
The 2nd Debate is taking questions from the Public. This one could change things.

So I registered at https://presidentialopenquestions.com/ and asked this question. I hope we can get a million people or so to vote for the question I submitted. I know dip about social media and youtubing and whatnot, but I think this is a question that, if asked in public, changes a lot of public discussion.

And now a word from the people that brought you the TSA

I'm going to try to limit my outrage to two episodes per day--but I'm sadly failing. Maybe, I'll just have to take some of that stuff Hillary uses on her private jet. This article is a tribute to the same organization that brought us 3 hour waits for "security screenings", enough time for those well-vetted baggage-handlers to throughly pilfer your belongings.

ALERT - DHS: We May Declare Elections System 'Critical Infrastructure'

I interrupt these regular pie fights of nothing burgers with an important update from Sane Progressive and the DHS wanting to declare our election systems "critical infrastructure".

Stop and think about that, if you can pull yourself away from gossiping at the water cooler, what would the "potential" be, if DHS took over our election systems?

Are our elections important to you? Just saying....

Expect more arrests...the oligarchy is getting more uptight

Recent charges against Jill Stein and Amy Goodman are a sign that the oligarchy is warning us that it is going to be rougher from here on. Yes there have been arrests all along, but big oil is worried. The native People are challenging their ability to do as they please and costing them money in the process.

1M to 7.2M voters may lose their right to vote in NOV because of Republican Controlled Crosscheck - 85% of whom are likely persons of color - SAT 9-10-2016 Election Updates - GA, VA, OH, NC, and perhaps 25+ more states

NEW! New nuclear weapons being made in NM! No problem! Not.

I feel like I am in a waking nightmare, with so much happening that seems to be rolling us back to the bad old days.

Back in the 80's we once heard Aussie Dr. Helen Caldicott speak in Austin while she was on a tour promoting doing away with nuclear weapons. She said Americans were suffering from 'psychic numbing' with all the fail and catastrophes that were surrounding each day, and thus were not taking the necessary action destroy nuclear weapons.

A case for not voting

By voting you are making a statement. It may not be the statement you want to make. It is not exercising a constitutional right nor is it an expression of your freedom in a democracy. That's what you are supposed to believe.

If nothing else has been made clear by this year's fiasco it is that the system will only allow you to choose between the candidates that are preselected for you. This has always been the case but it is stark nakedly obvious now.


OK, Wait a minute!

I'm hearing WAY too many people going back to talking about politics as usual, and just accepting that Bernie got screwed over in the primaries, in depth no less, but what do we do NOW? -And honestly, I've found myself getting caught up in that. But at least speaking for myself, that has to end. FULL STOP.
