
New Doc ' Still Berning ' Fills In Some Blanks for #NotMeUs ?

I voted for Jill Stein when she ran against Obama, gave money to Bernie when he ran in the primary, voted for Stein and other Greens by mail awhile back.

Like others here still not happy with the way things turned out with the Sanders campaign and especially not happy with how the DNC did what they did.

Found a new Dutch documentary via Twitter today that was interesting.

The election has served its purpose and the damage is already done.

The role of elections in the system we live in is to distract people from the hard job of surviving the crushing imperialistic oligarchy that dominates everything. It is working very well one more time.

Let us start by recognizing that fascism and imperialism are the epitome of the reductionist philosophy. Break a complex whole into parts and lose the reality of the whole while being fascinated by the parts. Elections are but a part of this scheme, but a central part.

23 New Election links - 2016 Election hacking confirmed - NSA, DHS, and Letter from Reid, Pelosi, Ryan and McConnell; CICJ Book and Support links, CA, AZ and FL updates


Our Elections have been hacked - NBC, AP, ABC, Bloomberg, etc stories

The 2nd Debate is taking questions from the Public. This one could change things.

So I registered at https://presidentialopenquestions.com/ and asked this question. I hope we can get a million people or so to vote for the question I submitted. I know dip about social media and youtubing and whatnot, but I think this is a question that, if asked in public, changes a lot of public discussion.

And now a word from the people that brought you the TSA

I'm going to try to limit my outrage to two episodes per day--but I'm sadly failing. Maybe, I'll just have to take some of that stuff Hillary uses on her private jet. This article is a tribute to the same organization that brought us 3 hour waits for "security screenings", enough time for those well-vetted baggage-handlers to throughly pilfer your belongings.
