NEW! New nuclear weapons being made in NM! No problem! Not.

I feel like I am in a waking nightmare, with so much happening that seems to be rolling us back to the bad old days.

Back in the 80's we once heard Aussie Dr. Helen Caldicott speak in Austin while she was on a tour promoting doing away with nuclear weapons. She said Americans were suffering from 'psychic numbing' with all the fail and catastrophes that were surrounding each day, and thus were not taking the necessary action destroy nuclear weapons.

You may recall that along with USSR physicians, she and other members of the IPPNW (International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War) went on to accept the Nobel Prize back then. Consider checking out their website for some good news from the UN on nuclear proliferation action.

Last year had discovered Helen Caldicott again on Facebook, and found that she is even less happy now with American policies than she was back then.

Dr. Jill Stein and 2 others follow

If you scroll on down the twitter search results for 'Helen Caldicott' you will see her called a 'crackpot' etc.

Without question she makes sense to me on this:

Thursday, 18 August 2016 08:02
Anti-Nuclear Advocate Helen Caldicott: "America Still Thinks It Can Win a Nuclear War"

And while wandering around the grounds of the convention center before the festivities began, I ran into Helen Caldecott, an Australian doctor who has bravely spoken out against the use of nuclear weapons ever since the terrible days of America's Cold War. I'm not sure what I was expecting that she would look like -- perhaps Super Girl in a cape? But she was just an ordinary-looking person, like someone you would meet on the street. Until she started speaking to an audience of 300-plus veterans. And then her eyes flashed, her voice rang out like a warning bell and her passion came alive.

"I am a pediatrician," she told us, "and if you love this planet, if you love the next generation of babies, you will change the priority of your lives -- because right now, America's top priority seems to be for us to come as close to nuclear war as we possibly can."

"A baby is a baby is a baby -- born with that beautiful purity of soul. We have to tap into that. But instead our political representatives have become corporate prostitutes. Americans hold the golden key to the future. But instead, Americans are holding the world for ransom with their guns and their bombs." And according to Caldecott, what a lot of bombs we do have!

And as if all those mega-stockpiles of bombs we have now aren't enough, "the government is currently planning to spend one trillion dollars more on replacing every single bomb, tank and missile we own." And if that's not scary enough for ya, America still thinks it can fight and win a nuclear war. No no no and no! The powers that be think that dropping 100 nuclear bombs on 100 cities will win the current war-de-jour for us. "But all that will do is end life on earth."

Safety of the current stockpile has concerned me for years. An article I read in the local paper today while having lunch and free wifi at Whole Foods Market in Santa Fe did little to dispel that concern.

Audit blasts safety tracking at Sandia Labs
Posted: Monday, August 22, 2016 11:15 pm | Updated: 12:02 am, Tue Aug 23, 2016.
By Rebecca Moss
The New Mexican

The article reporting on a study that I read while eating my red chile tacos pointed out, this is not a new problem at the Labs . And now I also read that they are funded to created NEW nukes. Insane.

Obama and the other nutters still driving us on the highway to hell ....

Another Dr., the one I voted for for President last election, had a most important tweet recently with news I had not seen before:

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divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

detroitmechworks's picture

But during the days of the cold war, the US had a strategy that was literally called "M.A.D."

Mutually Assured Destruction.

The sane and logical response was:

That's not a strategy. That's a horrible death spasm.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.

they talked about nukes. Read that in the memoir by Daniel Ellsberg and that was part of the Pentagon Papers I believe. So unbelievably stupid.

I remember arguing MAD with my mother years ago, telling her I saw that as a phenomenal waste of money for something we supposedly never intended to use. Ha, I guess that joke's on me.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

divineorder's picture

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A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.