insomnia, stomach ache, and anemia. They may suffer from poor sleeping quality, thus making them unhappy. It’s advised that they take a walk outside when feel restless to relieve anxiety. Keep in mind not to take part in dangerous outdoor activities in 2016, like diving and rock climbing.
Of course that activity admonition should be edited to "stair climbing"
So, since Hellery is a Dog, here is what her love life will be:
Love and Relationships
Ups and downs, conflicts and quarrels
Love life for the Dog people will see their relationships full of ups and downs in 2016 and as thrilling as a roller coaster. Even though they love the person deeply, they sometimes lose their temper over trivial matters. It’s thus best for them to stay calm and level headed to avoid hurting the other party. Those who are singles may not find the right person easily because they are arrogant and inactive in taking positive steps.
News flash! The FBI is wholly owned subsidiary of the KGB. We have no less an authority on this matter than James Caravelle (which is why this can't be less). I take a certain pleasure in watching Caravelle sputter, stutter and see the steam come out of his ears (medical explanation for steamy ear syndrome: over-heating the water on the brain). In fact, that part of the video is worth playing several times.
Weirderer and wierderer: in the same link, right at the beginning you will hear Chris Matthews vehemently denounce Medusa! Say what? How about vociferously denounce the Mad Bomber! Who'd a thunk that?
Meanwhile, Lyin' Loretta is having a bit of a bad time controlling the Department of Injustice. First, feckless Andrew McCabe proved that $675,000 bribe wasn't enough, so the Weasel has put him charge of the Weiner wiener investigation. But the number 2 at DOJ, Clinton and Obama insider Peter Kadzik, who is very fond of risotto Podesta-style, will be over-seeing the FBI investigation into the Sex-Lies-and-Videotape production, co-starring "one of my staffers", Huma Abedin.
Due to miracle of stem cell science, a weasel has been successfully injected and has grown a spine. After which Lyin' Loretta has another attack of lockjaw. For those of you patient enough to watch the video, or to those who wish to skip ahead, the songfest begins at 29:06. Please feel free to sing along.
Since we have started this essay about a Dog running for president, I dedicate this song to the Queen of the Kennel:

Eight years of the most horribly ineffectual AGs in my lifetime.
After experiencing Republican AGs like John Mitchell, Ed Meese, John Ashcroft, or Alberto Gonzales propelling the country ever more rightwards toward authoritarianism, I was looking forward to an era of Democratic governance tacking leftwards, at least back to a center-right that had seen fit to send crooked S & L bankers and Enron executives to jail.
I’m tempted to say: “ineffectual,” spelled “thoroughly corrupt.”
I was also born in the year of the snake 1977
Me, three!
...but the previous cycle.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I am an ox.
Us oxen are tending our gardens, buying tools, laying in supplies, and building fences, which includes the planting of thorny barrier hedgerows. And voting Green.
We tend to look like scruffy nobodies, not worth messing with.
Mary Bennett
I'm Year of the Dog and in my
I'm Year of the Dog and in my distant youth used to have a mug essentially terming us as dumb but loyal... and the only people who have me spitting nails are Clinton-types... and I'm also a Scorpio who's never thrown a dish in her life and (up until lately) rarely gets really (cold, not hot) angry, so far only at those (nearly always in the news as) harming the vulnerable. Go figure!
Psychopaths really are different. But damn, I hate having anything in common with one... the health stuff actually sounds reasonably accurate, although the causes of mine have to do with workplace chemical exposures, exhaustion/sleep deprivation under high stress (elder care of parent w/dementia) and periods of starvation while still in the zombie-zone. I have a good system and would be fine, otherwise.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Everyone is an ox chez Cachola's
My twin sons and moi. Not surprised to learn that oxen are stubborn. Also, "ladies of the ox sign lack femininity." Yep, I have been told that I fight like a man, whatever that means.
Mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur.
Wow. God Bless you Ellen North.
It sounds like you have a lot to contend with. Best Wishes. No hope of help with the elders, I suppose.
I do apparently have some "tells" in common with sociopath profiles, such as liking black coffee, bitter tea, and keeping to myself. I contend that sociopathy, taking pleasure in the pain of others, is a moral choice, not an inherited trait.
Mary Bennett